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Everything posted by Oubliette_Red

  1. Support Your Local Sheriff One of my favourite scenes from the movie.
  2. I know someone who does. Has more 50's than I have characters. Seems like every time I turn around they are on a new character, or on one who's name I don't recognize that can be anywhere from L 15-50. I recall someone posting a macro to more easily create emails to yourself with inf, don't recall who or where. Sadly, it doesn't work if your global has a space in it and in over 4 years no one has been able to get it to work.
  3. Not laughing at you, but your first sentence certainly gave me a chuckle.
  4. Very late in responding to this, but I've seen this when my graphics settings are turned down, which I tend to do during SNS and sometime forget to turn back up afterwards.
  5. Water in Peregrine Island at higher graphic setting missing a layer. Easiest way to see this is without Advanced Graphics Settings enabled and the Graphics slide set to middle or higher. LOC: 1544.9 14.3 -4101.8
  6. My Ars/Cold Controller Arctic Tock
  7. Rolled a 1 on their Perception, I see.
  8. My mind went elsewhere when I read the title and I thought, I'd love to have a Mini @GM_GooglyMoogly in game.
  9. Now I miss all the good food I could get on the west coast, and decent fish 'n chips. Where I'm at now your only options for fried fresh fish is catfish, maybe some trout, and catfish. Oh, and the German beer garden that had a market out front where I could get oodles and oodles of REAL Haribo gummies of all kinds (along with a lot of of great European food, but I went for the gummies).
  10. My laptop is running a GTX 1070, heck I believe my desktop is as well but it's still in a box from the move. Hami raids don't cause much of a issue, but SNS makes my laptop cry. 😄
  11. Agreed. I loath other MMO's that tie appearance (gear) to stats. That's the beauty of CoH, your can be a diminutive tween, rockin' kick-ass 'boot to the head' blows, crushing the enemies of Paragon City, a larger-than-life flying celestial bovine healing the populace, or an undead summoner of demons looking to subjugate the world.
  12. You forgot Nerf Herding.
  13. Thanks PK! I'm sure folks will find these helpful.
  14. Some of us like to explore. I posted a screenshot of it a while back. I think @Glacier Peak gave away too much info, I'm a little more miserly when it comes to giving out hints on things or places I find. I mean what's the point of a hunt if people don't have to hunt for it. 🙂
  15. Found this one within a mission from an RWZ contact.
  16. Pretty much this. I do not believe it can provide a possible mission entrance until you have chosen a mission, then depending on the enemy group it will randomly choose from the zone's available mission doors that match the enemy group. When I get entrances that are '40th and Plumb', I'll usually abandon them and pick up another one.
  17. It's hard to tell from this angle, but that doesn't look like America's 4ss.
  18. It's Netflix, so it'll probably be cancelled after the 2nd season.
  19. In the RWZ There are also tons of these throughout the game, I call them hidden clickies as you only come across them if you happen to hover your cursor oven them.
  20. Oh no, it's the TONE POLICE. Whatever. Log in to your moderator account and close the thread or stop wasting my time with your crybaby nonsense. Isn't it time for your HOA meeting?
  21. Min-Max'ing and downsides seems like an odd argument to bring into this. Some folks, like myself, spend a good deal of time on creating the looks of our characters and can't stand looking like a walking ice-cube. Other, like myself, get headaches from some of the FX chosen by others or that there is no minimal FX option. My most obnoxious character, a Bubbler named Rainbow Sherbet puts out giant, obnoxiously fluorescent, pink/green/orange soap bubbles and I can only tolerate to play her for an hour at most. For everything else I create where effects are applied to others (as well as my own character), I tend to be a minimalist. Back during Legacy, before they gave us water-based powers, I used fire for my water/time themed character. Coloured properly fire actually made a pretty good substitute. So powerset themes be damned, because any of us may have our own take on it.
  22. I had no idea that Richard Pryor was a co-writer on Blazing Saddles (or maybe I did and I just forgot, growing old sucks) until I read this article just recently Mel Brooks Quit Blazing Saddles For Three Days Out Of Protest because he wanted Pryor to play the role of Black Bart and only relented when Pryor backed Cleavon Little. Happy 50th Anniversary to BLAZING SADDLES!
  23. I'm all for having minimal FX option for any power.
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