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Everything posted by Voltor

  1. HE CAME!........I SAW HIM!......... I KICKED HIS CHASSIS! ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED THIRTY BADGES!! That's every badge in the game! (At least for now!)
  2. Believe me I know all about the Swiss Draw problems, I used to run swiss draw matches back in the old days 🙂
  3. everything i've ever read states the AT's have to be specific, we'll see
  4. So I am thinking hosting weekly arena events where we can obtain some of the elusive/buggy badges in the game, the Arena badges. Therefore starting this Tuesday, March 31st at 9pm Eastern time I shall do some arena hosting. The plan is to work the Pentad badge either via a Pentad or Septad gathering in the arena, then after both teams win that badge, we break up into teams of 3 to work the Arena Survivalist badge for winning a Battle Royale and then if there are at least 8 people left in the gathering after those two badges I can run the group through the buggy arena to get Tournament Victor/Swiss Draw badge. I know the Arena is buggy, but I am confident I can work around the bugs to get us the badges. Please note that Swiss Draw is the buggiest one of them all. This first Arena badge farm shall be in Pocket D, Tuesday March 31st at 9pm Eastern, provided that enough sign up for it. So below is the sign up list for those that are interested in going for the Pentad arena badge, it requires two teams of 5, but each team can only be ONE of each Hero/Villain AT, except for the VEATS and Khelds. Also the alignment of the AT doesn't matter, just what AT it is Please indicate toon name and AT 1. Tank: 2. Scrapper: 3. Blaster: 4. Controller: 5. Defender: Team two: 1. Brute: I shall be bringing the brute 2. Stalker 3. Mastermind 4. Dominator 5. Corruptor EDIT: to clarify, this is not my first rodeo with the arena 🙂
  5. 16th Anniversary badge name ideas: 1. Homecoming 2. Forever 3. Wonderland 4. Bliss 5. Legendary
  6. Enter rest mode then eat about 10 break frees then you can move into the lava
  7. Hm free movement without alignment.....no. To do that would nearly defeat the purpose of alignments in the first place.
  8. The Psionic Brass Conduits are clockwork bosses that send energy to the Paladin that make it invulnerable to attack. Until all 12 are defeated you cannot fight the Paladin. Conduits can be taken down with relative ease, the real trick is finding them and noting their locations which are always the same.
  9. The Efficiency Expert badge is easy to get, the main problem is if you suffer a power or internet connection failure that doesn't get resolved in time. So adding this to Ouroborus would be good. Arena: debug it and add the ability to have "arena bots" to fight in lieu of actual players. Not sure what you mean by unlock explore badges for everyone, at level 1 if you are a stalker you can go anywhere except the Hive, and Abyss, and PVP Zones. so at level 1 you could ghost around and rack up a lot of map badges and plaques. Also a badge that I try t forget how much I hate is the Avoids the Green Stuff in the Keys Trial. I grow weary of people not turning off their TP prompt, or having alleged lag spikes that keep them from moving away in time and thus costing that badge for the whole league. Incandescence is great to have in that trial but ti doesn't guarantee a badge win. Can be adjusted to fail only for the person or persons that get trapped and not the whole league?
  10. Anniversary badges are per alt, not account wide. So when May rolls around and the next Anniversary badge is active log all your alts in to get it on all of them,
  11. Yep 100 merits each, stock up on merits for all alts that you want to get them on, or convert merits to hero merits for easy transfer to an alt who can then flip them back into regular merits.
  12. Favorite badges? hard to say there are many. The easiest ones to get are the map badges and plaque badges. The only map badge that is a mild problem to get is the Unabashed badge from atop the Rikti ship which requires a ship raid. No big deal. Among my least favorite: 1. Buddy: for 100 Hami buds. I don't like Hami raids, and repeat runs of LGTF get monotonous. 2. Warburg Rocket badge, I made a post a week or so back about how the launch rocket 10 times requirement should be lowered to either 3 or 5. The war burg rockets are basically unnecessary to have as a temp power, and getting the launch codes involves escorting 3 techs through a hazard zone. Can't use stealth or run too fast as you have to back to get them and of course the potential for other players to interfere. It should be changed to either the techs giving the codes upon being rescued, or only one tech needed instead of 3, or else change badge criteria to 5 or 3 instead of 10. 3. The Arena Badges: first the Arena is in need of being debugged as it tends to lock up and not launch matches which is a shame as I'd rather PvP in the arena then in the zones. Also the Swiss Draw match was broken before the game went dark and unless you know the trick to getting it, which is not an exploit but simply understanding the glitch in the award system of the badge then it cannot be obtained. Also needing 8 people for it can be a hindrance. Add the ability to spawn "Arena bots" to fight in lieu of players. The player still needs to defeat the bots to get the badge but they can still solo the arena when other players cannot be found. 4. The Paladin event in Kings Row, any time frame for repair? As for new badges, well map and plaques for Kallisti Wharf would be nice. Also, given that Summer Blockbuster is year round and that Nul the Gull can warp us to special areas that currently serve no purpose, perhaps Nul can be used to warp people to the special version of Atlas where it is always Halloween and have some of the Halloween event running like the Haunted House?
