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Everything posted by MoonSheep

  1. Why not just play a tank? Everything you describe in your posts is around survival, tanking, taking alpha etc.. Playing a dom is a very different playstyle to being a brute/tank - being stealthy, confusing/mezzing the right foe to benefit the team, saving the day for someone in trouble etc
  2. Edit: Have amended the below post sightly as it was rather unnecessarily flippant! When/why do you need to tank? Whacking a few mezzes before jumping into a mob after the first brute/tank/scrapper should suffice - or perhaps you solo most of the time? My views, whilst perhaps dialed up to 11 on the intensity scale, aim to provide an alternate viewpoint and stop people painting themselves into what I see as the 'small box' of trying to build every AT into a bad version of a tank. Build for perma dom and then have some fun with various procs for a laugh and enjoy the playstyle. If you get into trouble, pop a medium purple insp or two I think the vocal minority which tells every player their character needs weave and softcapped defense stifles creativity and gives people the wrong impression that such builds are required
  3. Late to the party, but signed in for the first time to counter a lot of the truly awful advice on this Dominator forum from people who seem to only play brutes/scrappers and nothing else If you're building a dominator for defense, you're wasting your time and should stick to playing Brutes. The beauty of a dominator is its ability to lock down mobs, especially when you've achieved permadom. A mezzed enemy deals no damage. My main is a mind/fire dom, as it was back on live, easily solo's taskforces, story arcs, trials etc. Build a dom for +rech and +acc so you can use your powers to their best. If you're dying often, you need to click your mez powers once in a while The generic advice spouted of "bUiLd fOr SoFt CaP" is poor advice from people who don't understand Dom's and don't know how to play anything other than a melee fighter
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