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Everything posted by Redlynne

  1. The only way Ninja/Kin can DO damage is if the Ninjas TAKE no damage. Ninjas have the damage absorbing ability of a waterlogged roll of toilet paper dissolving in a fast running stream. Without support from your secondary THEY WILL ALL DIE ... horribly fast. Kinetics will do next to nothing to keep Ninjas alive. They'll deliver a couple of big hits and ... you'll spend the rest of your time resummoning. Not a recommended combination. Although, to be fair, Kinetics is a remarkably bad secondary for almost every Mastermind primary because most of the synergies you'd want to be reaching for are simply NOT ALLOWED (Pets gain nothing from recharge enhancement, for example). It's great for Defenders and Controllers, but Masterminds get very little return on investment out of Kinetics. It works ... but not as well as you'd want it to, for ... REASONS™.
  2. Found your problem. You've resolutely refused to dedicate any slots, let alone any enhancements, to "solving" your endurance recovery issues. That's a bit like failing to slot your damage powers for ... y'know, damage ... and then wondering why your damage production is subpar. At Level 27 you could be slotting 3 set IOs into Health (yes, Health!) to aid your endurance recovery. Panacea, Miracle and Numina's Convalescence (all "proc" IOs). By Level 27 you could be slotting 3 enhancements into Stamina (yes, Stamina!) to aid your endurance recovery. A common Endurance Modification IO as well as Endurance Modification set IO and the proc IO from the Performance Shifter set. Stygian Circle is what turns you in a Necromantic Slurper™ of healing and endurance from the corpses of those you defeat. Guess what you'd want to be enhancing Stygian Circle with to help you with your endurance problems?
  3. Somebody get this girl a tuna sandwich ...
  4. Because those other AoE heals often have a $Target, whether that be the Caster or someone else. It's basically the same reason why use of Dragon's Tail out of the Martial Arts set will temporarily root you in place. It's a (PB)AoE with no $Target, so you'll be rooted in place while the animation of your PC doing a spinning leg sweep at ankle height plays out.
  5. Did you really eat the confetti AGAIN?!? No, don't answer that ... I can see right through you ...
  6. Hero Plan by Mids' Reborn : Hero Designer https://github.com/ImaginaryDevelopment/imaginary-hero-designer Controller - Mind Control - Nature Affinity.mxd
  7. I blame this one primarily on @SmalltalkJava and his Beast/Nature Mastermind research build post. I'll at least accept partial blame for this build owing to the fact that I've got a Gravity/Time Controller build and a Ninja/Time/Mace Mastermind build ... and a Mind/Time Controller build too ... oh and I've got a somewhat iconic Time/Dual Pistols/Soul Defender build as well ... and I'm thinking, y'know, I really ought to play something OTHER THAN Time Manipulation for a change. I mean, yeah, I can build a Time Manipulation build using my other builds as crib sheets for what to do (and when to do it), but with Mind Control it might not be the best blending of primary and secondary powersets possible. Which is where @SmalltalkJava comes in with his Beast/Nature Mastermind research build post and I'm thinking ... okay, I've never played Nature Affinity before, so what's going on in here that would synergize well with Mind Control? Well, as it turns out ... more than I'd been anticipating. Back on Virtue, I positively DESPISED Hasten ... mainly because everyone took it ... so wanting to be contrarian different, I refused to take it on any of my characters until I built my first Hunts(wo)man Soldier of Arachnos and pretty much HAD to take Hasten in order to make the build work properly. Since then, I still actively look for reasons NOT to put Hasten into a build, but sometimes the benefits of doing so are just so high that there's no way around doing it without self-gimping. Mind/Nature/Primal turns out to be one of those cases ... mainly because (including Hasten) the build has 11 powers with a base recharge time of longer than 40 seconds. That represents ~45% of the power picks! 