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Everything posted by cranebump

  1. For the remainder of this thread, I say we change the ‘l’ in oldest to a ‘d.’ Then see what happens...:-)
  2. Branching dialogue would be a nice addition, if only to allow splitting longer expository tracts into smaller chunks.
  3. Ha! Funny. I keep assuming folks exemplar down for AE with IOS. Bad assumption probably?
  4. I like the alignment system the way it is, personally. Unless someone can illuminate for me what is gained by this idea (because I would not truly know).
  5. Slow animations usually turn me off. But I don’t give up on characters. Just can’t play more than one at a time.:-)
  6. Actually, I'd like access to branching dialogue for AE mishes. It would be nice to split up some of the text, and to offer different choices/outcomes. Trying to nudge everything into 1000-character boxes doesn't allow for much development. Just ran Shauna Braun arc, and, dialogue-wise, it appears quicker because the text is spread among many screens, which keeps to a rule I recall for email: "All relevant text in the window without scrolling." I tend to use every character I have just to advance story/plot. Spreading it out with be better for the player (if not more work for me, but I'd enjoy the opportunity to try). And, of course, more AE slots for SFMA writers (though you can normally get a few more by request).
  7. Lots. Mainly through TFs, signature story arcs for merits.
  8. Much Madness (Heroic, L18-22) (ID: 33104) Still somewhat new to the whole hero thing, you leap into action, resulting in exposure to a "time spike." Now infected by madness-inducing radiation, you must work with the Autumn Wards to heal yourself, and fend off a nefarious CoT plot. But can you head off your own personal Ragnorak in time? A follow-up to Full Circle, but works independently. Custom mobs. NOTE: You might need some version of flight on first map (Skyway, with its stacked freeways). Feedback always welcome!
  9. I've noticed that, no matter how buff, how strong, how tough, how big and strong, you just cannot split Paragon power lines (oh, the number of times I've hit my head on them). P.S. The lawn chairs are also impossible to break--pure adamantium, I hear.
  10. I doubt the "original packaging" was quite that large.:=-)
  11. So, obviously these "fake cannolis" are the aforementioned paperweights referred to in this thread. (I knew we couldn't have been talking about people, cuz that'd be rude!)🙂
  12. Ditto on discarding old clues and, esp, choosIng lvls of custom critters. Toying with an idea of a character who is poisoned, diseased or cursed. Wanted the character’s lvl to drop for a couple missions, while the baddies increased (to the point where you’d have to run through a mish for a snatch and run. Can’t do it, unless I create lvl-balanced groups using stock baddies. Even then, not sure how well that would work. Actual placement of certain objects, NPCs would be nice. Also, Escort mishes to objects should allow a clue drop from the escorted (say, when they “access a database”) rather than having to have the character manually click on the glowie to get the clue I want to pass along. I’d also like to allow use of the same trigger, even if an ambush is attached to it. I wanted a glowie to spawn an ambush, plus the boss and his mobs nearby. Couldn’t get both from a glowie. HAd to include an “emergency radio message” as the in-between element.
  13. Probably already mentioned but: Grab the Atlas Exploration badges Go to Echo: Galaxy, do the same thing. Get Ouro on way out, if you don’t have it. Use the 10 merits for converters. Sell them all. You should have at least 3/4 of a mil on that alone.
  14. Just need a nice, retro base. I'm not a builder, unfortunately. And it would seem the heroes need to be Silver or Golden Age.:-)
  15. Sounds like we need a new SG called "Geezers Unanimous." Anyone in?:-)
  16. You will. It’s called lower back pain.:-)
  17. Thanks, Kyksie. Appreciate the feedback. The Mobius Strip: I’m trying to edge into this concept over various arcs, with the Strip being the linchpin, while keeping the arcs mostly self-contained. The issue is having to drop in the basic info about what the Strip is somewhere in every arc, so that skipping one doesn’t affect the other. I think that’s a definite contributing factor to possible info overload. On the other hand, I’m hoping, when it’s all done, that someone who does go through all the stories will catch the links and references to previous events in other arcs, and get a sense of history from that. For example, the arc I’m currently scripting alludes to the villain group in “Ordinary People,” offering an explanation about what made ostensibly good people turn bad. People who just want to knock heads without all the meta plot may not dig that, so that may be a barrier to getting folks into the arcs. I dunno. It’s just the story I want to tell, so I’m doing my best to tell it, while hoping I can create strong, discrete arcs that include some sense of investment and decent characters. As for “Real Roleplayers” being honked off that I put thoughts in their head, well...sorry. Story telling in AE is, among other things, problem solving. We’re character-limited by those little boxes. You make choices as to how to best use that space to achieve your goals. Besides, you can’t really roleplay without an active exchange. The script isn’t a GM, unfortunately. So, that criticism, while valid, is something I’m just going to have to live with, In exchange for what I hope is an arc that has some strengths going for it. Appreciate the time, and feedback, as always. Happy trails. P.S.The Dagons mish was supposed to be a “here’s what happens if you fail” preview. Was this adequately explained in the post-mission text? If not, I need to fix that.
  18. Mainly Excelsior, though I have a healthy stable of chars on Ever. Having run there quite a bit, I don’t recall seeing any super teams go flying by. At least, not teams in matching outfits. That would make sense as a place to see it, though. Maybe I should shift more focus there.
  19. On the topic of something personally fun: I think it’d be cool to run with a regular group as a “super team,” sharing our early experiences as we gained prominence. Then, after that, maybe we play the next generation of the team. Speaking of: I don’t think I’ve seen any instances of a team running in a supergroup matching uni, or even color scheme. I’m sure someone’s done it. I just haven’t seen it. It’d be kinda cool to don the team togs.
  20. Have always enjoyed the set, particularly the AoEs, and playing it with archery (usually). It’s quick, versatile, and fun to play. Pretty sure we’re going to hear how it doesn’t stack up to X,Y and Z powersets, but I don’t think every fruit has to be an apple. I play this with Natural or Tech origin characters, “street-level” types, the allure being the emulation of a “realistic” super (well, as realistic as wacky arrows can be). Only power I have no use for is net arrow. Just seems to fade into obscurity as I level.
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