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Everything posted by Oubliette_Red

  1. I played EQ with a few friends for three months, the final nail in the coffin was when I was running to catch up with them on one of the transport boats. Just before it set sail they decided to hop off and I hopped on just as it transitioned, leaving me to sink or swim in an endless ocean. Since it was a zone you weren't supposed to be able to access nothing had a visible presence. This was before you could swim from island to island. I didn't want to lose my loot, as meager as it was at the time so after my endurance ran out I'd sink and before I drowned I'd regain enough End to dog paddle some more. This went on for 3 hours. I'm a crappy slow typist so there were no long conversations with other players other than calling out to anyone that was on a boat and it's LOC to which I'd dog paddle, sink, drown, dog paddle towards. Eventually, to the surprise to those on board, I majikally appeared on deck. While I could not see the boat, it literally ran right over me. That was pretty much the end of my EQ days, gave all my shit away and logged out for the last time.
  2. Like most of the others have posted here, I keep my map open all the time. Most of the the time our group stays in close proximity, I tend to play support so keeping track of my teammates is a given, expect for the one person that may have a tendency to run off ahead/turn right when the rest of the team turned left/jumped ahead to the next mob and bites off more they can chew, when they face plant I tend to laugh, if they ask why I didn't heal them I laugh harder. I follow the tank/aggro magnet, not the soloist on the team and learned way back in Legacy that splitting up my support between players that can be rooms away is ineffective.
  3. So, are you saying that because you think they are overpowered, rather than just not using them yourself you want them changed to impact everyone that does use them?
  4. One deserving a remake that should follow more closely to the book and could be a spectacular production with today's technology. When Worlds Collide with a follow up of After Worlds Collide by Balmer and Wylie published in 1932, they were very forward thinking and much of that was glossed over or skipped entirely in the 1951 movie.
  5. Bingo. Very much Bingo. Bingo was its name-o. (did I mention bingo?) Let us not forget that having a sub will not grant the volunteers any more time to work on fixes and features that they currently have.
  6. If you are a fan of motorcycles, racing and/or Steve McQueen... McQueen was a huge motorcycle aficionado and racer himself, a lot of people think that he died from smoking but he actually died from complications due to mesothelioma caused by the asbestos in the brake pads.
  7. Speaking of Peter Ustinov... The sets were awesome. I'm not sure I'd go for a remake of They Live, perhaps a sequel.
  8. Also, it's pretty rotten of your team to not wait for your return to finish of the TF/SF.
  9. It's most annoying when we all climb out of the same elevator. STOP PUSHING ME!
  10. Not just f*** no, but /jranger
  11. Please explain how this would be beneficial. Past Protectorite and current Torcher, I've not heard any tales of endless failed Trials due to lack of players, for instance, the multi-League SNS would like to refute your comment. This sounds like a you problem.
  12. We've got a couple of different movie threads at this point, so here is one more. 🙂 I've been thinking for a while now about what movies I think could do with a remake and my first candidate for consideration would be Hopscotch synopsis - Miles Kendig knows too much. One of the CIA's top international operatives, he suddenly finds himself relegated to a desk job in an agency power play. Unwilling to go quietly, Kendig, with the aid of a chic Viennese widow, puts himself back in the game by writing a memoir exposing the innermost secrets of every major intelligence agency in the world. I'd love to see this remade with Daniel Craig and Dame Judi Dench, replacing CIA with MI-5.
  13. I agree with the MMO thing, but there have been instances where gamers have lost access to their single-player games especially when they were digitally purchased or were on cloud servers such as what happened with Stadia, there's also been shady company tactics with companies putting out single-player games that still require you to be online. I recall being incredibly annoyed when I bought a physical copy of Skyrim and it required me to create an account on Steam to play it.
  14. There are a couple of threads and makers of higher rez icons up in https://forums.homecomingservers.com/forum/60-tools-utilities-amp-downloads/
  15. While in first person view (camdist 0) using /camdist # (any distance greater than 0) or using the 'PgDn' key has no effect and does not zoom out/reset the camera view. Log onto any character. Hit 'B' key (since default keybind is camdist 0) In chat type "/camdist 20" Results: Camera distance remains unchanged. It does not matter how first person view is achieved, either camdist, keybind or scroll wheel, using /camdist # to change camera view to any other distance or the 'PgDn' key to reset the camera does not work.
  16. Routers provided by an ISP are typically the cheapest PoS they can get, it's usually best to get your own.. Also, when I have issues like this I'll hard reset my router be unplugging the power for 30 seconds or holding in the reset button for 15s. I have found that using '/noparticles 1' during really heavy gfx loads like the SNS helps.
  17. Regarding the posting of CoH videos: Code of Conduct: Video & Streaming policy for all the verbiage. The ToS reiterates the same, don't post videos that violate the ToS or CoC and must not be behind a pay wall.
  18. I think it depends on which Arachnos base type it is, the chain-link fence walled bases I'm sure use the limited visibility to hide the big-empty space around the base. A view from the outside:
  19. It'd be nice to have Praetorian bots as an option for MMs, it would make sense on my Praetorian MM. It'd also be nice if colourization on Demons actually coloured the demons flames, if not tinting the demons themselves.
  20. What @Rudra means is that you should post geometry issues here: Also, use the '/loc' command in-game to pinpoint your location, which makes it much easier for devs to locate than a map screenshot. 🙂
  21. Hopping on the Marine canoe with my Earth/Marine Controller Billabong
  22. If regarding the Aether Shop Tier 3 & 4 costumes, they are not costume pieces but costume powers giving you the appearance of a group in the game, like a Talon of Vengeance or Goldbricker or Legacy Rikti. It's like the Halloween costumes or the costume some missions put you in that changes your appearance but nothing else. The latest Tier 4 costume is a block appearance and you can see them in the Issue 28, Page 1 post. You can seen some of the available costumes in the Aether Shop here: https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Prismatic_Aether_Particle_Salvage#Tier_4_-_Deluxe_Costumes And if you want to check out the costumes, you can hop on the test server, grant yourself Prismatic Aether and buy the costumes. Or Monstrous Aether to check out the mini pets.
  23. We have some of our own Stateside
  24. It would be a draw, as they are one in the same.
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