1x 40s base recharge = Terrify 1x 45s base recharge = Mass Hypnosis 1x 120s base recharge = Power Boost 1x 180s base recharge = Rebirth 1x 225s base recharge = Wild Growth 3x 240s base recharge = Total Domination, Wild Bastion, Mass Confusion 1x 255s base recharge = Overgrowth 1x 450s base recharge = Hasten 1x 600s base recharge = Conserve Power So ... bare minimum ... a Mind/Nature Controller build is massively supercharged by Hasten and global recharge bonuses (up to a point). The downside is ... there are remarkably few good places to slot in a Force Feedback proc for yet more recharge boosting. There's Levitate, of course, but it's a single target attack on a relatively fast recharge, making it somewhat inconsistent for use as a Force Feedback proc producer, particularly when slotted up. However, in order to reach Power Boost in Primal Mastery (more on why that might be a good idea in a little bit), you need to take 2 pre-requisite powers ... and while you can do the One Slot Wonder™ routine of using Conserve Power and Temp Invulnerability if you haven't got the slots to spare ... an alternative would be to pick Conserve Power and either Power Blast (single target ranged knockback) or Energy Torrent (cone knockdown) as a Force Feedback proc mule. However, of these two choices, only Energy Torrent offers a meaningful AoE method of slotting in a Force Feedback proc in a power that won't scatter everything hither and yon on the battlefield. It also has a high enough base recharge to offer a decent chance to proc per use of Energy Torrent against 1-3 $Targets if necessary, in addition to being able to slot in an Annihilation proc for additional -Resistance debuffing in addition to the Knockdown AND Force Feedback proc utility, making it a decent soft control power usable against groups that won't annoy a team/league engaged in a herd and burn operation. The only real downside to this plan is ... it's got to wait until Level 44 at the earliest if you don't want to displace Entangling Aura at Level 35 (and I don't want to displace it until later). In this build ... because of Reasons™ ... I have to delay picking up Energy Torrent until Level 47, which is really late in the game (but still usable against almost everything in the Shadow Shard, Rikti War Zone and other "fun" endgame locations (such as the Dr. Quaterfield Task Force). In the final analysis, I basically had an option between taking either Levitate OR Energy Torrent, but I couldn't fit them both in AND take 2 Leadership toggles (Assault and Tactics) AND take a movement power (Mystic Flight in this case, for the Blessing of the Zephyr Knockback Protection IO and the ability to Fly+Teleport all in one power pick) AND Hasten AND still have 3 power picks left over to get all the way to Power Boost at Level 49. Something HAD to give! In this case, it was Levitate ... simply because Levitate doesn't "play nice" with Telekinesis (more on synergies with that below!) due to the KnockUP in Levitate, and because Levitate is such a poor man't proc location for Force Feedback. Yes, you can do it, but if you 5 slot an Entropic Chaos along with the Force Feedback proc, you're looking at a proc chance that looks like this: 2 * ((6 / ( 1 + 37.91 / 100 )) + 1.87) / (60) = 20.74% proc chance for Force Feedback in Levitate Now, granted, the proc chance in Energy Torrent isn't that much better ... but it IS better ... 2 * ((24 / ( 1 + 0 / 100 )) + 1.07) / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + 40 * (11 * 45 + 540) / 30,000))) = 41.06% proc chance for Force Feedback in Energy Torrent per $Target hit Since Energy Torrent is a 45º Cone with a 40ft base radius/range on it (that I've frankenslotted up to 58.16ft in this build, which is just barely shy of the 60ft base radius/range of Terrify, so synergy there!) which can hit up to 10 $Targets per attack, that's a LOT better odds of being able to proc Force Feedback multiple times per minute than I'd ever be able to achieve out of Levitate. So, lacking the power picks AND the necessary slots available to support use of Levitate AND Energy Torrent ... Levitate loses the contest and gets dropped from the build as the most "expendable" power from either the primary or the secondary. I know that the side effect of this is that absent a Positron's Blast proc from Terrify or use of Energy Torrent, this build is limited to producing ONLY Psionic damage ... but since the build overall is so heavily oriented towards achieving both lockdown (soft and hard) as well as +Absorb, +Heal, +Regeneration, I figure that when push comes to shove there'll be plenty of opportunity to take whatever time is needed against the City of Statues that this build is designed to produce. So damage output might be considered "light" ... even for a Controller ... but if your $Targets are blocked from taking any actions, or what actions they DO take is against their (former) allies, then with "all the time in the world" you can afford to play a slightly slower game with a greater margin of safety against error. So, the core attack rotation from this build revolves around Mesmerize, Dominate, Confuse ... wash, rinse, repeat until defeated. At higher levels, intermittent use of Terrify every few attack rotations will help augment the damage output, but still that's going to be mostly Psionic damage output (which is less than ideal against Robots, granted). However, the lockdown offered, and the ability to recover when that lockdown might happen to fail, is extremely high in this build, because both the primary AND secondary powersets offer lockdown options which can be stacked