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Everything posted by Rokkeb

  1. Just more reddit server circle jerking. There are some people there trying as hard as they can to prove homecoming is bad,all because they weren't invited to the super secret club. Well neither was I, and homecoming is awesome. And theres no server / mod drama shutting servers down.
  2. Upgrading to windows 10 finally? Good I'm tired of seeing the pop up on all the billboards in game.
  3. I was wondering what it would take to make ninja run a "real" travel power. The more I thought about it the more I realized youd probabaly have to have 3 slots in sprint, swift, and hurdle, and focus on movement speed set bonus' and youd probabaly still be the weakest travel power ever. Maybe I'll try it on justin.
  4. Also the GM on Excelsior said if things like that happen again hit up the discord and ping GMs.
  5. If a graphic in a video game changes your life in a very negative way and has you still upset years later, you need to experience some actual hardship in your life, or get over yourself.
  6. Fire is typically used for a very specific set of farm missions, or to be played in group settings. Electric to a lesser extent as well. Their very resistence based with the only defense coming from io sets and power pools. This makes them tricky in the overall survivability department. And spines excels at aoe damage but is weaker in single target. So you need to decide if you want to solo lots of mobs, or hard mobs, or both. If it's both, probabaly go dm shield. Elec is another popular pair for shield as the double port nuke melts lts and under leaving you with just the bosses to fight. Willpower is another strong secondary and replaced regen as the scrapper set of choice back in the day. Claws, katana. Martial arts were all really popular choices to pair with wp when it was new. But it will work well with any attack set. I e been reading that energy armor and radiation armor are as useful to a scrapper as willpower, and rad melee is comparable to dark melee but havent tested them myself. But that gives you some more flavor options. Staff is also solid, but it never gave me that "scrapper" feel. It actually reminded me of an axe/axe warrior in guild wars two, who's motto is "spin to win". Its easy, and it's safe. But not particularly exciting. Bio armor can be very strong if you learn to manage your armor stance. But its ugly, and even the minimal effects are dominating on your character.
  7. I'm an old man with bad eyes and big thumbs. Navigating the forums is pretty tough for me on mobile. I like how paragon wiki has simple layout with cascading text instead of horizontal scrolling when in the mobile simplified view. Thanks for your consideration, and all you do already for the game and site.
  8. Not super useful but AE buildings have doors on the "2nd floor" where the mission start area is. Just jump or fly up to the small ledge and click the doors. It's more like 10 floors up or something looking from the outside, but stops you from having to go in the lobby, then the elevator, then down the stairs.
  9. I still havent see anyone take on the ice melee dark armor scrapper. So it's got to be up there for least synergistic builds. Which tends to lead to not fun to play, which then gets grouped into the category of bad.
  10. I hang with MunkiLord on this one. The percentages might be different, but that can be said about any MMO/game community. How many people right on this forum can post about having been teleported to a high place launch by a troll? Every small MMO thinks they have an outlier, best community. They look at things like WoW and EVE, and compare their little group to it, then proclaim their community best of all communities. Reality is most MMOs have more decent people playing it than jerks. But the bigger the game gets, the more jerks there are even if the percentage of good people to jerks stays the same. I've played tons of MMOs, pretty much since 1999 with everquest. And everyone thinks they found the secret happy MMO community. But they're all the same. Except second life... it needs to be nuked from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
  11. Right there with you. Tried a few Sentinels because I like the idea. They are treated like some sort of 'cheat' AT by some people, yet in reality, IMO, they are far from being tank-mages. I have played many other ATs that blow them away, IME, while filling a hole concept wise, in game they are very 'meh'. There was a post early on this board, I think, along the lines of "players can never be trusted to make game/rule choices". With this kind in binary, 'closed' thinking, we would never have games. So a (new) AT/power/combo is over or under tuned for a while or even indefinately? So what? Even now there are lots of 'arguably superior' combos...those are not the only ones played. If someone loves Sentenals, awesome, they are having fun. Why should anyone care who added them or who uses them? It's like these people have never played a blizzard game when they introduce a new class or character. Have to keep them OP for at least a few patch cycles to make sure people reroll!
  12. They also show nonrealistic conditions such as headsplitters dmg being counted against 16 targets. Even in a fire farm, with a brute swarmed, you won't be hitting 16 targets with that.
  13. I scrapped - hah- a lvl 40ish psi scrapper for this reason. My damage is supposed to go up as I level and suddenly it was tanking. I dont want a character to be only good on certain missions, unless its purpose built for it like spines fire ae farm.
  14. Claws / electric was a popular Power level and semi farm build back in the day.
  15. Running broadsword / elec armor. So far so good but ive been teaming so it's been easy. I like to pair up 2 sets that aren't often paired up and see if I can make it work.
  16. I'm giving broadsword / elec a try. Interested to see how the minor permahaste works out with BS, and excited to see the on demand crits from the stalker ATO.
  17. Is Disney going to court saying that they had to illegally pirate a game to prove that people are making fan art of their characters?
  18. I don't think the DFB exp nerfs are inline with what was posted as the goal. Previously it took 2 runs at 100% exp boos to hit 14, and that kept you at about 1/4 the way or less left to 15. Now it took me 4 runs to hit 14 and it barely snuck 14 in. From the reading it looked like they wanted 1 to 10 to remain the same. Previously you'd get 10 in 1 run, and then 4 in the 2nd, then about 2.5 to 3 in the 2nd run, then about a lvl from there on out to 30's, then half a level. Currently you get to about 8 in 1 run. If that's the intention that's fine, I just don't think the exp matches up with what was posted as the intention. Only reason I'm making the post. Personally I would like to hit 15 in 4 runs, that way you get all 4 buffs, then get to move on to DIB, where you can collect all 4 buffs, then be 22, and go about your business in radio missions or TFs or w/e.
  19. I think you replied to the wrong thread. You probably want the patch notes thread, this one is discussing the User Agreement (and has apparently shifted to a discussion on whether Homecoming GMs are stealing our money and personal info or just taking donations to cover server costs and getting our email addresses and IP addresses for the usual reasons they're needed, ie to register an account, and so the devs can ban/IPban someone who does something deserving of one). You are correct, sorry. Not sure how i mixed up the 2 threads.
  20. WP has the weakest of the taunt aura's so if you plan on being a group tank you'll want taunt. If you just play as DPS don't worry about it.
  21. Doesn't staff fighting have the hardest hitting single target ability in their t9 ability?
  22. All I can remember of it was it was back in the days of Napster, I can't even remember if it was around the time of the Metallica thing, or before or after. And for all I know it was just an urban legend going around middle schools, warning kids not to pirate / steal music. I can just vividly remember my friends and I talking about the 12 year old getting sued for millions by Disney because of the lion king sound track. Can't remember if I was in middle school, or high school by that point.
  23. Disney once famously C&D'd a daycare with a homemade Mickey Mouse mural. So yeah. Also tried to sue a 12 year old girl for multiple millions of dollars in the early days of YouTube for having one of the songs from Lion King soundtrack playing in the back ground of her VLOG video IIRC. Something stupid like that anyway.
  24. Barely changing the spelling but basically having the same character keeps you in the territory of "that guy" it's like making a wolverine clone and naming it badger, or weapon y. We all know exactly what you're doing..
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