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Everything posted by Oubliette_Red

  1. I managed to pick up Arq for my Elec/NRG Blaster.
  2. You missed one of my personal favourites: Sanguine.
  3. I just checked and 'Name Hoarder' is available on every server. :D
  4. Since I frequent the 'Post Your Best Costume Here!' thread, I will always comment on well done costumes I spot out in the wild.
  5. Bad PUG experiences for me are often caused by: Folks playing solo on a team. If you're going to run off on your own then complain when you've been pounded into the floor, don't bitch and moan to or about about the other players who kept together and covered each others' back. If you can hold your own, fine, if not then the 'G' in PUG stands from Group. Being unfamiliar with a special mechanic is a mission and ignoring instructions on how to deal with it. Not everything in the game requires brute force, some thing require you to use items/kill X but not Y/defeat or destroy item prior to defeating X/etc. Not paying attention. Team activity being advertised 'Kill most or kill all' and players punching straight through to the end.
  6. Hidden entrance to Pocket D in the RWZ/Vanguard base?
  7. And I just imagined him singing "Because I'm... Shinyyyyyy!"
  8. Yeah, I believe they are referring to power GFX, not the aura, confused me when I first read it too, I thought "You literally choose to put an aura on your character, why would there be a Minimum/No FX option?" I agree with having the option for powers GFX, only it'd have to be an Options setting that applied to buffs placed on your character by others since you can't make other players chose the option in their powers customization. Makes me wonder that if we add a comment to our own costume files regarding said power even if we don't own it, would it have any effect. Hmmm... Sadly, adding the parameter for minimal FX Ice Shield to your own power customization file appears to have no effect, I even went to a trainer and loaded the power customization file just to be sure. Fortunately is doesn't seem to break anything either.
  9. The Mods have locked threads that get necro'd if whatever post necro'd it wasn't relevant to the discussion or in some cases the discussion was heated, beat to death, cooled, and resurrected just to stir up more sheit. The Mods don't seem to have an issue with adding relevant info to older threads and I am okay with that. Creating yet another post when there is already an existing post (and sometimes multiple) on the topic is more of a nuisance as it breaks up and fragments useful information.
  10. I read the title as Arachnos Crab Cakes and thought... isn't that cannibalism?
  11. I'd rather have a PEAT and level 50 Praetorian content.
  12. I use it to talk with my friends while we are playing CoH, while we are playing Starfinder, while we are playing Pathfinder. I use the CoH Discord for info that may not be in the forums or are slower to show up there.
  13. Not mine but from the Way Back machine of Legacy CoH forums, I give you an ordinary, average guy just trying to do a job.
  14. Is this or can this be a long-running thing? Where folks can keep submitting and if there be a chance to add the submission down the road? Ex-Widow serving Hero Corps HeroCorps3X-Widow.costume
  15. Sheer Thrill Affiliate Raining Technology
  16. As far as I know, the only limitation is with regards to the Teleport pads and their Beacons. Tech beacons won't connect to magic pads and vise versa. You can on the other hand, fudge it. I like the visibility of the Tech beacons but hate the overly large tech pads so in one of my bases I used Oranbegan portals and placed a Black Hole portal in front of the pad's portal. There's likely a way to do the opposite as well.
  17. I'm on Torch and when I attend the nightly Hami'sm which could be 3 times in a week or 1 in 3 weeks depending on my mood, I usually take a HO on the first run and merits on the second run of the evening then I'm out. We also have SNS (Saturday Night Synapse) every weekend running anywhere from 2-4 leagues plus 1 or more overflow league for people that show up for the Babbages beatdown. Last weekend there were 5 leagues, 28 Babbages, 1 Kronos and enough overflow to spawn a second Skyway. So plenty of merits and mini-monster salvage to go around. Edit: Also, most folks end up with multiple 50's eventually, I'm a slow poke and only have around 5 of them in my roster of around 35 characters. I chose 1 to do the majority of my crafting and marketeering on the AH. She also funds most of my other characters with startup costs, I usually have multiple emails sitting with 5mil for new characters to grab when they are made that way they can get off the ground running from the get-go.
  18. Look for scheduled Hami raids on your server, Hami-O's can go for 5mil or 35mil+ on the AH, if you run them back to back then you get merits after you've snagged an HO.
  19. Or you've spent too much of you life traversing intertwined threads of time wadded up like a ball of yarn that you have become... Unmended
  20. Don't recall if it was at one of the HeroCons or at Comic-Con but I do recall seeing a concert tour-style t-shirt that listed all the issues on the back as Date-Issue Name, don't recall what the art on the front of the t-shirt was, may have been the one of the 4-panel Hero, Villain or Praetorian art.
  21. Yeah, that's why I wait to reveal until after I've hit all the plaques as well as the exploration markers.
  22. Not sure if it matters but which launcher are you using?
  23. I do not believe they can take over a random NPC, but they can appear wearing the visage of pretty much anything in the game.
  24. I pretty much everything but DOs. Some items for less than 10, stuff like salvage I put up in stacks of 5 or 10 for set prices which sometimes sells for close to what I posted, sometimes for 10x what I posted. Recipes I will tend to look at at the going sell price and post accordingly, depending on the ratio of # of folks bidding for item and how many are selling.
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