together. Holds, Sleeps, Confuses and Terrify all mix together backed up with Absorb shields (both powers and via proc) plus healing and regeneration as well as endurance recovery. In fact, the net endurance burn on this build is what has convinced me that this would make a superior combination with Mind Control than use of Time Manipulation ... because of Overgrowth. That's because Overgrowth offers a whopping 93.125% global endurance reduction for 60s ... which then makes it actually possible for Telekinesis to be used without going OoM endurance empty in nearly no time flat while sustaining Telekinesis. With Hasten up, Overgrowth has a 76.2s recharge time, which combined with the 3s cast time of the power yields a 75% uptime on Overgrowth (before including Force Feedback procs helping even more), which is remarkably advantageous considering that Overgrowth ALSO offers a +66% all damage buff to teammates in the PBAoE when cast. That's like getting a (poor man's) Build Up buff every 1m20s or so that lasts for 1m of duration. So it "solves" a lot of potential endurance cost issues, with the combination of Telekinesis AND Entangling Aura being cost effective when used together on $Targets herded into a corner for a beatdown (1.56 end/s and 0.61 end/s without Overgrowth versus 1.07 end/s and 0.36 end/s with Overgrowth, a difference of -0.74 end/s just for these two toggles used simultaneously!). Put Telekinesis and Entangling Aura together and there's a LOT of things you can Hold ... starting with Elite Bosses (and working your way down) ... just add stacks of Dominate. Overgrowth is therefore the key to being able to employ Telekinesis effectively, as is Conserve Power (although not to as great an extent since Conserve Power has a lower uptime at 43% than Overgrowth at 75%). On top of all of that, Power Boost buffs up not only all of the Hold, Sleep and Terrify effects you'd be delivering with this build, but also the Healing and Regeneration and Absorb shields as well, on top of the +ToHit you'll be getting from various powers ... which is to say, very nearly every other power that this build can bring to bear will get buffed up by Power Boost, with only a few exceptions. With an over 30% uptime potential in this build, with multiple long duration Click powers that can benefit from Power Boost (basically every primary and secondary power except Corrosive Enzymes) that starts pushing Power Boost into the territory of Use Every Time Power Is Recharged in the context of this build. Don't save Power Boost for later ... use it ALL THE TIME. And as if that wasn't enough synchronicity going on, Wild Growth and Overgrowth wind up with very nearly the same recharge time when Hasten is up. And that's not even taking into account my now signature(?) use of Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control and Decimation for their respective Build Up procs so as to magnify the amount of damage output a particular build is capable of producing (especially in a team/league context with Tactics running). Add onto that being able to cast Overgrowth for yet another Build Up like damage boost on top of those actual Build Up procs and what looked like some pretty "sorry" damage output (all Psionic) starts looking almost respectable (for a Controller). There are, of course some additional bits of wonderful goodness going on in this build, such as Lifegiving Spores slotted with Panacea "gifting" everyone within the Location AoE extra HP and endurance points when the proc lands, not just the caster (meaning that proc can be "shared" with a team/league through this power). Needless to say ... Very Useful™ in Plant The Flag situations. Oh and ... fair warning ... for anyone who opens the build using either the code hash or the .mxd file. I very DELIBERATELY turned OFF all of the toggle powers on the build, and left only the auto powers turned on. That's because this build, far more than usual for me ... CHANGES ... what the stats window will be telling you, depending on what powers you've got toggled on/off. It's going to make a HUGE difference in performance, so much so that I felt it was important for people to be able to open the build in a "all toggled off" state before turning things on to check to see how numbers move (and dance and high dive off the ledger into the Great Beyond™ and so on and so forth). This is definitely one build that is doing all it can to "defy" adequate quantification by the build planner application, simply because there are SO MANY caveats and edge cases possible with the use of the powers (and not just because of proc chances!). But enough pontificating about what I think is nifty about this build (and which I wouldn't be able to pull off using Empathy as a secondary) ... let's get to the actual build then, shall we? And yes ... it looks like I'm going to be rerolling my (villain!) Controller to this build relatively shortly ...
