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Everything posted by Ashington

  1. the hash slinging slasher?
  2. You take that back! Started the Game with City of Villains and most of my Characters ARE Villains. Redside 4 Life! Now...Release the Mecha Monkeys! Mwahahahahaaaa...
  3. dude...you serious?! trying to read this small text kills probably more eyesights than any Paragon City Liefeld Wannabe Cape ever could kill Villains.
  4. BS/Pain Always wanted to make a Painladin
  5. There is only one true Keanu Reeves Virtual Reality movie
  6. Only Doom is Doom is very true. Hollywood is just too stupid to grasp the true performance that is DOOM!!!
  7. to son of jukebox: 1. Techno Syndrome by The Immortals 2. Black Knight 2000 - Main Theme by Dan Forden & Brian Schmidt vocals Steve Ritchie
  8. Can we get a ''Son of Jukebox''-Jukebox ingame?
  9. Honestly...who throws sharp objects at people...tht's just mean. Nobody would do that. I tell you....nobody!
  10. here ya go Zapp Zarack.costume
  11. What exactly are ''Naked sewer runs''? I'm intrigued...
  12. Also, turn the Gazebo in Winter Plaza into a GM
  13. Space Heroes & Other Fools - Hanrahan's Bar
  14. loooove the mark 1 design. great work.
  15. Dr. Steel - Donkey Town
  16. Good to see James Hong still doing well.
  17. Now I'am beginning to wonder if Doc Glasgow from Ennui Go! ever made an AE Arc
  18. yeah and a scrapper would make even more damage we were talking about sentinels, please focus
  19. in the arbiter daos sf you could fight a ms. liberty nemesis automaton in the ruins of galaxy city ^^
  20. you must understand that the fall of galaxy city changed people dang shivans took brawlers melanin!
  21. 5. Arbiter Daos: Covertly fighting an attemp by Nemesis to take over Arachnos from the inside and the revelation that the ''Weaver'' is still alive ( who gave the prussian prince important informations about arachnos)
  22. William Shatner - Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
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