  13. Well it took some time, but I was able to map out and create a map of all 12 locations of the Psionic Brass Conduits.
  14. Seriously, this badge can be monotonous to pursue: 1. In Warburg go underground, 2. Rescue a tech 3. escort the tech above ground and across warburg to the terminal to get a third of the launch code 4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 two times. 5. Return underground to generate launch code 6. launch rocket repeat the above Nine more times for the badge. Suggested changes would be: 1. Nerf badge requirement to 5 launches OR 2. Enable us to escort all 3 techs at once OR 3. Have the tech give us the piece of the code as soon as they are freed.
  15. The event has not happened yet, I stand at 1529 badges and await the event for the final badge. https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Nemesis_Plot_Invasion_Event Looks like Nericus' memory is right. May was when it ran, the game returned last May and May is anniversary month. Can't wait to crush that Dr Doom inspired tin can into tin foil!
  16. Voltor


    Sometimes just walking in the door isn't enough, you need to walk to the registrar desk and make sure the Demagogue icon is showing under your health/stamina bars. This did happen to me with an alt that was parked in the crey building in nerva once.
  17. Avid reader: be L50 and have completed an incarnate trial and then keep talking with Prometheus until badge dings VIP/Destined One/Praetorian Son-Daughter: If memory serves you must start in Praetoria for that one to be Praetorian titled
  18. You ahve an interesting idea, but given how I feel about the dayjobs.....I would rather be level 1 and completely debuffed facing all the giant monsters. :)
  19. Sounds like Mu Guardian or Sky raider force field generator badge for gladiators. Get an arachnos mission and farm it on max spawn size to get some guardians. run market crash trial to get the sky raiders
  20. Minor note: I had an alt of mine PL'd from 25 to 30 to obtain the Valentine mission from Ms Liberty, turns out you can get the mission from her if you have dinged Level 30 but not yet trained to 30. However the mission is still level 30 so yes, training to 30 is still recommended.
  21. Shifting Loyalties: You have changed your alignment so many times no one knows for sure if you are a hero, vigilante, rogue or villain. Change your alignment 100 times, The caveat to this badge is that it tracks only 5 alignment changes in a 24 hr period, thus reducing the Nul the Gull farming. Forever Loyal: You are truly loyal to your alignment. Stay true! Earn this badge by doing 50 morality missions that reaffirm your alignment. Caveat is that if you ever change alignment prior to getting this badge you can never get it. First to the Egg!: You have obtained every active badge in City of Heroes, congratulations! But remember, reality is what's real! (Bug Hunter does not count towards this)
  22. Some of those "new Ones" are badges from the old days that had to be adjusted to be attainable in the new era, such as the Doorbuster badge
  23. Also, ran a quick test. Delivering valentines is a solo endeavor. Progress for the badge only counts for the one who had teh valentine delivered, teammates gain no progress.
  24. Just noticed that Valentine tips will drop while in an architect mission. I do not recall them doing that back in the day
  25. Okay so, the way it stands now is that the Paladin Giant Monster of Kings Row is supposed to spawn at random times like other Giants and we are to go to the northern section of KR, smash the Psychic Conduits that shield it, then smash Paladin. But the new version of Paladin is bugged. Now he can only be obtained once when a new section of Kings Row opens due to KR1 being full or right after server restart when some people zoom into KR and hunt him down. The old method of Paladin was that at random times, clockwork would gather in one of 3 spots in KR and start to build the Paladin. The goal was to stop the construction and you would get the badge. If Paladin was built it would go stomping around KR and no badge for defeating it. If players failed to stop its construction and did not take him down, there would eventually be 3 paladin's in KR and no more events until 1 or all 3 were defeated. Players back in the day were a bit loathe or sometimes just unwilling to take a few minutes to take down the Paladins so that the clock would restart. But taking them down was easy, either defeat them or pull them to a drone. So, which one did you prefer? Also is it possible to revert the Paladin to preshut down version until the new one is debugged?
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