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Everything posted by Oubliette_Red

  1. Honey-Do is probably the most normal looking character I've ever made, he's long gone though. Got tired of the endless lists of chores.
  2. Another doubled day job is the base portal location in First Ward, standing near it nets you the Survivalist and Monitor Duty. I'm okay with the doubled-up day jobs, whether they are intended or not, I have no clue. That the Predator status doesn't return unless you leave the zone and return is a bigger issue though.
  3. Issue: Predator Day Job status not returning when interrupted by Caregiver/Pain Specialist Day Job 1. Enter Recluse's Victory from Atlas Park's City Hall on a character that does not yet have the Predator day job. 2. Observe the Predator day job in the status bar. 3. Ascend to the top floor of the base and approach the resurrection pads until the Caregiver/Pain Specialist day job appears in the status bar. 4. Move away from the resurrection pads and move about the base. Results: The Predator day job does not return to the status bar once the Caregiver day job status discontinues. If you exit Recluse's Victory back into Atlas Park and return to Recluse's Victory the Predator day job status will appear as expected. Verified that the same occurs in Warburg, Siren's Call, and Bloody Bay. If you approach the Black Helicopter in Warburg, Siren's Call, and Bloody Bay will get you both the Pilot and Predator day jobs statuses to appear. When you leave the area of the Black Helicopter, the Predator day job status will remain.
  4. Screenshot. Get Global. Report. Update ticket with screenshot. Move on.
  5. I just thought... what if we had a command to replace X material with Y material, example the walls with clear window glass... ...then I chuckled evilly.
  6. I can see how BNY would be annoying, Now had it been a mini-me Warwolf, that would have bee hi-larious.
  7. This went south quickly... IBTL
  8. Perhaps it's that thing where some of us remember events one way when it wasn't really that way.
  9. https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Kill_Skuls_Badge Hey Alexa, what sound does a trombone make?
  10. Nah, I rely on the tools that the game provides courtesy of drops, conversions or the market.
  11. Report. Remove. Go. Hunt. Kill Skuls.
  12. Heck, we all learn something new every day. I recently learned that Geyser will ignite Oil Slick. And a friend that I've played with almost since Homecoming launched and even longer back on Legacy CoH just learned that you can resize your map by detaching it from the Nav bar. :D
  13. This is what I came here to mention, while exploring passageways, it was off-putting to hear the bases exterior defenses and Rikti portals blaring overhead. I'm thinking that the base as a whole needs to be sunk down further into the RWZ zone space.
  14. Glad to hear you had such a great experience. Regarding the super group colours, You don't have to actually use the costume editor. If you open up your SG window a click on 'Settings' you'll see the colours at the bottom of the page, You can then toggle between your original costume colours and the SG colours. Granted, creating a costume in those colours allows you to change at the drop of a hat. It's also where you can go to toggle off the emblem as it wall remove any current chest piece option.
  15. Yep. Protectorites were known to be a bit crazy. Used to be a Youtube video of them spawning a Kronos in Steel then dragging it to the burning building.
  16. Ditto.
  17. I was on my ex-Praetorian over in Imperial City and someone was calling out in Help that they had made their way here but then didn't know how to get back to Primal Earth. They were unfamiliar with the area so I went down to Precinct 4, sent them a team invite and had them follow me to Studio 55. Showed them the portal behind the ramp around to the right and took them through to Pocket D. They then asked about getting to Faultline and I showed them the sewer lid that would get them there. They already had an LRT so I let them know that they can get an exploration badge in the donut on top of the buildting to the east of the exit from Pocket D, but they could also get to Skyway through the tunnel and the tram not too far from that. It's fun having new people around to impart a little wisdom and info, even an impromptu tour.
  18. Please tell me he has a chain of seafood restaurants. 😂 Wouldn't that be cannibalism?
  19. Also vulnerable to the burning building in Steel Canyon. :D
  20. Otherwise known as the 'Is it Tuesday?" thread. :D
  21. I was going to bring up the same thing. Perhaps as a dropdown selection on the final CC screen (ID) before entering the game, which is also available from the Menu within the game.
  22. I'd imaging that on the forums, people having the same names would get a bit confusing. As for in-games names, I believe you want this section: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/forum/45-suggestions-amp-feedback/
  23. Anyone can make a suggestion and anyone on the forums, player, Mad, or Dev can provide feedback. If the 'Suggestions & Feedback' section was not meant to include player feedback on other's suggestions, then it would have been set up like support tickets system. Same goes for replies in just about any other thread on the forums.
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