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Everything posted by BrandX

  1. I've never seen a lacking of ATs. See them all, all the time. Do I get them all on my team at one time? Not always.
  2. Yes, but it was explained, that the basic ATs count in one category. Only the VEATS/HEATS count in three. So, they have to go somewhere. It's not based on strength in meta numbers on it.
  3. Goes back to what I said. You're picking a specific set. That's not the Corruptor as a whole. That's picking specific sets and then going "I'm a Troller now"
  4. Did testing on the pylons on the side of the RWZ building for my DB/FIRE Scrapper. Respawned quick. Yes, others can jump in (didn't happen to me) to, of course, ruin your testing, but there are three of them close together. May be an issue for MMs with how close they are? Or anyone with pets?
  5. I wouldn't call Corruptors a Control Class even if you can pick sets that give some control. Fire/Empathy isn't giving you control. If anything, I'd move Corruptors to Support, not Range Damage. Tanks: Tank - Brute - PB - WS Melee: Scrapper - Stalker - PB - Soldier - Widow Range: Blaster - Sentinel - PB - WS - Soldier - Widow Control: Controller - Dominator - WS - Widow Support: Defender - Corruptor - Mastermind - Soldier I wouldn't let Corruptor's Primary put them as Support. I also wouldn't put one can turn their character into, to mean it can fall into the group bonus. However, again, I'll just accept who ever answers the LFM call out 😛 That said, always love it when I get a group of 8 that's all different flavors of skittle 🙂
  6. Oh, don't get me wrong, I thought Thunderstrike needed this. The attack always felt like it was a ST attack with a little extra splash damage as flavor. Not a real PBAOE attack. I think the same for Chain Lightning. The added AOE felt more like flavor than anything.
  7. Tried out Thunderstrike! Will be nice to make it better ST DPS (I always love using it on Elec Melee users). I will miss that slow effect tho. It gave a certain crunch to it. Not sure why the epic version needs to be so much endurance tho. It's recharge is way up there already.
  8. This doesn't really force them to form "holy trinity" groups. The rewards are there if it happens, and sure one forming the team could force the issue, but I'd say that's gonna be as often as it's done now (I've seen those who still prefer to do that without the diversity bonus).
  9. Some more testing...mostly because I wanted to see how'd BF > Attack Vitals would do, if I wanted to try to put in other powers, so wouldn't get the recharge for RoF chain. However, switched up the Alpha and Interface from previous test. DB/Fire/Fire - Musculature Core - Degenerative Core - Assault Core BF > AS > SS > RoF Hybrid Off: 1:41 - 507.49 DPS Hybrid On: 1:20 - 607.15 DPS BF > Attack Vitals Hybrid Off: 2:08 - 427.40 DPS Hybrid On: 1:39 - 515.16 DPS -Resist Proc + 5 Piece Purple in AS & SS. 3 Procs in VS. 1 DAM Proc and 1 BU Proc in BF. Should also note, Fiery Embrace has 1 +5 RCH IO and no Hasten on the Combo run. Tho FE slotting is the same for RoF chain I did as well, so less up time on FE. However, now I'm curious, how much DPS needed to solo a GM?
  10. I like it. It's not like the reward will have me chasing after it, but if I happen to get a team that fulfills it, sweet, a little bonus.
  11. I don't know the character from the game and it's fandom page didn't help. I got the impression of SR maybe?
  12. Eh...only if they're looking for one specific team make up.
  13. I agree on Melt Armor needing some minor fire damage. Just a nice Fire DoT. Not a lot of damage. What about 40 ticks over 40 seconds (duration of the power) at 1-2 Fire Damage? Opens up slotting, and I know my Dark/Thermal would like a bit more damage, and I can't imagine 1-2 ticks of Fire Damage over 40 seconds is a massive gain, but maybe the fact it would be slottable with procs would make it so and maybe that's why not?
