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Everything posted by MoonSheep

  1. as i’ve mentioned on other kin posts - it’s such a forgiving set that i would just slot what feels fun. even 2acc/3dmg/1rech in all your attacks would be effective. having FS, a strong heal, transference and siphon speed to hand makes it flexible to play however you want my kin/sonic is mostly SOs and some random crap thrown in because i like the IO icons, does speed runs, HM content etc fine
  2. i recommend running them with enemies buffed for that classic CoH feel 😎
  3. fold space pulls enemies from around you to your location, bunching them up nicely. helps to contain situations where things are scattered around, i love it on my kin i’m not sure people use TP as much, it’s still a slightly clunky travel power. i take combat TP, teleport target and fold space
  4. i liked the old SK system too, it was a bit of fun and a good concept CoH is still a fun game but not challenging enough to hold my attention for long thesedays. you can do pretty much anything in the game and still succeed edit: edited my grumpiness
  5. Low level mission teams are almost non existent thesedays with DFB and double XP catapulting people to level 20 the days of running frostfire, lowbie kings row missions etc are long gone. the extreme pace of the game removes the gradual learning curve people experience through running that type of content most of us have less free time compared to 15 years ago, spending 2-3 months of regular gameplay to reach 50 is out of the question for many of us, can always be nostalgic though 😀 apart from the absolutely crawl lvl 39-45 used to be.. not nostalgic about that
  6. agreed - i’ll add this to my list of demands to make AV’s a formidable battle 10% of damage is unresistable / undefendable also
  7. AVs need an all round serious buff to make them aligned with modern day CoH and the increase in power ATs have experienced AVs used to be a team event that required a bit effort and were dangerous I’d like to see a +50% acc boost, +100% dmg boost and their regen rates doubled The game is too DPS focused thesedays in my view, support and control ATs have become often irrelevant
  8. that’s a smart choice in my view - i slotted mesmerize for damage, i use it as a reasonably useful psi attack against things like paragon protectors and the EBs on ITFs when they pop unstoppable
  9. MoonSheep


    i see it as a positive thing - kin is such a powerful set that it’s accessible to all and effective at low levels
  10. MoonSheep


    if you're interested in getting the most out of the AT and powerset combination, i'd recommend something similar to the below i play my defender kin/sonic as a purely support AT for both high end challenging content and lowbie TFs for the last 4 years. in my view, if i tried to make it a defender-scrapper that would quite likely still die during big aggro moments it would severely blunt the razor sharp multi skilled offerings this combination has. so yes, whilst it does go against the HC Flavour Of The Month to focus every build in the persuit of defense, if you're in hot water, pop a few purple insps - it's a much more effective survival strategy, especially because you can hit up /AH after each mish to reload. moreover, it's just simply not needed in my experience of playing a kin a lot. if you are interested in playing it as a support AT, you'll find you really just don't take much damage after letting the lead aggro taker jump in first - and if you do, you can heal yourself, woo kin is such a strong powerset that in my experience, being the best kin i can benefits the team much more than if i was to fire off a few of my low damage attacks. defender secondaries are basically a range of different pillow fight options (other than a select few, e.g. fire). after the -res aspect of sonic was nerfed i turned my kin passion to /elec which has a secondary effect i can invest in to make it truly powerful if the above is not your cup of tea and you're wondering what i've been huffing, disregard all of the above! opinions are free and ten a penny Key highlights of the combo when built to get the best out of Kin and Elec's unique properties: - Transfusion is one of the strongest heals in the game. Kin defenders are top tier healers when things start going wrong - combined with powerboost, you have an incredibly strong support AT should it be needed. Having a decent amount of accuracy on it will be important, you definitely don't want it to miss at key times - Powerboosted Veng is an incredibly strong support. It will turn the tide of battle in an instant and is lovely to have at lower levels if you enjoy Posi TFs and similar. Likewise with Spirit Ward, a great power to have in the lower levels to apply against your lead tank - Grouping things up with Fold Space to guarantee a good Fulcrum Shift makes a meaningful difference in some battles - Slot Ball Lightning and Short Circuit for as much end drain as you can. Even at low levels it's massively effective in reducing the damage a team experiences by making the mobs stand around and admire their surroundings. Charge Up also adds a small amount of +End Mod boost, you'll find you can easily zap the full end bar of enemies, supplementing it with transference for harder foes where needed. Thunderous Blast also has really good end drain properties for AVs and similar - There is no movement penalty for Intertial Reduction, it's one of the best travel powers in the game - it allows you to be constantly agile after firing off attacks and to move quickly out of danger. Siphon Speed can easily be doubled up, giving you both quasi Super Speed combined with IR and the best of it all - the build is cheap cheap cheap. even with SOs it would be almost as effective
  11. MoonSheep


    i’ve recently re-rolled my kin/sonic as a kin/elec after 4 years - mostly focusing on the kin and elec drain side of things will be slotting for end drain in the elec attacks, good accuracy in transfusion and picking up veng / fold space / powerboost - makes a huge difference on hard content, nothing beats a lovely powerboosted veng i personally wouldn’t recommend slotting for defence on a support AT, it will take the shine off what is an amazing team alt. i’ve never needed any def on my defender in speed runs / hard mode Aeon TFs, incarnate trials etc edit: added more detail in a separate post
  12. i’ve recently made a kin/elec defender after playing my kin/sonic one for 4 years powerboosted transference is a good end drain on single targets, then applyin short circuit etc
  13. i can see sentinels making sense, they’re the ranged version of a scrapper - good potential, reasonable damage masterminds on the other hand.. jeez, what a cruel mistake one day in the year 2036 the first ever mastermind created back on live will have defeated a +1 minion, the MM community are hyped for this upcoming rare event
  14. if he dies then i’m not going to run his TF ever again - that’s poor leadership citadel is already on thin ice with his undesirable TF. i can’t be taking orders from someone who’s getting into street fights and losing
  15. when i built my desktop in 2019 for homecoming - which felt pretty good, given i built my first desktop in 2005 for CoH - i went with an i3 CPU and a GPU for ~$150 + some bog standard 16GB DDR4 RAM runs everything in CoH fine at max graphics
  16. Liquefy needs a massive rework to bring some life back into the sonic resonance powerset - should have a 90 second base recharge time max i have always loved sonic and played a sonic/archery def on live to 50, but gawd does that T9 power need some serious love
  17. amazing to see martial arts quite high up on the scale, may have to recreate one for the first time since live
  18. why play the game when you can not play the game and complain that your previous way of not playing the game used to be quicker than how you don’t play the game now fix it, or i won’t play this game!
  19. i’d say it’s a clear third, quite far under /fire and /energy it’s a good set though, a decent allrounder edit: and /fire paired with mind is a real winner, not just for the massive damage and low animation times - having everything at range is hugely beneficial
  20. as a mind/fire/ice dom main i approve of this post
  21. oh, you think debt is significant. but you merely adopted debt, i was born in it, molded by it. i didn't see a debt free XP wheel until i was already level 50, by then it was nothing to me but the standard colour of the XP window
  22. that makes me think of the days on live where people would put a stranglehold on certain salvage and inflate the price - good ol marketeering
  23. what price are we defining as “high”? for yellow salvage i’ll generally just mash in 55,555 for anything and for commons it’s 11,111, no idea what the price is meant to be
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