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Everything posted by Coyotedancer

  1. You know, even after the things being around this long... I had no idea they stacked. I use them so rarely it just never came up. 'Learn something new every day.
  2. Okay... The City is a relatively mechanically simple easy-mode baby-game for dirty casuals who just like to smash things for fun. It was made to be accessible, not difficult. It's not a Korean-style grinder, a twitch-reflex PvP-fest or a masochistic death march where every enemy is a gimmick-heavy boss fight you'll spend a week of endless deaths trying to beat. If you want that kind of game-play, you're just not going to find it here. I think we all know that by now. City of Heroes was never intended to be City of Dark Souls.
  3. How are you getting four level shifts? The rest of us are topped out at +3 (One each from T3 Alpha, Destiny and Lore). I call shenanigans! 😝
  4. I'm very much in the camp that believes that if you want a more interesting teaming experience, try running small-team style with a trio or a quartet rather than an eight-member wrecking ball. It really does change the pace and the feel of the game without taking anything away from either the soloists (Who'll really get the short end of the stick with many of the ideas that get floated about either nerfing player characters or massively buffing the mobs and requiring certain powers/ATs to counter added gimmicks-) *or* the people who dearly love their zen-mode farmers, TF speedsters or joining one of those steamroller PI Smash Teams.
  5. I like Dark Astoria and Night Ward's arcs... and I'm fond of most of the iTrials. I also like the ITF and Yin TF quite a lot, in spite of being a little burned out on running them. And yeah, zombie invasions are always fun.
  6. Incarnate-buffed Rularuu... Yikes. Just... yikes. That's absolutely terrifying. Make it so.
  7. FlyingCodeMonkey and GreenKingElemental (Mr.Coyote and CoyoteNephew... AKA "Professor Pounce" and "Sir Tricks" on Angel's screenshot list.) were noticing that oddness last weekend on Everlasting. It's been frustrating Green. (Completely aside, he's also really REALLY curious how you seem to manage to always be four seconds faster than he is, Angel. You've got a budding rival, there. He's absolutely determined to figure it out. 😆 )
  8. And they also made people not invite... or unwittingly invite and then immediately kick... people playing kheldian characters a hot minute after they realized what they were. "Okay, so what do you guys need?" "Anything's good. Bring whatever you want. Except for that damned squid of yours. NO SEAFOOD!" That conversation happened pretty often, and cysts were the reason why. 😝
  9. ... At least you didn't ask for the cysts back. <_< (Yeah. I remember the days when my PBs would get passed over for teams because of those things. I'd rather not return to it, no matter how much certain people like to grump and whine about the game being "easy mode" without them.)
  10. Does a rakshasa count as a catgirl? (If they do I may also have two now. 😝)
  11. Heck, I'd be happy if they could just follow a character who had a Stealth special in Sprint. <_<
  12. It can also go sideways pretty quickly if you're playing a mastermind who needs to really micromanage their pets (Ninjas, I'm looking at you guys, you crazy paper crack-monkeys. <_<) or who tends to be right in the middle of fights with them. (/Time, for example)
  13. Except NOT flying/running/whatever over to that big mountain to clear it out. Or sneaking into that actual. huge Council base to take out its communications center. Or having a mission to clear out the BP from a crypt that actually goes to a crypt door in the cemetery. Or having Peeb standing right next to the pub she supposedly frequents, where she lost her ring. Or.... You get the idea. So, no. I can;t get behind your idea and would argue very strongly against it if it came to it. You can have Warberg or Bloody Bay. Leave Striga alone.
  14. My nephew grumps about that one all the time... "Yay! I got a [enhancement x]! I need that." *pause* "Darn. It's Magic. I need Natural." He really WANTS to use those drops. It just usually turns out that he can't. The Loot Gods are cruel to the kid. 😝
  15. I have to agree... and not just because I'm actually really fond of a lot of what's in Striga. One of my favorite missions is tied specifically to going and clearing out a base full of vampires under a mountain named for them. That's a lot more fun to me than just clearing out some generic base under one of the hero side's same-same zones full of trash fires and improbable ruins. <_< Striga and its arcs have too definite a sense of PLACE to just uproot everything and toss it into one of the underused Paragon zones, I think.
  16. That would be useful... and yeah. Something just like Dezzie's babysitter gets in the Underground trial.
  17. I ❤️ the Darkity Dark Darkness...
  18. I don't mind leading, honestly... but I still rarely make teams. When I'm playing with one of my non-support characters, it's typically because I want to run solo, or at most duo/trio with a couple of friends. When I'm on the support types, my preference is for mid-level teams... But I can't really form and lead those teams with my characters themselves. They're all finished level 50s. To run at the "support sweet-spot" levels, they need to be exemplared on somebody else's run.
  19. She was Winterslight when I had her over on Torch, so... yes. She did get a name change after I transferred her back to Everlasting... a change back to her original name, without the S. But she's never had a space anywhere in there.
  20. *looks longingly at the NPC Circle mages' silly hats* Yeah. I know why we'll never get them for character models. But still...
  21. *A bunch of disgruntled Energy, Life and Force Mages grumble something about "NOT ALL WIZARDS" and "mortal biases" and "stupid hats"*
  22. Maybe your Widowers will get their bum-capes in the same update that my lady Circle mages get their caped shoulder-bits, big spiked gloves, more elaborate kilts and Death Mage back-pieces. (Their male counterparts have had those for a couple of years now. The gals are feeling a little left out. 😝 )
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