  8. Fire. Ice. Negative Energy. Energy. Smashing. Lethal. Psionic. Toxic. UNTYPED ... You get the idea ...
  9. Side note: I've often found that 6 slotting the Purple 50 sets is a waste of a slot (ironically), simply due to Enhancement Dysfunction taking a severe bite out of the gains added from the 6th slot. Try 5 slotting the Apocalypse set, dropping the Damage enhancement, and then either using the open 6th slot for another proc, or moving the slot somewhere else in your build that needs an extra slot.
  10. No one has yet addressed whether or not the later 0.2 or 0.3 iterations are .net 2.0 "friendly" or whether they have a dependency upon .net 4.7.2 built into them. Some of us are Mac users and we are ... limited ... by .net iterations with respect to what works without needing to resort to Boot Camp to reach Windows 10 in order to use the app at all.
  11. Simplest solution workaround to this problem is use of the Follow command. Pick your $Target. /follow Follow $Target for only as long as you need to in order to orient towards the $Target /follow Stops following the $Target. Cast Regrowth. Not an ideal solution by any means, but it would be a way to work around the fact that since Regrowth "ignores" $Targets for the purposes of orienting your PC towards the $Target, this would be the closest thing you could get to achieving that functionality by alternative means.
  12. To be excessively fair ... it wasn't until the PPM research by @Bopper and @Sir Myshkin and others had advanced far enough to yield the PPM formulas that I was able to do something as off the wall as to DELIBERATELY floor proc chances on a power and then just KEEP GOING even further below the floor so as to leverage the minimum proc chance to paradoxically increase the chances to proc over and above the performance profile you "ought to" be getting out of power(s) based on their raw stats. The Gaussian's Build Up proc behavior in Tactics led me in this direction, which then bore out as being valid and true in actual testing, prompting a recycling of notions on how the Decimation Build Up proc might be paradoxically leveraged in a similar fashion. The result, as you know, is what happened with my Ninja/Time/Mace build that broke "way too many rules" of the Conventional Wisdom™ in order to alight upon an Unexplored Island Of Stability™ that was for all intents and purposes OFF THE MAP as far as build experience(s) go. I mean ... the capacity for it was always there, since Issue 9 when Inventions got introduced ... but nobody had ever "gone there" before, since everyone (rightly?) assumed that for nearly all Mastermind primaries the personal attacks were a waste of animation time, endurance, power picks, slots and attention span while playing a Mastermind. So yeah ... not at all surprising that the default assumption that the personal attacks for Mastermind were "worthless" and would always remain such. But with the learning (mastery?) of PROC FU has come the realization that there really are some hidden/unpolished gems hiding in the rough that no one has bothered to explore yet, and that the results from going there and seriously looking can be not only eye opening but also mind blowing(!). The real hurdle though is getting past the notion that you're wasting your time even considering the possibility that there might be any There There (so to speak). And hey, if I can make it happen with nothing more than Ranged and Target AoE sets to choose from, which is the absolute worst/most limited selection to choose from as a starting point, then other/newer sets with fewer limitations on the personal attacks ought to have a MUCH wider field of possibilities, and therefore advantages, in taking and slotting up the personal attacks ... especially if you know PROC FU and can bring to bear the POWER of the Dark Side that those procs enable and represent. Heck, if you're not worried about set bonuses and just want to slot them up as proc monsters, you can turn them into some pretty dangerous attack powers, depending on what you do with the options at your disposal. As for being able to "start fresh" for every battle ... that's kind of how I feel with my Ninja/Time build, where I can start every fight with Ninjas at full health thanks to Temporal Mending. Add in Time's Juncture and my Ninjas start getting pretty well "buffed" for survival, might like you're experiencing with Nature here. Same objective, but arrived at by a different route/means.
