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Everything posted by Oubliette_Red

  1. Speak of the Devil and hear the flapping of leathery wings. Maint moved to Thu which will include the start of the Winter Event.
  2. I have to say, it looks funny to me haven't watched it yet though.
  3. Nope, though it has been asked for.
  4. I used one of the Talon heads and the Viper face pattern.
  5. My new little goth Claws/EA scrapper - HELL NO KITTY
  6. Claws/EA Scrapper - Hell No Kitty
  7. This is why I have a Macro on one of my tool bars. /macro_image "DayJob_XPBoost" "XP Toggle" "option_toggle noxp" Saves on the typing in chat for the command or going into settings every time you want to toggle XP off/on.
  8. ^^This. I've probably put on ignore in-game, maybe 2 or 3 people since I started playing HC in early 2019. Generally folks are fairly helpful with info or even joining a team to help a player through a mission giving them a pounding. Here in the forums discussions can get very heated (could be bordering toxic to some I suppose). With new players I've seen this happen with they posts commenting on some in-game mechanic, powerset, or perceived issue with the incomplete or non-existent knowledge of the game's mechanics/design, to which knowledgeable veteran players will provide details on the why and whatfore, and the OP doubles down. After that, all bets are off.
  9. If I recall correctly, CoH also had one of the highest retention rates of any MMO. People would continue to pay their subs even if they didn't log in for 6 months stretches. I recall all the doom-n-gloom when they switched to the hybrid model, I wasn't too sure about it myself when I first heard about it but then when details were shared about what was being provided (might have been during a HeroCon or meet-nogreet, don't exactly recall) I thought it was pretty even-keeled. Subs weren't losing out and Premium/F2P players could enjoy the majority of the game. Every MMO I've played since then wasn't nearly as generous with accessibility, I found most were overly stingy and made playing with friends nearly impossible. I think the push for the Incarnate stuff was to fill the desire of players that wanted more "end-game/raid" content, which compared to most other MMO's CoH didn't have much to speak of.
  10. Picked up two this evening Fallen - Fire/Dark Dom Slay Bells - Symp/Sonic Dom
  11. Folks can report all they want, but if my Spectre* isn't wearing a green hooded cloak and green undies over a white uni, then it's a non-issue. *I don't actually have the name
  12. Devs, I hereby dub thee 'Glorious Liberators of Names'.
  13. I want what you're drinking.
  14. Guilty as charged. 😁
  15. I managed to snag 'Rasp' for my ex-Shredder over in Praetoria. Only one I was really interested in getting.
  16. I was only looking to pick up one name and managed to get it, now I'm just sitting in Outbreak watching new characters pop in and out. lol
  17. Sorry to hear that. I was only looking to nab 1 name on Torch and happened to get it. Now I'm just going to hang out in Outbreak and watch all the new character pop in and out.
  18. Seems like his talent got him a gig for a while on the BBC's Fast and Loose show
  19. Thank you for posting this. Yes, quite a few people share this slash command each week and I believe it does help somewhat. For those that are reaching maximum density on trays with powers slotted, you can also just type /noparticles 1 or 0 to toggle it on/off.
  20. Personally, I just don't like seeing it, most especially on characters that have back stories. And while everyone is speculating on why they did it, I'm sure many of the RP'rs were equally annoyed by it's presence.
  21. Illusion/Storm Controller Mis Information <.< >.> Too soon? Technically, I didn't make them even thought the name was available, figured it might go over like a lead balloon. 🙂
  22. Friend + Friend + Friend and sometimes + Friend + Friend + Friend
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