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Everything posted by MoonSheep

  1. i would drop one of assault/manuvers/tactics and pickup veng - always good to have on a defender. you’ll be outputting good def values to the team anyway, but the extra acc can be a lifesaver in some content
  2. i assumed only the archived paragonwiki and CoH fandom (which i’m not a fan of the UI) existed the HC wiki looks great - clean interface and easy to navigate
  3. ooh didn‘t know about this, i’ve always been using the archived paragonwiki
  4. the confused xp scale works fine as it is in my view, never had a problem on my mind dom
  5. i’ve played a kin/sonic defender for the last 3-4 years, the sonic changes were a big nerf to its ability to debuff, it’s still better than no debuff however. think i’d roll a kin/dark and slot for -acc if i was to do it again i don’t use sonic for assault but hear it’s a fair amount more damaging now
  6. a lot of people rely on softcap builds posted by experienced players on the forum, copy it line for line then facetank every mob they come across without thinking about strategy, positioning etc all the gear no idea is the FOTM lately
  7. i agree - i do like a bit of chaos and uncertainty, it’s where classic CoH re-emerges
  8. i’ve been on a few chaotic teams where an AV spawns in a bank mish and things grind to a halt due to @Snarky’s Law the full team is often not available, which leads to multiple wipes: 3 people on the AV at the door 2 people fighting things at the vault 1 person meandering aimlessly on the map 1 person street sweeping outside 1 person AFK
  9. i agree - an MMO is not a sandbox game, there will be times where certain outcomes take time to achieve an IO costing 80-130m is nowhere near the crazy situation on live where things would go for 1bn+ if they were rare there’s also a lot of affordable IO sets thesedays available to people who are without the time to earn enough inf for the shiniest of shiny. my kin def has a mixmatch of sets and does fine
  10. you’ll want to pick up Confuse, it’s one of the primary reasons to pick Mind as a dominator set slot Psychic Shockwave for damage. psi is already quite a low damage set and you’ll want to get all the help you can. i’d recommend 5 slotting with armageddon including the damage proc but excluding dam/end and then put in a second damage proc the purple confuse set is best placed in the ST confuse power, the contagious confusion proc is effective. 5 slotted works fine a purple damage set in world of confusion is not worth it in my view. i would always choose ice mastery too, it has defender strength sleet which is a great debuff for -res and -def overall, said in a supportive way, i’m not quite sure what this build is trying to do. is this a character you’ve played to 25-40 yet? working it through the games content will help you explore what kind of set bonuses and powers work for your playstyle and needs i’ve tweaked my mind/fire/ice dom a fair amount over the last 4 years of playing it, the various team and TF experiences have helped inform what works best for me
  11. alternate title: better empathy players a great PvP style empath on a team paired with a high damage output alt is a really effective combination, especially when speeding a TF or trial
  12. because they realise they’ve been overreacting and are now deeply embarrassed edit: tough crowd 😛
  13. finally some high quality advice in a build thread, i completely agree as a tank you’ll usually be playing with others, therefore consider which powersets are complimented the most by the types of buffs you’ll receive during HM and endgame content if you like to play at that level if you prefer sub lvl 40 content like me, you can put your foot slightly further on the defence pedal either way, i’d say make sure you’re considering how to attract and maintain aggro for the team you wish to support
  14. MoonSheep

    Melee Dom

    i have an elec/earth dom i play on test and it’s really good - decent damage and the PBAoE end drain toggle encourages you to be with the mobs. the end drain is quite effective too
  15. agreeing with poison/fire, the damage is genuinely really good. going for psi mastery and putting 4 damage procs in dominate is also a winner
  16. instead of nerfs, how about an x16 option for WSTs, spicy
  17. are you no do the die, why no do the try?
  18. if you’re not dying, you’re not living
  19. i was also gonna go for, if your alt dies, you die IRL - ancient gladiator competition x esport stadium event
  20. base raids used to be a ton of fun though. i was fortunate to be part of an active base raiding SG back on live edit: and pre-IO sirens call. man that place would be heaving, people would make alts just for the zone
  21. aw man, the accordion react is the one i want. adds a european pizzazz to reading the forum
  22. what about a pvp zone where if you die your character is automatically deleted
  23. i’m being sincere, lets have an anarchy month
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