  13. Actually, I was honestly wondering (while on my way to my Day Job today) if an ideal solution would be to REMOVE the Medic from the Tier 1 Pet summon, so just have 3 Soldiers instead, and then reconfigure the Serum power to work along the lines of Gang War to instead summon the Medic (or perhaps 2 Medics) TEMPORARILY on a faster recharge than what is used for Gang War ... and then give the summoned (temp) Medic(s) the ability to use the Serum power on a MUCH shorter cooldown, so they can administer the Serum more than once during the duration of the Medic(s) in addition to their Aid Other and Injection powers. In other words, turn the Medic in a "get a corpsman over here!" Level 18 power borrowing from Gang War but in a much more focused way so as to drop the recharge down to something like maybe 60-90 seconds with summoned the Medic(s) having a duration of 15-20 seconds during which they patch up everyone and load them up with Serum for good measure before retreating off the front lines. Kind of have to wonder how well that would work.
  14. Okay, let me see if I've got this straight. In Call Swarm you have a PRIME candidate for slotting 5 Decimation (with Build Up proc) + 1 extra proc (Devastation for Hold, Winter's Bite for -Recharge and -Speed, Pacing of the Turtle for -Recharge and Achilles' Heel for -Resist) and you choose NONE of these options, and instead pick this power at Level 49 instead of at Level 2. Build Up procs from here act as force multipliers for your Call Ravens power. In Call Hawk you have perhaps one of the most bizarre possibilities for use of 6 slots in that you could put in 4 Cloud Senses (including Negative Energy damage proc) giving the power decent -ToHit along with 2 other procs, one of which will be Force Feedback for +Recharge, but that then leaves you a choice of other procs (Devastation for Hold, Winter's Bite for -Recharge and -Speed and Dark Watcher's Despair for -Recharge). In Call Ravens you can slot in 5 Annilation (with -Resistance proc) or 5 slot in Positron's Blast (with Energy Damage proc) and have your choice of +1 extra proc (Positron's Blast for Energy damage, Annihilation for -Resistance, Frozen Blast for Immobilize(!!!), Impeded Swiftness for Smashing damage, Pacing of the Turtle for -Recharge, Achilles' Heel for -Resist, Touch of Lady Grey for Negative Energy damage, or Shield Breaker for Lethal damage). Compared to what I've got to work with in Ninjas, that's an embarrassment of riches in options! I mean, if you wanted to, you could load up like so on the procs for different purposes: Recharge Debuffing ... Call Swarm (Decimation, Winter's Bite), Call Hawk (Cloud Senses, Dark Watcher's Despair, Force Feedback), Call Ravens (Positron's Blast, Frozen Blast) Resistance Debuffing ... Call Swarm (Decimation+Achilles' Heel), Call Hawk (Cloud Senses, Winter's Bite, Force Feedback), Call Ravens (Annihilation, Frozen Blast) I could go on, but I'd like to think I've made my point ... because, I don't know about you, but being able to Immobilize(!!!) via Call Ravens using the Frozen Blast proc (on entire groups!) and then backing that up with a Winter's Bite proc to debuff recharge AND run away speed, would seem to be a decent mix of options (to me, at least) when using a Melee Only set of Pets like Beasts (or Ninjas). That way, the "Run away! Run away!" problem is at least partially mitigated, helping to keep your Beasts "in (melee) contact" range of their $Targets so as to deliver a faster beatdown. To be honest with you, if I were running Beasts/Nature I'd want to ditch the Fighting pool