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Everything posted by Dazl

  1. Your right, this isn't how economics works. In the real world you would have a central bank controlling the creation and amount of currency in circulation. That doesn't exist here. Someone could have trillions of influence and if they spent it responsibly it would have zero effect on inflation. Now if they used that trillions and bought everything at crazy prices, they would drive up inflation. Wealth is not the same as inflation, but it can definitely effect it. I really don't have a problem with this nerf, I just wish they would have limited it to AE. I think the people using this feature as intended got punished for the "sins" of others.
  2. Which is my point, it's the people with the wealth, regardless how they earn it, that drives inflation in game. Apparently this eventually drove the Live markets to that bad place. We fortunately now have a control mechanism with converters and merits, which keeps this market in check.
  3. This is were I disagree. The game currency has no real value since it's not backed by anything. So unlike the real world were if you just endlessly printed money you would need a wheelbarrow of it just to buy a loaf of bread. The generation of currency in the game doesn't drive inflation, how it is used does. This can't be laid only on farmers since it's not the most effective method of wealth creation. Shifting it is really not that different from generation since they both still produce the same results of amassing wealth. Shifting it just takes it away from someone else less AH fees, but someone else has just amassed more wealth in the process, which increases their purchase power. A person making $50 million a night marketing vs someone making $50 million farming in the end are two people with $50 million they didn't have before. Regardless of how they acquired it, they both increased their wealth.
  4. Merits should keep a check on anything going over 25 million.
  5. Well look who's back, maybe we can get it to 100 pages this time. You know it's not really farming that creates inflation. Sure it creates pure influence from game play, but it's not like the real world where money is printed and has to have some kind of backing to keep it's value. This is a computer game so the value it has is what we give it. Farmers sitting on billions or marketeers sitting on billions doesn't mean anything unless they spend it in ways that causes prices to go up because they are willing to overpay for what something is worth simply because price is no issue for them. So sure limiting the amount of influence generation from farming will help curb that, but people amassing influence from marketing have billions of disposable income as well. Even though I have plenty of funds through a combination of influence and merit farming, I will not spend it ridiculously. I'm not going to pay more than what I think something is worth, and when it gets into the 20 million range I'm looking at using merits. One of the up sides to farming is getting recipes I can turn into something I need to equip my alts, so I'm not spending anything if I can help it. Whether people earn billions from farming or marketing all of them could go crazy buying stuff simply because they have the funds and the cost doesn't matter. So it's not really the amount of influence out there, it's how it is used that effects the market for good or ill.
  6. It's sort of a double edge sword. On one hand you want to let the former players know it's back, and get new people to try it. On the other you don't want to draw too much attention to it with the whole NCSoft thing still in limbo. Not sure there is much that can be done. If people do a little bit of checking on the internet, they will find it. Heck even the MMO websites have articles about the game being back, and one website gave it a game of the year award. In the end word of mouth might still be the best way at this time.
  7. Trying to log in when the game officially launched to reserve the names I wanted. Using notes from the beta to recreate the characters and costumes as fast as possible.
  8. Sure there are be people who will help new PvP players, but attacking people who enter the PvP zone is not bullying. If you enter a PvP zone, be prepared to be attacked. Sorry this whole asking nicely not to be attacked sounds so sweet and happy, but it's not reality.
  9. As I have already pointed out, I don't PvP in this game so I'm not the l33t asshat you keep implying that I am. I'm just laughing at the silly assumption that if you ask to be left unmolested in a PvP zone, that people would or should honor that. I've played a number of PvP mmo's and that never happens. As a matter of fact if you tried it, they would probably target you more. Weakness in PvP is like blood in the water to sharks. Does that turn off a lot of people to PvP? I'm sure it does, but that is just the nature of the beast. Wolves are going to prey on the sheep.
  10. In this warm and fuzzy PvP, you can also ask the PvP'er to not only leave you alone but help you find the badges too. Maybe help protect you from the other nasty PvP'ers who don't want to hold hands and sing kumbaya.
  11. Little touchy? I'm just giving you reality. I don't PvP in this game, so I've never encountered this sweet kind of PvP.
  12. You must not have played may PvP games. They are all cutthroat. PvP isn't dead here because of asshat PvP'er abusing other players, it's never been popular becuase it wasn't designed around it and most COH players have always been PvE centric.
  13. Wow @ZacKing, if people in the PvP zones are willing to not attack someone because they asked nicely to be left alone, then that is the most Carebear PvP I've ever seen in any game with it.
  14. If you want the badges or other rewards in the PvP zones, then take your chances. Your suppose to brave heroes or villains right? I don't know what the big deal is anyway, it's not like the PvP zones are very active anyway.
  15. At least you stay faithful until you max them out. It's nice to have a stable of finished characters that you can take out of the barn now and then.
  16. The only real kind of harassment in a PvP game would be doing something like camping the re-spawn spot to kill someone every time they re-spawned, which can't be done here.
  17. It would be kind of neat to have a flag for PvP option in the game. Not sure how much it would be used since CoH has never been a big PvP game. Unlike my first MMO Dark Age of Camelot which was designed for that kind of game play, CoH never really was. However if you enter the PvP zones no one should ever be safe, that's the point. Since the PvP zones are mostly empty there really isn't that much danger and if they are not, well that could make your badge hunting more interesting.
  18. You should play what you think is fun. Heck make one of each, try them both. As far as what people prefer, I would think tank. You see tons of chat in the LFG channel asking for tanks, haven't seen looking for corrupter yet.
  19. Welcome home hero, it's all here just like you remembered and then some. Would suggest you check out the guide section. There have been a number of improvements since the "Live" version of the game. Ah nothing like that feeling of logging in for the first time after all those years.
  20. The Hard Way Badge. https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/The_Hard_Way_Badge
  21. It all depends on how much time and merits you have. Sure you could squeeze blood out of those merits and do as you say. However if you are sitting on 8000 merits you might just want to take the 20 million conversion and go.
  22. Yeah you should never pay 100 merits for an ATO, since they never sell for anywhere close to 20 million.
  23. Sure if you go about that way, and I have farmers that do the converter roulette. It's not that I can't afford the 20 million, it's just the principle paying that much for anything when there are other ways to acquire something.
  24. I don't know where you are getting 80-100 million for 100 merits. If you sell 300 converters for 95,000 each, then you would get 28.5 million, minus 10% AH fee that's 25.6 million. Given the market tends to have them down to about 75,000 you will net about 20.2 million after AH fees so it's generally a wash. Since I'm rich in merits due to hami raiding, merits can be a better option for me when things get into the 20 million range.
  25. With converters selling for as low as 75,000 and AH fees, it about a wash.
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