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Everything posted by Redlynne

  1. The WP and SR taunt aura powers are consistent with intentional design decisions made by Paragon Studios prior to shutdown in 2012. Yes, they're an outlier relative to the counterpart powers in other primaries that do the same function ... but that was something done deliberately by Paragon Studios. It's not an "error" (per se), nor is it a bug. Those two powersets are intended to function "differently" in this regard compared to other powersets. Working As Designed AND Intended.
  2. The OP's request is such a First World problem that it's still difficult to take it seriously.
  3. http://web.archive.org/web/20140821075850/http://tomax.cohtitan.com/data/powers/power.php?id=Tanker_Defense.Willpower.Rise_to_the_Challenge Look at the Activate period of the toggle. Read the 1 second duration. Lood at the Taunt duration of the toggle. Read the 1.25 second duration on a MAG 3 Taunt. Question for the audience. If you increase the Taunt duration by +60% (or more, preferably) ... what happens?
  4. Unless you need to take Recall Friend ... if you're going to want a Teleport power for travel, take Mystic Flight from the Sorcery pool instead. Also, use of Enflame might be somewhat thematic, depending on what "style" of Succubus you're trying to play ... since it literally "gives the hots" to your $Target (ally or foe!).
  5. Not to say "I told you so" ... but ... My main concern wasn't for the slotting you had being terrible for Level 50. My worry was "what are you going to do when you Exemplar and don't have +ToHit from Tactics and Overgrowth working for you?" because as soon as you joined a lower level Task Force/Strike Force you would render that power quite useless due to the lack of native Accuracy slotting in the power. The moral of the story being that set bonuses are NICE for filling in gaps, but they're NOT replacements for decent native slotting in the powers themselves ... simply because set bonuses are NOT eternal(!). Exemplar too low and those set bonuses switch off. Exemplar too low and you lose access to some of your powers. Best to make your builds Exemplar Friendly in a way that allows them to decline/degrade "gracefully" at lower levels, rather than be something that just falls off a cliff and completely fails to function if you aren't playing Level 50+ content at all times.
  6. My first thought for what to call this build was "Mind over Matter" (for what I hope ought to be obvious reasons) ... which then quickly morphed into "Mind over Vegetable Matter" because /Nature Affinity ... and then it wasn't that much of a hop, skip and a jump to get to "Mind over Vegetable(s)" like you see. I figured that the "mental vegetable" angle was more than obvious without hanging a sign (or neon or a lampshade) on it. Been playing it for a few days now in "do all the things" mode on Redside and I've run through Kalinda and am working my way through Burke's missions, because I don't have a lot of time to play (spend way too much time playing the forums!). So far it's working out really well at Level 4, even though I don't have Levitate to "juggle" stuff with, simply because I can use the Nemesis Staff and Throwing Knives from the P2W vendor to round out the attack chain until I get to Level 8 and pick up Confuse. Speaking of which ... just in case no one in particular was interested ... The reason why I like to take a travel power such as Hover/Mystic Flight at Level 6 specifically is so that even if I have to Exemplar down to Level 1 ... I will not lose access to that specific power that I've taken at Level 6. Just one of those Exemplar Friendly things I like to work into my builds.
  7. Well, if you really want to make a Ninja/Nature/Mace build ... you could start with the foundation laid out in my Ninja/Time/Mace build and the look to either @SmalltalkJava's post on Beast/Nature (and now /Mace in the latest iteration in that thread) and/or my Mind/Nature/Primal Controller for inspiration on how to cross-pollinate Ninjas with Nature. And yes ... you're going to want to take your personal attacks (trust me on this one) as a Ninja Mastermind ... while also doing everything you can to cram in Hasten, Maneuvers, Assault, Tactics (do NOT skip slotting Gaussian's in Tactics!), and Power Boost out of Mace Mastery (need 1 other power as pre-req). Smoke Flash is "optional" depending on how you want to play your Ninjas. If you need to sacrifice a power pick in order to take a travel power, I'd recommend dropping Smoke Flash in order to give yourself the needed power pick to do that.
  8. I fight in the City of Statues. When you can mez everything you come across (even robots!) then Defense becomes a stat that's "nice to have" but not entirely necessary at all times. So yeah ... VERY different threat matrix. Mind Control just happens to have more "Oh Sludge!" buttons than most other Controller primaries. Being able to get your enemies to fight FOR you being one of the bigger ways you can table flip whatever the balance scales were sitting on before you got there. Please do! It's why I post these things and blather on about them in advance of the actual build, so you can get a better sense of how everything is supposed to fit together cohesively/holistically in order to make an entirety that is better than the sum of its parts. Sometimes you simply need to SEE things synergizing together in order to get that light bulb to come on for you. Yes ... my plot to take over the build forums is thickening ...
  9. Ninjas are just MASSIVELY shortchanged on the survival side of the ledger. They ALL offense with barely any token vestigial protection via Defense that's simply too anemic to keep them alive. Best way to make Ninjas "sturdy" is with Defense buffing secondaries, such as Force Field and Time Manipulation, and of those two Time Manipulation is superior since it offers both added Defense AND Healing (and Healing over Time) to help Ninjas reach for the Defense Softcap in an effort to pretend to be on par in survival. The rest of their survival is trying to desperately cram as many Pet Aura IOs into a mere 3 Pet powers as possible while still giving them useful amounts of Accuracy, Damage and Endurance Reduction.
