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Everything posted by Oubliette_Red

  1. Outleveling a contact.
  2. I used it heavily on my Praetorian that did an All-faction run, took 42 hours of game play.
  3. The XP lock exists. It's actually difficult to impossible to outlevel content if you remember to use it. Goldside is even worse, that's why I add a macro to my toolbar on most of my characters. /macro_image "DayJob_XPBoost" "XP Toggle" "option_toggle noxp" This gives me a nice, little toggle for turning XP off/on rather than going to Options or using a command every time.
  4. I believe spaces also count towards the character limit.
  5. I'd put Enterprise above Voyager, mostly due to Janeway. Not because of Mellgrew or being a female captain but because she struck me as a Star Trek Hermione Granger, an insufferable know it all. I often found myself wondering why she had a crew. Robert Picardo was the one saving grace of Voyager for me. Another reason I side with Enterprise over Voyager is that it broke away from the Roddenberry optimistic view that the STU Federation was exceedingly peaceful. Much of Enterprise predates the creation of the Federation of Planets (if memory serves me correctly) and while there was the beginning of the Prime Directive being observed by Archer and the crew, they were willing to suspend their morals when the fate of Earth was in the balance. Very much like the DS9 episode 'In the Pale Moonlight', probably one of my favourite episodes of the entire franchise.
  6. School House Rock - With lyrics by Weird Al and Lin-Manuel Miranda
  7. I actually enjoyed Enterprise until the Alien Vampire Nazis.
  8. I don't think it's that kind of ring. <.< >.>
  9. Nah, I believe Torch was the 1st server so their population should get preference in retaining names.
  10. I'd like to welcome our fellow Sister/Brothers/Themsters to our HC family! Feel free to hop over to Torch for our SNS (Saturday Night Synapse) Madness where we shoot to be overpass deep in Babbage wreckage on a regular basis.
  11. I want to take this moment to welcome our Victory Sisters/Brothers/Themsters to our family.
  12. I love cow names, though I currently only have one bovine character, Wholy, whom I had back on Legacy as well. I did have Moosic at one point when Symphony Control came out but I wasn't diggin's the powerset at the time so I put him out to pasture. I've though up others but likely never get around to using them. Deja Moo Cowptain Crunch/Hook/ T. Nille Moodini
  13. For some, it's more about the stance and the VFX that comes with some of them just don't fit with whatever character. I've got a MA/Nin Stalker with Min/No VFX on pretty much everything, but Ninja Run still has a wisp of VFX trailing behind her and I would love to have a non-drug use version of Adrenal Booster.
  14. I was not there but I hear the record was broken and 31 Babbages were dismantled last night. Outstanding folks!
  15. Am I the only one that thinks the gingerbread dolls should be gingerbread cats? <.< >.> =^‥^=
  16. Image posting will eat it up quick, that's why I started using imgur early on and placing BBcode links in posts instead. 5.5 years and just a little over half way through my limit.
  17. With the other MMO's I've played I always compared them to CoH (Legacy or HC, doesn't matter) and always found them lacking CoH's QoL features. Sidekicking/exemplaring was probably one of the biggest ones, want to join your friends on any character? Go for it. So many times whilst I was playing DDO with a friend, DDO's mechanics or poor design left me saying "That's so stupid", so much so that I just starting saying "That's so DDO." Played New World for a bit, it's very pretty but there was nothing that kept my attention. Having story arcs ending in missions that require a set number of players? Fail. I don't care to mention the others as I'm gonna go play a 20yo, dead, niche game now.
  18. I am groot. Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.
  19. I hop on my little plague carrier and hit the popular municipal bodies of water. Ramiel gets particularly annoyed, as he has to drain the pool.
  20. One thing I do is hit areas that in general are rarely visited. Just the other night a friend and I were running Max's arc in Dark Astoria and I know I've played through all the content back during legacy, I honestly cannot recall these missions so it was new and shinny in a Dark Astoria kind of way. Also, while it's generally kind of a ghost town I enjoy playing through Praetoria content either solo or teaming with a friend or two. While I never really could get back into RP'ing in HC I liked to play my Praetorians as though I were, so they would usually stick to a path with regards to their Gold-sider alignment, like my ex-Shredder that offered up her crew to Neuron in order to get jacked up herself to become more powerful.
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