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Everything posted by Oubliette_Red

  1. Sony to Hasbro: "Hold my beer."
  2. Yeah, I went there. It's a horrible movie, but I watch it anyway. It has it's moments, like when Hal Jordan stops being Ryan Reynolds and has a serious moment when he's being beaten down by Parallax, reciting the oath.
  3. Issue: When the Troll Rave in Skyway activates at the southern location west of the Southern Transit Station, the trolls will spawn somewhere to the north at a lower elevation than the rave site then get stuck in a loop jumping up on the tram track (at 2 different cross-support sections) and falling to the ground, never making it to the rave. Trolls spawn should be moved to the west where they can more easily hop a fence and run up the road.
  4. It is in Options - Windows tab - Reticle section, 3rd option from the bottom 'Personal Player name'. Click on 'Hidden' to toggle to 'Show always'.
  5. The Legacy devs ran the name release twice and according to one of them when asked at one of the HeroCon events, stated that of all the names released (I can't recall how many it was), that on the 1st run less than 10% of the released names had been reclaimed, on the second run it was even lower. It would be interesting to know, when/if the HC devs get around to running their name release code, what percentage of names released are actually claimed.
  6. https://www.pcmag.com/news/sony-playstation-accounts-no-longer-required-helldivers-2-pc-players Would they have about-faced if Steam hadn't offered refunds to the players no matter how long they have played?
  7. My preference is to confuse the Singularity and eat popcorn while is bounces the boss around.
  8. A lesson from Jabberwocky is: Do not move the cheese. The simpler solution is to just follow the cheese. Regarding people like the one the OP mentions...
  9. These are the summons I've gotten on my main. I was surprised when I got Recluse and he brought his own minion. Also, when I had Black Scorpion and swapped to blue-side, he converted to BaBs when I entered Atlas Park.
  10. It could also send you here, so be wary...
  11. Yep, that was me. I noticed the beret right after it was added, but not the helmet until last week sometime. Indeed, a much appreciated addition to the costume creator. 🙂
  12. Not seeing the Patch notes for the Anniversary event. Q: Where do Praetorians redeem their Anniversary tokens?
  13. Probably one of my favourite animated shorts, The Backwater Gospel from from The Animation Workshop.
  14. The Plan In the beginning was the Plan. And then came the Assumptions. And the Assumptions were without form. And darkness was upon the face of the Workers. And they spoke among themselves, saying, "It is a crock of shit, and it stinketh." And the workers went unto their Supervisors and said, "It is a pail of dung, and none may abide the odour thereof." And the Supervisors went unto their Managers, saying, "It is a container of excrement, and it is very strong, such that none may abide by it." And the Managers went unto their Directors, saying, "It is a vessel of fertilizer, and none may abide its strength." And the Directors spoke amongst themselves, saying one to another, "It contains that which aids plant growth, and it is very strong." And the Directors then went onto the Vice Presidents, saying unto them, "It promotes growth and is very powerful." And the Vice Presidents went unto the President, saying unto him, "This new plan will actively promote the growth and vigour of the company; with powerful effects." And the President looked upon the Plan, and saw that it was good. And the Plan became Policy. This is How Shit Happens.
  15. I didn't think the event was supposed to start until the 1st of May? I know patch notes are going up on the 30th, per the announcement.
  16. Thanks for the screenshots. I didn't join CoH until later on so I never saw the Rikti Mothership prior to it's crashing or how the Rikti looked back in those days. Looked like a blast.
  17. For me, it depends on the character. Some, I've looked up and used build guides for while other's I just play as is, especially if the recommended build guides takes away or removes abilities that I regularly use with said character and it's really an integrated part of their personality. An example is Illusion, I've seen builds that leave out Flash when it's a go-to on a couple of my characters for reasons. I play quite a few support class characters, some provide support through debuffs and buffs like Poison and Kinetics and if I can debuff an enemy through the floor but not doing any real damage, leaving all the grunt work to my teammates, I still like I'm being effective.
  18. I have Tarnished Titan on another server, though he's not based on Colossus.
  19. Immersion is a big part of not using voice. It's fine if you are playing something like GTA Online where you don't care about the character's identity. But yeah, I know no one wants to hear a 52 year old voice come out of a youngish looking toon. Funny, I play with friends and we are always in Discord and they will voice their characters in roleplay regardless of the character's sex and it never broke immersion for me. I suppose I'm more apt to focus on what was being said than by who. I mean are not audio books usually voiced by one person? And all of a sudden, the weird grey matter between my ears wonders what an audio book of Little Women voiced by R. Lee Ermey would sound like... ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
  20. Along with Memphis_Bill, Samuraiko aka Dark_Respite, 8baller, ChristopherRobin, Hyperstrike, and Thor's Assassin. To name a few.
  21. Delilah Bon - Finally See Me Normally not a fan of this music style, but this works and I really enjoyed it.
  22. It's a good thing that much of the player base is still self-policing and reporting these occurrences when they spot them.
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