  14. I understand that thought, but at the same time, did they take Frostwork? If they didn't take it before and think it's such a great power, they have to either lose a power now and possibly find slots.
  15. I never do either, but I believe the video the video of the DB/Bio/Fire doing 49 second pylon, had the hybrid on, so I thought I'd get a run with the pylon on 🙂
  16. After seeing the DB/Bio/Fire in action...got me going "I need to make that for a DB user!" but then I was all "I'm kinda meh on Bio...let's go Fire Armor!" BF > AS > SS > RoF > Repeat w/ a total of .16 gap in the chain, which I could get down to 0, but it means different travel power and I like my concept, so that was out...:p Musculature Radial...Degenerative Radial... Hybrid Core Off: 2:02 (and I know I can get it faster) for a DPS of 442.14 Hybrid Core On: 1:33 (and again, I know I can get it faster) for a DPS of 540.15 Fiery Embrace is only slotted with one level 50+5 Recharge IO, so a second would get it up there. Hybrid Core On using BF > Attack Vitals Combo: 1:59 (another I know I can get a few seconds faster) for a DPS of 450.06 and hell, while at it...Hybrid Core Off using BF > Attack Vitals Combo: 2:18 for 405.69! Honestly, I think that last test shows I should be able to get those last ones faster. A 30 second difference between RoF Chain Hybrid on and off and a 20 second difference between AV Chain with Hybrid on and off. Thinking it comes down to Vengeful Slice hitting for AV combo completion. Slotting wise 3 Procs in AS and SS (-Resist, 1 Purple DMG, 1 Regular DMG) and ACC/DAM, DAM/END, and ACC/DAM/END/RCH (SS) or ACC/DAM/END (AS) RoF has 4 Procs (1 Purple, 1 Build Up, 2 Damage Procs) ACC/DAM+5 and Purple DAM/END +5. BF is slotted with BU Proc, 2 Regular Damage Procs, CS +50%, ACC/DAM and ACC/DAM/END/RCH (Scrapper ATOs for the last two as well). Blazing Aura is just slotted with full Scrapper Set with the +3% Crit OH...forgot...Vengeful Slice just 5 slotted with the Purple Set with no Proc and I just realized I forgot to +5 it all, sooo...that would for sure improve the Damage of it (wasn't thinking on it, as I just wanted to test RoF chain.
  17. I slot, that's more regen if you slot, even if it's not all able to be enhanced.
  18. That is nice. No worries about dying on a test, just running out of end 🙂
  19. Oh? I haven't checked. How are they going to do MST without the pylons?
  20. Honestly, for the name changes, that seems like what many called them regardless of the special name. "Fire Mastery" over "Flame Mastery" or "Heat Mastery" or "Burning Sensation Mastery" Either way, I wouldn't care, but it's not a change that would bother me either.
  21. Didn't care for having two cone options when I checked it out on test (Ice Mastery - Scrapper) and honestly, would be nice if Ice and Psionic Mastery got the ST Hold put in, as it's just so useful (imo I know) for Hami Raid and LGTF and now with LGTF getting Hardmode treatment, I would think more handy.
  22. Hulk throws a boulder into space. I was happy with that 🙂
  23. It's been awhile since I watched Luke Cage. I just recall thinking it wasn't as good as S1, I know I didn't care for how they ended it without doing another season. As for season 3 of JJ, I just know the sister becomes the villain. I never got to watching it. Believe it was season 2 that I believe the sister was responsible for her mom's death and they keep it from her? WandaVision I enjoyed, but it had it's own issues. Sadly, DS2: MoM didn't watch it.
  24. I liked Iron Fist. HOWEVER, it's fight scenes needed work so much! I understand that's as much the actor's fault as the showrunners tho. Luke Cage had a good first season but a bad second season, but it also got to suffer from the losing of the rights or something...I don't require the exact details anymore. I do recall s2 not being as good for JJ, and I heard people didn't like s3 as much. Was it the sister?
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