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Everything posted by Dazl

  1. I will buy them with the intention of selling the ATO's and keeping all the other little goodies. If I can break even, or make a little profit then all the better. You could manage to make profit from them when you buy them in bulk, but that's a lot of work. There are better and easier ways to make influence.
  2. My dark/dark stalker is by far my favorite solo content character. Works really good in teams too.
  3. True that. A large part of it is finding that AT and power set that fits your play style.
  4. My level 50 grav/kinetic controller can carry most +4 teams due to the heavy support. It's kind of a power kick when I do it and people are smart enough to stay close enough to be healed and buffed. Your right though, leaders shouldn't use you as a crutch for the rest of the team.
  5. Another element to consider is how such a deal would effect other private servers for CoH and all the other abandoned titles out there? I'm playing a number of abandoned games on private servers. This does seem to be a gray area in the law. Ultimately it would be nice to have some kind of law that allows people to host such games without fear of closure. Once a company shuts down a game it should be free to host as long as it is done as non-profit. For profit efforts have a franchise system with the game IP owners. Really not sure that a company's image would really be affected if they no longer host a title. Most of the private servers wouldn't be a blip on most radars. Homecoming might be an exception, and they would likely help NCSoft's image if it did anything.
  6. Ah sweet memories, welcome home. You will probably want to check to guides section. While playing is sort of like riding a bike, there are things you forgot and new stuff you haven't seen before. Enjoy.
  7. Welcome home. Play what ever you want, all are welcome end game, such as it is. This isn't like WoW. I enjoy doing end game content with my level 50 fire/fire sentinel and never had an issue with any leaders or ever felt like I wasn't pulling my weight.
  8. First I want to thank the Homecoming team for bringing this game back to us. You didn't just bring it back you have been building on it and working to make nice with NC Soft. In terms of feedback on the changes to the tp powers, the biggest change I love the most was moving the zone tp destinations to the sg portals, where they should have been in the first place. I also like the added portals to the other zones. Now I won't lie, I did enjoy the old ebfp but I realize it needed to change. The LRTP isn't really bad. It's really easy to get if you grab all the exploration badges in AP. A level character can do it in 10 mins or less with the jump pack and ninja run. Being able to go to other zones and not just your base is very cool, and it's really not that hard to get just one exploration badge in a zone to add that zone to the power. You really don't need any of the zones, since the power drops you at the sg portal in Pocket D, which is one click away from your portals in your base. I have two suggestions to improve the power. Reduce to cool down time to 5 mins, which brings it in line with the Ouro port I believe. The other idea I saw posted was reduce the percentage of the cool down time for each exploration accolade you have. This way you don't have to have them, but there is a reward if you do. Not to mention the 5 merits you get for each one you earn.
  9. The truly worthy will find it.
  10. What your suggesting is a whole new game. Your probably not going to find much support for it in this community. This game wasn't designed to be a PvP centered game. Heck it didn't even have a villain side till well after launch. PvP could use some tweaking, but it shouldn't be a priority given the general lack of interest in it here. There might be more interest in it if they could create a system that allows everyone to participate without having to build for it.
  11. Sure you can find useful ways to use the shards, but they add a layer of complexity to incarnates that's not really necessary with Homecoming. Just look at the examples by @Hedgefund and @srmalloy. Homecoming could simply up the thread drop rate to offset the shard removal.
  12. Shards should just be removed from the game in general.
  13. It would be nice to keep the enter_base_from_passcode the way it is. However having a small timer and or preventing it from working in missions like the auction house would be understandable.
  14. Before I had my farmer and a few 50's under my belt the normal way, I found it was pretty easy to hit 50 fast without farming. If you use the xp boost, run DFB to 15, then focus on doing DIB, SBB, the TF's, MSR's and ITF's you get there real fast. Of course +4/8 teams help too.
  15. Homecoming, not just a name. Welcome back you have a lot of catching up to do.
  16. For me T3, full set of IO's and 4 passives unlocked is generally complete. By that metric I would say 35%. I'm not really creating new alts anymore as much as power leveling the old ones while farming.
  17. In a casual friendly game like CoH you would need a casual friendly form of PvP. A system like Team Fortress might work. Players could choose any AT, but each AT would have the same powers. You wouldn't actually build a character, you would choose the AT and que up for PvP in different zones with different objectives. This would make it accessible to all, without having to build a specific PvP toon. You could still have the normal PvP as well.
  18. I like PvP, my first MMO was Dark Age of Camelot. I've played many PvP type MMO's, but I don't have any interest in it here. CoH was designed around PvE and that is where it shines. PvP may have been planned from the beginning to part of the game but only as an added feature. Even during live it was never a main part of the game. Perhaps if it was more accessible to all players, not just those with the proper power sets and builds, it might be more popular.
  19. Yeah I was doing a Posi 1 & 2 yesterday with a 50 and could see other team members struggling with endurance and health issues. Forgot about the group inspirations, I'll have to be more mindful of that in the future.
  20. I can see were it can be a good tool to communicate for certain teams. I have also seen it be a total chat s**t show of pointless banter. I use it with friends, and if I use it for a team or league, I'm mostly just listening.
  21. If your going to run a PL toon, I would think you would want to slot something. SO's or basic IO's at least until you settle on the build. When I PL an alt that's one of the first things I do before running any content just solo. I wouldn't even consider teams until the toon has some kind of build and I'm comfortable with the power set mechanics.
  22. 55 years young.
  23. I was there when the game launched and yes it is a very different animal now. I enjoyed it and maintained my sub until it closed. The game did change over that time, but I personally wouldn't have any interest in playing the early versions of the game today. Lots of great gaming memories, but I don't have rose colored glasses for those days either. I totally respect people who miss that and would like to have that experience again. It is kind of possible to do that. Create a SG called Old School or something, and use the guide below and roll back what your SG can use in the game based on the release version you want to play in. Certain things like the fitness pool can't be changed, but maybe you don't slot any of those powers.
  24. Sounds like piss poor management at NCSoft. Look at what the folks at Homecoming are doing with just donations to cover cost, imagine if they could have subs and make some money.
  25. SO's and DO's are a waste of influence. You should slot basic IO's . Either craft them or buy them from the AH. A level 25 basic IO is nearly the same as a level 50 SO and you don't need to keep updating it. Once you hit 50 you'll probably start using set IO's and replace them, but the basic ones will carry you through as you level up and save you a bunch of influence along the way.
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