entirely, giving you back 4 slots to pick right there, and I'd drop Combat Jumping as well, recovering another slot. I'd only spend 2-3 slots on Overgrowth (you really don't need to 6 slot it for ToHit buffing) and at a mere 2 slots in Overgrowth that would be another 4 slots recovered ... for a total of 9 enhancement slots. That's enough to bring Call Swarm, Call Hawk and Call Ravens up to being 6 slots EACH so you can do something with them besides using them as filler attacks ... and you'd have another 4 power picks left over to do something with, allowing you to take Assault and Vengeance plus 2 other "one slot wonder" powers ... which could be Stealth and Grant Invisibility. That in turn would give you enough LotG mule powers that you could potentially replace the 5 Red Fortune + 1 LotG Recharge in Maneuvers with 6 Reactive Defenses, due to the limit on 5 LotGs per build so as to have scaling resistances as your HP drops, multiplying the effectiveness of your Tankerminding. Having Stealth (plus a Stealth IO in Sprint) and casting Grant Invisibility on your Pets would allow you to engage in ambush strategies that this build won't support. In other words, you've got other options here than even what you've put together so far.
  15. Ironically, it's your research into this build that's been making me wonder about trying a Mind/Nature Controller build. Back on Virtue, I first tried Mind/Empathy and didn't much care for the combination. I'd originally wanted to use Recovery Aura with Telekinesis to help combat the endurance cost (I was "young"(er) back then) but the whole thing wound up feeling like something of a huge mismatch to me. Then I moved on to trying to use Mind/Kinetics and actually got to Level 50 with that one and would go on Hamidon and Rikti Mothership Raids, as well as plenty of Incarnate Trials (and of course, Task Forces). The combination of Mind/Kinetics was really ... frantic ... is the best way I can describe it, since there was only 1 toggle in each of the primary and secondary powersets, with everything else being a Click (with all of the Clicks "fighting" for priority to be used RIGHT NOW!!!!). It was fun, but also kind of exhausting to play since it called for hyper alterness and situational awareness at all times. Very VERY active playstyle! I'm wondering (now) if a Mind/Nature Controller mix would wind up being a better balance than Mind/Time (like I posted months ago now), so I've been kind of interested to see where this build has been taking you. Obviously Nature will play quite differently for a Petless Controller than for a Pet"loaded" Mastermind, but a lot of the lessons learned from this build can potentially be applied elsewhere in other archetypes, so thanks for the efforts you've been making with this, even if you don't think it's quite been perfected as of just yet. Do it. You "need" Hasten on a Time Manipulation build in order to get Chrono Shift into perma status, but not necessarily here with Nature. I'm personally of the opinion that taking (and slotting!) all 3 personal attacks on your Mastermind is the way to go since it will add a lot of versatility to what you're doing (single target vs AoE) as far as attack chain rotations go, and it will also make it easier for you to Tankermind by doing "enough" damage output to draw attention onto yourself to open and then hold it long enough while your Pets "go to town" on whatever is attacking you while you're in Bodyguard Mode. That opening of options will certainly help when you're in team situations too, you aren't JUST Pets plus a secondary.
