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Clave Dark 5

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Everything posted by Clave Dark 5

  1. That's a perfect name that I want to steal for a fire power-setted toon.
  2. Several weeks now I've been asking this on the help channel and of teammates. Everybody just cops out and asks me to download Pine's. I've used Pine's for over a month and I still have the same questions, so obviously Pine's isn't helpful to everyone. We need a cheat sheet guide that answers these sorts of questions for every Archetype and the guide needs to be stickied to the top of each Archetype forum. While the point that different people have different goals and therefore should build different, I fully support the need to stickied guides here. I've been working on a new toon recently and had to scan through all four pages opf posts to find people talking about the build I took, whereas if they were more or less in one place, I'd have saved a lot of time. Which goals and which builds can follow after some sort of guide to one has been posted. Or maybe a wiki?
  3. I don't even know why now, maybe a bad experience or misunderstood word of mouth, but when I first started playing, I refused to team, always solo. Which was fine, but when I discovered PUGing, I sort of kicked myself for having spent so much time soloing. Don't get me wrong, it's a perfectly valid way to play and to learn about how to play for a newbie, but a steamrolling team is like shared scrapper-lock and just as addicting.
  4. I'd like to see it all the time, but I do understand the invasions might get a bit boring for folks.
  5. There's nothing wrong with soloing, I did a lot of it when I first started playing and learned about how my character archetypes worked through the trial and error. On the other hand, steamrolling with a team - which is something that can happen a lot - is a blast of a different sort and also worth searching out, if you're of a mind to. Other than that I don't have a lot to offer past what every one else has already said, other than a "welcome!"
  6. Didn't the Vidiot maps used to note this sort of thing? I'm not at home so I can't check mine right now.
  7. It might help. We had double XP when the Homecoming servers first started up, we could give all villain content XP+1/2 and that would help draw some people over. Heck, my toons would probably be split 50/50 between red and blueside if I thought I could ever find anyone redside. My experiences so far were like what I was seeing on a low pop server just before shut down. At 3 am. Which is exactly when I'm likely to be playing. But say if someone's standing about in Steel Canyon "35 MM blue LFG, please anybody" and someone pops up to say "Redside team looking for 35ish members", and that someone knows they can get xp+1/2 from that? People just might join. Hell, Null Gull is simple enough (for people who read the forums anyway), what if you didn't even need him to cross over?
  8. I think you missed the implied point. Numbers are one of a number of causal factors in what makes something fun. They're the *only* causal factor, depending on how you look at it. All things exist in a measurable state. Colors exist on a scale that can be represented numerically, animation times and recharges are counted in seconds, resources and meters come in and are replenished in a finite quantities, etc. You could really just boil that down and say that fun is logically representable. As in, you don't even need numbers, what causes people to experience "fun" can be narrowed down to a fundamentally knowable state that one can simply measure with their senses. You can even condition people into *being* part of the knowable state, hence my mention of masochism. "Fun trumps all" as a response to numbers is not only a gross simplification, and an empty platitude... It's outright fallacious reasoning and creates a broken form of circular logic, which is utterly useless when trying to make informed decisions. You do realize that when you're creating a game you have to make objective determinations on things like fun, right? You do realize failing to do this is more or less paramount to creating a giant game of Calvin Ball, correct? Fun trumps logic. Ok, ok, so MY fun trumps YOUR numbers.
  9. Clave Dark 5

    Dark/ ?

    I heard Bio is great on anything that can wear it, so I went Dark/Bio. I'm only about 23rd level right now, but so far it's felt breezy fun and pretty simple to play.
  10. To start with, I began playing City of Heroes, and then... nothing. Currently? City of Heroes.
  11. It's obviously is malfunctioning, it's red! I came across that myself the other day, after having forgotten it existed, so it made for a nice surprise. My fiancee (who doesn't play) was beside me at the time, so we both got to enjoy seeing it there, in fact.
  12. I knew an MMO that swallowed a fly...
  13. I've got two I like right now. The first is a Mind/Martial Art Dom with a heavily white&black-patterned costume called "A Ninja Op Art" (the Mind provides more OP Art to the look.) The second is a lizard-looking Bow/Trick Arrow - um... Don? I forget - called Archaeropteryx. Both were started for laughs and haven't really been played much yet, but the two DfB runs with the first were fun enough.
  14. She's going to look funny with a goatee, but sure, go ahead.
  15. This is probably a silly question, but does Soul Mastery's Power Boost ("Greatly boosts the secondary effects of your powers. ") have any effect on the disintegration power? Running a BR/Rad Corr right now and thinking to maybe go for something like that, or maybe take the armor "just in case" otherwise, but I saw that and started wondering..
  16. I'm not exactly a badge hound, but I do tool about and pick some up if I'm bored. Is there any chance anyone could update the vidiot maps for us, or is that long-dusty code at this point?
  17. My take on Hurricane is that it's always been a "you'll never get within melee range of me, stay away!" power, the repel was always the point (and the KB just an annoying side effect).
  18. She'd just be a Lusca with one tentacle that bites. Not so exciting.
  19. I was just reading about this on the Titan Network, it's about 30%.
  20. Yeah, lost a few teammates on a team, had a few herky-jerky motions here and there, mainly on outside city maps. Other than the DCs, it hasn't really affected game play, but it was a noticeable thing.
  21. This go-round's been interesting for me, I haven't been going as alt nuts like I did before close, I think I only have ten alts right now, and only say three I'm really enjoying playing. Oddly enough too this time I seem to be melee adverse (my current main is a Beam/Rad Corr). Back in the day my main was a stalker, but now I currently have a scrapper I haven't touched in almost 2 weeks, and a tank that's pretty to look at but playing him feels like pulling teeth (probably because he's Titan Weapon and still low level). I also can't seem to get into MMs much as I once did. I should probably make a Bots/Time and cure myself of that right quick. But I have also found that no matter the tooth-pulling sensation, once I log in and get into a team with the toon, we roll and I enjoy the hell out of it, no matter which one I'm on, so I'm sure this shall pass soon enough.
  22. +1 Inf, as they say. I haven't spent much time redside (I really need to make a good MM for soloing over there again) and had forgotten about this story.
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