  10. Yes. Kheldians are not locked out of Flight and Teleport pools ... meaning you can now take Air Superiority as a Kheldian.
  11. Ah, but Necro allows you to get away with that because you and your Pets have (on balance) much better crowd control options available to you. Those options really aren't available to Ninjas (as such) in a Ninja/Kin combo.
  12. If you can't die in a cemetery in the underworld ... are you Doing It Wrong™?
  13. NO Accuracy enhancement. NONE. Usually this does not bode well for use of an attack power. I did that because I wanted to slot for heal/absorb rather than slot for resistance in Wild Growth. The thing is, if you're slotting Heal sets into Wild Growth and you're looking for set bonus global recharge (like I was) then you've really only got two options ... Regenerative Tissue (5 slot) or Doctored Wounds (5 slot). Of the two options, I figured that Regenerative Tissue might be the more "interesting" choice, so I slotted that in, partly because with Regenerative Tissue I'd have Wild Growth at perma status (with time to spare) under Hasten, and because the recharge time would wind up being such a close pairing with Overgrowth so as to rig things in a way where they'd both be getting used under Power Boost, augmenting them both even further. I went with a 4 slot of Dark Watcher's Despair for both the -Recharge proc and for the 4 slot set bonus of global recharge enhancement. If you're going to 6 slot Reactive Defenses into something, putting it into Maneuvers is a good pick since the overall loss of Defense buffing is so small (fraction of 1%, really) versus the performance you'd get out of a 5 slot Red Fortune + 1 Luck of the Gambler global recharge. You also lose a smidgen of global recharge going with Reactive Defenses, but honestly it's not that much, especially if you've got a Force Feedback proc in an AoE in your build that you can "harvest" for even more recharge boosting. ALWAYS. As you saw, I reached for a 4 slot Basilisk's Gaze for the proc and the set bonus (both) as well as the Entomb proc and the Lockdown proc. If you're only going to 5 slot and don't need the Basilisk's Gaze global recharge bonus, this would be a decent alternative in 5 slots. To be honest, I find the +ToHit buffing from Overgrowth to be quite underwhelming, even though it's functionally about the same amount as what you'd be getting out of Tactics. That's because I find the overriding priority on Overgrowth to be stuffing as much recharge as possible into the power in order to push it closer towards being perma (as possible). However, there's a ... synchronicity of usefulness in doing that, since what you're really wanting is to have a sort of "integer resonance" with Power Boost on the recharge of Wild Growth and Overgrowth (Wild Bastion too if you can manage to swing it). That way Power Boost will recharge "just in time" to use Overgrowth+Wild Growth again on a regular enough schedule. Ah ... I seem to have corrupted you, my young apprentice! Good ... good ... Yes, the benefits of Power Boost with Nature Affinity seem to be perhaps even greater (albeit less focused) than with Time Manipulation.
  14. Yeah, well ... that's because I'm a share the wealth kind of Player, rather than a hoarder of the secrets knowledge type. It ultimately means that I spend less time playing the game and more time playing the forums (oops). Still, I have been ... rewarded ... from my Pass It On mentality a few times over already, so maybe I'm doing something right here. ^_~
  15. Where on Praetoria did you get the idea that it worked that way?
  16. No you may not. But Chronic the Groundhog sounds way better ...
  17. More likely it's just the short duration time window. Both Build Ups only last for 5.25 seconds, so the synchronicity of timing needed to keep them both up simultaneously for any length of time is going to be maddeningly short.
  18. It's because of how I have those same keys bound on my Peacebringer. On my Peacebringer I've got the right arrow key bound to Energy Flight ... and the counterpart Warshade power is Shadow Step (human form) or Black Dwarf Step (dwarf form). So I have the right arrow key bound if I want to activate the teleport power but not use it "all in one go" so as to put up the rings and "test" if I can reach places with the teleport power(s). That gives me a potential "range finding" option with the power that can be cancelled out of before actually teleporting. The lshift+lbutton version of the same thing does it "all in one" so as to teleport to wherever my mouse cursor is on screen upon lshift+lbutton click. This version completely skips the "show me the rings" aspect of the teleport powers. So I've got the right arrow button bound to do Look Before Leap while the lshift+lbutton bind skips the "where do you want to go?" step and just GOES wherever the mouse cursor is during the click. Different uses for different purposes when using those powers. That way, if I try to teleport somewhere and CAN'T then I can at least use the alternative targeting version of the keybind to check to see if where I want to go is a legitimate destination for a teleport, since not all locations will allow you to teleport THERE (usually indicated by red rings when aiming there). Hope that makes sense. Yes it's redundant ... but it's redundant for a (what I hope is a good) reason.
  19. Soulbound Allegiance affects ONLY the Pet that successfully procced the Build Up. This means that if you've got the proc in your T1 Pets and one of them procs it, only that 1 Pet is affected by the proc, not all 3 simultaneously "just because" they're all on the same Tier of Pet.
  20. Not if you're a fan of Xena: Warrior Princess. To a strong Amazon nation.
  21. I'm not sure that faster than light flatulence is all that punny of a name ...
  22. A base recharge time of 4 seconds does not make for that big of a wait on recasting Lifegiving Spores ...
  23. Let me guess ... step off the edge and fall to your Debt ...?
  24. 5 Click attack powers. 0 Endurance Reduction among them. No extra slots in Stamina or Stygian Circle. No enhancements slotted into Stamina or Stygian Circle. Man, it is such a mystery as to why you're running out of endurance so fast!
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