  16. So, having had some time to contemplate the potential of Mind/Trick Arrow in relation to other Mind/* secondary combinations ... I'm just not convinced that Trick Arrow brings enough to the table for it to be a competitor to other potential alternatives. Part of the problem is that Mind Control is a very Click heavy powerset, as is Trick Arrow. This means that in a lot of situations your "throughput" capability is going to be somewhat dictated by how quickly you can cycle through animations in order to Do Stuff™ to your $Target(s), and having all of those Clicks vying for attention and a chance to be used (routinely) becomes its own challenge. In other words, it simply takes too long/too many attacks to stack up useful amounts of debuff+mez to achieve some of the more theoretical bits of nifty-ness you can potentially do with this powerset combination. The beauty of Mind Control is that when soloing you'll often have the luxury of TIME to pull off these kinds of chains and setups ... but in a group (particularly a fast moving steamroller) that luxury of time to chain multiple powers together starts evaporating. In actual gameplay, I've often found that the longer a combination of attacks gets, the less likely you are to actually ever use that combination in actual gameplay. Mind/Trick is easily flirting with that tipping point of almost being more trouble than it's worth (so to speak). Compared to a Mind/Time build where you've got enough of a "blend" of long duration Clicks and Toggles so as to free up animation time for your primary powerset, Trick Arrow kind of suffers just in comparison of the need to animate so many powers out of Trick Arrow at the expense of animating attacks out of the primary powerset (which is often where most of the damage is coming from on a moment to moment basis). Yes, there's a proc monstered Ice Arrow as a backdoor way to achieve a single target "nuke" power, but even with a tremendous amount of recharge in the build you're looking at wanting to use it every OTHER attack rotation cycle, rather than every rotation cycle of Mez/Dom/Lev. Don't get me wrong, the debuffs from Trick Arrow will "help" but if you're soloing they don't help you all THAT much in a lot of cases. In my opinion, the support you get out of Trick Arrow is kind of weak for Mind Control, even if you'll be able to pull off some interesting combos.
  17. So I loaded up this build in the planner ... and was surprised to find that you're breaking the Rule of 5 for set bonuses. The Red Fortune 5 slot set bonus in Weave AND Scorpion Shield are going to waste because you have "too many" +5% global recharge set bonuses. Considering that you've got a 5 slot Adjusted Targeting in Tactics, that would be the first place I'd look to deconflict for set bonuses. Switch from a 5+1 to a straight up 6 slot of Gaussian's in Tactics. You're already putting 6 slots into Tactics, might as well get the full benefit of Gaussian's out of it, since you don't exactly need recharge in Tactics. Might want to rejigger which sets you're taking where (and why) to cut down on some of that wasted effort. There's some other elements of this build that make me go ... "wha??" ... like not taking Call Ravens for your Cone attack, as well as making no effort to actually take the personal attacks early on in the build (almost as early as you can manage to fit them in) where they'll do you the most good (particularly when Exemplaring).
  18. I'd be perfectly happy with being able to pick HenchPets from a pulldown menu of options for specific powersets.
  19. Spirit Ward (the T1 in the Sorcery Pool) can be applied to Singularity, giving your Singularity an absorb shield to mitigate incoming damage. This is useful because your Singularity CANNOT BE HEALED ... so use of Temporal Mending isn't going to heal your Singularity. Temporal Selection, by contrast will increase the Regeneration rate of your Singularity which will "heal" your Singularity over time, but not as a +HP heal (if that makes any sense). So Spirit Ward simply adds another layer of tankiness to Singularity, helping to mitigate incoming damage. Why does everyone ask this? My Gravity/Time Manipulation Controller hasn't reached Level 50 yet, so ... none (yet). The "real" answer for you should be ... whatever makes you happy. No seriously.
  20. Elevator as "teleport" to linked location on same map? Theoretically doable.
  21. The Mastermind is a "dark elf type" (hence the Nature secondary) who moves in assassination guild circles (hence the Ninjas) ...?
  22. https://github.com/ImaginaryDevelopment/imaginary-hero-designer/releases/tag/ https://github.com/ImaginaryDevelopment/imaginary-hero-designer/releases/download/
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