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Mr. Vee

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Everything posted by Mr. Vee

  1. /signed and a fix to the storage bins randomly shuffling the order when removing them would be nice too :)
  2. 4/8 w/ bosses is what council and CoT are for :D
  3. Might be. Mine's softcapped to all types but psi/toxic. I afk'd for 10 minutes soloing rom/requiem/computer and another 5 with rommy/3 nictii yesterday. Came back to see i still had full health. Will have to try it with some AVs who aren't s/l/neg which are my highest resistances.
  4. I'm probably hovering around a billion - 1.5 most of the time between my various alts, with probably 2000 merits spread around for ??????. It's enough that i can buy attuned as I go on several leveling characters and finish off their expensive builds when they hit 50. I typically have enough on hand that I don't care to throw purples or large amounts of influence to friends and 20-30 million to randoms in help channel. Apart from my first character I've yet to have to wait for anything because of money so I'd consider that wealthy enough. But of course if I had as much time to play as back in the day I'm sure I'd be scrounging by now just from massive altitis.
  5. Once IOd you'll find you rarely need the clickies in bio apart from using them as debuffs. But when you do need them they're great. I'm loving my rad/bio brute - 3 debuffing auras ftw.
  6. I did say ethics, certainly no moral imperatives operative for me. i don't check the vendor prices i just know what they tend to be from vendoring so many recipes. and really with my silly principles i'm probably worse than most because i vendor so many recipes rather than throw them up for others. but time's almost always my major concern.
  7. Wondering if any of you have any self-imposed marketing standards that probably cost you more than you need to spend, but make you feel better in whatever way an arbitrary principle relating to the buying and selling of virtual goods with virtual currency might. For instance, I've always held to the principle of never bidding in such a way that I know the seller is taking a loss. So no 1 inf bids, no bids below going vendor price, no bids below cost to craft, etc. I figure the person took the time to list the thing they might as well make a profit even if they were just putting it up to seed/help and don't need the money. To that rule, which I used on live, I've recently added the principle of always paying 100k for converters. I figure if I'm going to be making hundreds of millions using them the least I can do is my part to maintain the inf/merit standard. I feel like just from the sheer volume of cheap things put up with no profit sought that there are tons of folks out there following their own principles, and my hope in starting the thread is that there are some that are guano-insane we can hear about. Mine are pretty mild. I want to hear the crazy.
  8. Black Scorpion is the shortest, but unless you like fighting Malta go GW. Auto complete the first mish and let the mystic die in mish 2 if you're just going for speed. The rest is easy apart from Numina. Also note that you only have to complete the patron's first arc to unlock the powers but you'll need to finish all 4 of your chosen patron's arcs if you want to be able to lead a Lord Recluse's SF.
  9. Ran a solo moonfire tonight for vamps/wolves and to see if my 37 rad/bio brute could solo an av yet (alas poor Arakh). in honor of this thread i really tried to save the doc but she aggroed a boss mob while i was killing ambushes.
  10. Switch to soul mastery and use power build up before hitting farsight and chrono shift. you'll lose dark consumption but you were probably not going to need it anyway.
  11. I've discovered that the dock area in the west of PO is as fast as the fort on wolf spiders, if not faster, and substantially less annoying.
  12. Yes, but unless there's one not up for sale or they're running really high that day it'd be worth it to sell off converters or boosters and buy anyway.
  13. Back at ya. Not running moonfire solely for speed, usually running it for atlas medallion kills. But once you've gotten through those kill all or de facto kill all caves there are a couple zippy missions. Also I've been on many runs where we decided not to kill the doc and she was so kamikaze we couldn't keep her alive anyway :D Oh and to the various folks talking about letting hostages 'die' - failed missions of this type generally have the contact mention the hospital porter getting them out. e.g.
  14. That would mean a moratorium ALL suggestions...There is no one suggesting anything on this board that isn't someone's personal preference... That's a bit facetious. There are plenty of preferences that can be voiced that aren't forcing anything on others. I'd prefer it if Null had a no-fx option for barrier. It'd help me see better in caves and wouldn't bother anyone. That's entirely different from wanting to change how a TF works for everyone because it doesn't fit someone's concept of heroism. These boards are full of suggestions like that. Everyone should stop speeding because i like to read the stories... Stop PLs because I like to level slowly... Change how the market works because I'm not able to make money the exact way I did on live... One of the best things about this game is that it offers so many different ways to play and have fun. Why impose unnecessary limits? When I run with my usual group we let the hostages die for speed. Every time I run LG or Moonfire with a pug I ask going into the missions what the leader/team wants to do and go with whatever they say. It's not rocket surgery.
  15. /jranger if you don't want them to die then don't let them on your run. leave my run alone. can we get a moratorium on suggestions which involve forcing a personal preference on everyone, please? besides, glacia totally deserves it (she knows what she did).
  16. Except since everyone is jumping on this, the price of ATOs is going to keep dropping, so ... good luck turning a profit off this method. >.> This has worked and died out no fewer than three times since i've been paying attention. Same cycle as anything - good profits, people jump on, profits dry up, people jump off, profits return, repeat.
  17. I remember an actual feeling of pride when i beat eb her with my arch/ta corr. Might've been my life's greatest accomplishment other than this one really good sandwich i once made.
  18. Why are you doing this to another thread about the market? The market is currently an absolute mess. The lower tier IOs aren't worth crafting because the higher tier IOs are selling for so cheap courtesy of converters. How is that a mess exactly? Everything's affordable, money's easy to make. Everybody's alts are happily getting slotted without weeks of farming and marketing and saving. Seems like the opposite of a mess.
  19. For me it was always the lowbie missions on redside where you have to fight Sea Witch. A storm EB when you're on DO accuracy with limited inspiration slots is just mean.
  20. Bump, still happening a lot, especially on weekends.
  21. I'll see your tinfoil and raise you a small sample. 3 recipe drops in one mob :P
  22. you're going to have trouble stacking enough mag (you can blame castle). even doms with domination running have to hit it more than once.
  23. Oh and to one of your initial questions, never get an attuned purple. they already work at every level like an attuned IO.
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