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Clave Dark 5

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Everything posted by Clave Dark 5

  1. That's bugged me every time I make a woman character.
  2. People have complained. City Of Heroes: Homecoming
  3. I'm under the impression that, being less to render, it's also more friendly to less robust computers, which seems logical, but I don't know for sure. Additionally, computers today should be more able to handle the game, although my 7 year old rig does struggle a bit when I get into a good mosh pit in the Rikti mothership bowl.
  4. So tonight I did my first RWZ with a mastermind. Granted, he was only 36th level, but it was rough at first. Zipping from pylon to pylon, I quickly lost my pets to random aggro as they trailed behind me. "That's OK, I can rebuild my army once we get to the mothership; meanwhile I can toss out what personal attacks I have at the pylons." So I did that and that was fine. Once we cleared the pylons and got to mothership, I hopped down onto an area free of Rikti (the side of the ship where the grates are) and started to summon my pets... and promptly died as the Rikti began to spawn in. After a few seconds someone ported me to the bowl and I got rezzed and then everything went OK enough with summoning and getting going. Is this just the nature of taking an MM on a RWZ? Or do you know some good tactics for RWZ raids? I'd love to her them, if so.
  5. This has been my experience, but it's generally worth it. It's pretty rough against End sappers though, especially since, as I've only just now noticed, that not only do they sap it, but then the effect keeps you from rebuilding it for some seconds afterwards. That's pretty much death for me.
  6. This, and then there's secondary effects to consider. If you're a Dominator or Controller, you want to lead with your crowd control powers and then go for attacks. Other ATs might want to lead with an attack that does knockdown, stun, or gives a boost of a debuff. And then you'd also probably want to prioritize and attack that does the most damage first, the quicker they're dead the less chance they have of hitting you right? And how about mob number? If there's a bunch of foes crowding around you, you want an AoE attack first probably, and only a single target attack if there's not that many. There are so many variables to take into consideration that's it's too vague a question to give as simple an answer for.
  7. "Hell of a place for a urinal!"
  8. Another upvote for the name Escape Velocity for a purple knockback set, that's wonderful.
  9. Oh yeah, I have heard about that, but not had the chance to run it. Fair enough point.
  10. Man I haven't seen anything near that! I have a 50 at +3, a 45th level and a 32nd level, all of whom have been teaming, a lot, with groups lead by 50s (and even the odd farm), for hours and hours and hours and I've only gotten 3 purple drops since the game came back.
  11. You posted about your trials with CrossPunch in another thread, right? I'm pretty sure I saw that, which was what put me on this path. Taking that ionto consideration, then it would make sense to slot up, at least a little, Kick and Punch, right? I've said it before here, I really don't want to get into binds, taking the time to get my hand off the mouse, hit a key or two and then use the mouse to direct the chosen pets is just too long, especially for a rolling team. Plus I can even get my pets to stay sat on one wide patch of Livegiving Spores as it is. I mean, I know people swear by binds and such positioning, but... somehow I just don't see it counting for all that much when the pets will dash around after I've GoTo'ed them just a couple of seconds ago anyway.
  12. Good points. I hadn't considered the set-muling issue as I don't tend to min/max my build too much, but that is a good thing to keep in the back of my head. For the ranged attacks, I've held onto my Nem Staff (currently 28th level) and took Provoke as well. It's not a great attack, but it's not awful either. I've been told that if an MM focuses their attacks as well as their pets all on one target at a time, overall it all really does add up into a strong front; plus there's those various stuns, debuffs etc. that one might find within them - something I didn't think about at the time I went this path; I'll need to check that stuff. But yeah, I don't want to skip the other powers, and was just thinking I might take the others along the way for flavor. I am finding out however that as a Mercs MM, maybe I should just stay more to the back of my pets who often do stay at range (ish anyway), plus due to the cone nature of the heal in Nature. All that said, I still haven't managed to take Crosspunch yet, I may love it when I finally get to it! We'll see and if I change my mind, there's always respec.
  13. Hello! I often feel that way about picking powers too, even after reading up on the power sets, so that's not just you.
  14. The controllers I've run always felt super squishy and fairly useless at first but then often rolled into being super awesome the further along they got to, so if you're already having fun already, you're doing fine.
  15. So it moves pretty fast eh? How about jumping? It was mentioned earlier in the thread it's less than Ninja Run, what's your experience?
  16. Did some writing for one of the CoH spiritual sequels, wrote some off-the-wall Doctor Who material for a now-defunct website, wrote a little bit about some obscure musical acts and some science stuff for a pop culture forum. Probably the best received of all of these was a 13 chapter series of articles from last year where I taste-tested pumpkin spice products (I've since also created a pumpkin spice hero, yes) for that same pop culture forum thingy.
  17. Yeah, I've had it slotted up since then and found it useful. I do have some more advice for sherlockiama: I saw someone mention this tactic and it seems to be fairly sound and workable, even for ranged attackers like bots (Mercs of course tend to rush in like fools, so this would probably apply for Beasts and Ninjas as well). When you cast Life-Giving Spores, it doesn't aggro your foes, so cast it right under their feet before you do anything to aggro them. Next I go with Spore Cloud and Corrosive Enzymes, by which point they're well and properly annoyed with me, so then I soak up the alpha and that sets off the pets because I'm in bodyguard mode. So now I can just stand in back and watch them take care of the foes, ready to cast that cone heal as needed.
  18. I've been taking the time - oh such an imposition! - to hop on a redside team whenever I need a team and see the flag go up in the LFG channel, and it's been working out well. It helps because in the poor population, they're usually will to team with any level, which again is one of those great things about CoH, you can literally team with any level. Still, seems like I don't see that as often blue side.
  19. This may not help too much, but: I've got a Merc/Nature at 25th right now. Mercs being a bit squishie as they are, I found Nature to be slow going at first, but that might be my fault as I was also chasing the pet powers and some other power pools and may have slept on getting the good Nature powers as early as I should have. Don't make my mistakes! I've heard that there's little skippable in Nature and so far it seems like it, they're all pretty decent (personally I might skip Wild Growth, but I haven't tried slotting it up much yet either; apparently once it is slotted up later, it's great) and what I've been lead to believe from these forums agrees with that. Life-giving Spores was a game changer for me for the set, so grab it as soon as you can. The heal Regrowth struck me as sort of weak and it takes time to get used to the cone nature of it, so be ready to spam it and to get used to learning how to cone it properly.
  20. Whichever one my Kin-addled toon has caromed closest to when I realize "oh hey, I'm near an elevator, I should probably go up."
  21. This sounds like a divide by zero situation, I'm not sure we should attempt it! But, morbid curiosity being what it is... how;'s it turn out?
  22. I'd love to hear how people could coordinate to abuse this and create a mess.
  23. Great, now I want to start a Staff/Fiery Aura scrapper named Jenga Stack On Fire. Just what I need, another alt, thanks a lot.
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