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Everything posted by Oubliette_Red

  1. You can always try /getglobalname RezQ then send an email to their @globalname asking about the name. You may or may not get a response. Good luck. :)
  2. There should be an adjustment in the in-game settings. Not currently in the game so can't tell you which tab it's on. Don't even need to be in-game. Just launched and it's on the first tap in Settings under the 'User Interface' section, slider for cursor scale.
  3. Rt-click on Homecoming button in the launcher and select 'Verify' in the popup menu. You can also click on the 3-dots ... at the bottom-rt corner of the Homecoming button.
  4. Not that it should matter but which launcher are you using? Tequila or the HC launcher? Also, servers just went down for maint, so everyone will have a hard time getting back in. <.<
  5. My TA/Water Def... Soda Khan, with Orange, Blue, Red and Root Beer themed costumes and powers. I find him very fun to play but haven't seen many build in the forums for the combo.
  6. Ed zackery! I learned back on Legacy not to split my time buffing between the team and those running off on their own. What's the point of teaming if you're going to play like you are solo'ing a mission?
  7. And the arrow always land in their gluteus maximus.
  8. I'm all for drive by buffage. Do that often on my Kin or Emp. Someone pulling a mob train after them, I'll check their health before I do anything and the level difference between them and the mob. If they are on their last gasp, I might step in and delay/ambush the mob. It could just as easily be that they are running a damaging toggle and passed a mob on the way to their destination, even low conning mobs will chase someone after that and they may choose to ignore them and keep running. Someone pulling a Leroy Jenkins though, that can be a learning experience for said player, don't bite off more than you can chew through.
  9. I do not believe there are tattered shorts, just tattered pants.
  10. Tempestas in Cyathus Water/Storm Corruptor
  11. I too would like to have at the least, clawed hands (not gear) as weapon of choice for the Claws power set. Savage Melee animations and especially the stance does not always fit the theme of a character.
  12. Nah, I'm pretty sure I saw them playing pool in Faultline.
  13. Professor Xavier, he has all those X-men as his minions.
  14. Praetoria - Imperial City Contact: Praetor Sinclair Story Arc: The Power to Control Mission: Finale - This is the End (Single-Player morality mission) After entering the mission you are put into a cutscene with Belladonna and then the morality option to chooses Resistance or Loyalist. Once you make your choice the cutscene disappears and you are left with an empty roof. Even an explorer like myself, I looked around, didn't see anyone and thought the mission was perhaps bugged. I found through another post that you have to jump down off the roof (and travel) to find Belladonna. I reran the mission through Ouro and looked around, eventually finding Belladonna and her co-horts. But here is what I see, on my screen from near the entrance mission: Those ants in the distance, those are the ones you have to talk to/fight. Never saw them the first time I ran the mission. (I chose Resistance so not sure if they rush towards you to fight if you choose Loyalist.) Suggestion: It would be helpful if there were a speech bubble from Belladonna once the cutscene was dismissed to give the player a clue as to where they are.
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  15. Grouping object would be my #1 ask. For what's not on the list, eliminating the teleporter style connection restrictions, allowing the use of the "ech beacons with magic teleporters and vice-versa. While I look the banner look of the magic beacons, my tired, old eyes just can't scan through them as quickly as the crisp, clear images of the tech beacons. A big ask for what's not on the list is having personal "apartments" and physical buildings in each zone with similar aspect as the AE building or the dome in the AP building, where you can literally look out your apartment window onto the city below. The footprint could be restricted to studio, 1br, 2br size to realistically fit within the building.
  16. I just finished up the entire Betrayal side-swapping run in Praetoria the other day. I do not recall any mission with Praetor Duncan in a bar. In Praetoria she goes bu Dominatrix and is the Nova Praetoria trainer, not a contact, so wouldn't be briefing you on much. Perhaps Dark Astoria? She is a contact there.
  17. Right, the popmenus are yours, I was thinking it'd be handy for the Devs to add/make available the command for players.
  18. Would it be possible to get a 'TP to contact' QA power marco added to the freebies popmenu?
  19. MA is more like a... boot to the head...
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