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Everything posted by Dazl

  1. Is it something the current devs could bring to full life?
  2. Never realized so many people are missing out on so much game content 😁
  3. Maybe one way to make teaming more important for +4/8 missions would be to limit the team size to 4 or 5 people.
  4. I’ll store rare salvage and sell all common and uncommon. I’ll store pvp, purple, and ATO IO’s. I’ll also store IO’s used in most builds, LotG, performance shifter etc, etc. I sell all recipes above level 35. Since the crafting cost of IO’s goes up as they level you kind of get to a point where it’s just easier to buy the IO instead of crafting it unless it’s something like a LotG. Even then you could buy a cheaper IO in the defense sets and use converters to make one.
  5. If you don’t have access to Mids the test server can be a good place to work on a build. All the IO’s are free, so you can play with different builds and test them in the same place.
  6. Question is why join a team if you don’t want to be part of the team? I have joined plenty of teams where I could just solo the mission, but I’m there because I want to be part of the team and use my powers to help them complete the mission together. It does seem like bad form to do otherwise unless the team leader wants that.
  7. Never got a HEAT or VEAT to 50.
  8. Storm is great, but a mess in the wrong hands.
  9. As Ukase was pointing out, play style is a big factor. When I play my grav/kinetic controller I lean heavy on kinetics secondary. I run repel with a kb->kd as a shield (which is a form of control) get in there with the tank then buff, heal and control as required. Defender play styles are completely different depending on their powers. Empathy vs Storm for example. Empathy is buffing and healing while Storm is all about damage mitigation so you don’t need so much healing. Best thing you can do to support your team is know how to play your character’s competently.
  10. The beta section of the forums would be the best place to check.
  11. Just because it’s you secondary doesn’t mean it not important, it’s the other half of your character. Using them effectively together should be your goal. The magic of this game is the flexibility and variations of the possible power set combos. Just about any team can work, you just might have to change your tactics sometimes. There is no holy trinity or “dedication” required, your in the wrong MMO for that.
  12. The daily hami raid is scheduled for 10pm EST. I would recommend you get to the hive by 9:30pm since it does tend to fill up pretty fast and we rarely need to advertise it. When I run the raid I try to at least announce it on the Excelsior TF channel.
  13. 100 merits for 1 ATO which is worth 8-10 million or 100 merits for a Winter IO which is worth 15 to 30 million is a bad deal.
  14. Interesting how someone like yourself who is so market savvy wouldn’t see what a bad deal that is. Merits maybe easy to get, but why waste them? Heck you can make influence faster than merits, you wouldn’t suggest they waste the influence as well. Now if ATO’s only cost 50 merits (like they should hint hint GM’s) then I could see it.
  15. You can buy winter IO's for 100 merits, and they sell for much more than ATO's. Another method would be to buy enough super packs to get the number of ATO you want, then use your merits to convert the ATO's into what you need.
  16. You really shouldn’t buy ATO’s with merits. They cost 100 merits each. 100 merits is worth at least 20 million influence and ATO’s cost on average 8 million. You would be better off converting those 1200 merits into 240 million influence. You would have enough to buy all the ATO’s and have plenty left over to buy catalysts to upgrade them.
  17. That thread didn’t get locked due to the subject matter, it got locked because it devolved into a pissing match.
  18. Welcome back home. The multiple builds are nice, but you do need all new IO's for each build. If your just returning and have limited funds you may want to hold off on any multiple builds, but if you have the funds go to town.
  19. Oh sure I understand working up to the full final build. That makes complete sense given how expensive a good farmer build can be. However coming to the forums and complaining your shiny new SO equipped farmer isn't cutting it just makes me laugh. I give him credit for making his own farmer, but it's going to takes a little more effort to make it do what they want.
  20. GM's and devs can you please provide us with the data that proves that farming is breaking the economy as the OP is suggesting?
  21. LOL, ok good luck with that.
  22. This is a joke right? You think you can farm with SO's? Your not only going to need a real build you will also need to unlock your incarnates, especially your hybrid melee.
  23. I'm going to assume based on your posts you don't have a farmer. If so you don't really have any practical experience with farming to base your arguments on. Since I don't use my farmer to make influence I wanted to look at this 100 inf /per hour claim. So I ran my farmer with one alt on the #125: Bloody Rainbow. Between my alt and farmer I made about 28 million after completing all 5 rounds in an hour. I can make that much waiting for a hami raid to start with simple marketing.
  24. Where the heck are you coming up with this? Farmer's aren't asking for anything special. Farming has already been nerfed. If you want to make influence then you need to be marketing. Farming anymore is just good for power leveling alts.
  25. Why wouldn’t you create a second account? Unless your too lazy to make your own farmer.
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