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Everything posted by Redlynne

  1. Well there's a good power to slot the Entomb proc into ...
  2. Most of us use the Hero Designer app for that ...
  3. You need 4 Empathy PCs in a Hamidon Raid in order to buff up Regen+Recovery enough via click auras to deliver the beatdown to the Yellow Mitos while surviving all the damage that they put out. Those 4 Emps buff the entire raid. Empathy can deliver the same kind of buffing to a Mothership Raid once everyone gathers up inside the bowl. Same can be said for Empathy on Incarnate Trials, once everyone gathers up to deliver a beatdown.
  4. */Trick Arrow seems to have been dropped entirely from the OP.
  5. If you want to perma Farsight and Chrono Shift ... then yes. Sure, you can rely on Force Feedback procs to "hasten" global recharge for you ... but that only lasts 5 seconds per proc and requires $Targets for you to attack. That works fine when you're CONSTANTLY attacking $Targets, but not quite so well when you're not. The answer to the question is really ... AND ... as in Hasten AND Force Feedback proc(s) are needed. If you're fishing for an OR answer, you're going to be sadly disappointed ... but sometimes you just have to touch the park bench to know that the Wet Paint sign on it wasn't a lie ... no?
  6. Resolve first ... animate after. This is actually why grenades in City of Heroes are "homing grenades" if you're moving when they come your way. You've already been "hit" ... you just haven't gotten the memo yet. Same deal must be going on with the proc situation here, which would mean that everything is at least working "consistently" according to be game's rules.
  7. Glue Arrow might be one of the powers that offers a key to understanding how psuedo-pet "rain" powers work (including Caltrops, etc.). The thought that occurred to me today (while shuffling off to my Day Job) was that it would make sense for "rain" styled powers to use the "standard" Toggle/Auto (and psuedo-pets?) formula: PPM * Activation Period / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + Radius * (11 * Arc + 540) / 30,000))) = Proc Chance *Note* For Single Target use Radius = 0 and Arc = 0. *Note* For Sphere, Arc = 360. Use the Radius and Arc values provided in the Info panel of your Build Planner. ... but then use a different Activation Period (than once per 10s)... and also REMOVE the minimum proc chance floor limiter. Specifically, you use the ACTUAL Activation period of the "rain" styled power, so if it's "doing its thing" once per second you use an Activation Period of 1s for the formula. Net result ... statistically speaking ... you wind up with a less biased PPM performance where the minimum proc chance gets "artificially lifted" via the minimum proc chance rule combined with the Chuck Lots Of Dice!! method of increasing the proc chances even more than they ought to be. The outcome would be a highly (psuedorandomized) leveling of the proc chance(s) such that it would become VERY unlikely to proc on any one given activation tick, but ought to proc at least a time (or few) during the duration of the "rain" power in an extremely random way. Just to plug in numbers for this idea, so test if I'm even in the ballpark with this notion, if I look at Ice Storm in the Controller epic pool of Ice Mastery I can glean the following info just from the Hero Planner application. Activation Period: 0.2s Duration: 15s Radius: 25ft Arc: 360 So if I toss in 3.5 PPM like Positron's Blast into the formula, I get this answer out of it: 3.5 * 0.2 / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + 25 * (11 * 360 + 540) / 30,000))) = 0.306010928962% chance to proc So far, so good(?) ... since the basic formula is returning an answer that basically amounts to "this is damn unlikely to proc on any given activation tick" which matches observed behavior for "rain" styled powers. Then if I take that answer and run it through the Chuck Lots Of Dice!! formula for computing the chance of ONE proc out of a given number of attempts, I get this for 75 chances to proc in 15 sec: 1 - (1 - 0.00306)75 = 20.535% chance to proc at least once during 15s duration per $Target being hit by all 75 activations ... and you know what ... even without testing, that starts "feeling" about right for the performance that people report when putting damage procs into "rain" style powers like Ice Storm and Fire Storm and the like. Bottom line, I'm thinking that for "rain" type powers the formula that you've uncovered is probably in use ... but some of the "assumptions" around it are altered (by removing the limiter on the lower end "floor" of the proc chances) in order to make them "work" in the edge case conditions offered by "rain" type powers. If true, this is something that could be proven out by testing ... and that testing would help determine if powers that don't necessarily "look like" they're a "rain" styled power might actually wind up functioning (under the game mechanical hood) as of they were "rain" styled powers (like Glue Arrow?) so as to keep applying a debuff effect repeatedly over time to create a persistent zone of denial, much like how Caltrops and the "rain" powers do. After that, it's a matter of determining what proc effects "apply" out of those pseudo-pet casters ... and which don't/won't for whatever reason is buried deep in the code. Or I could be wrong (again) ...
  8. The ... inconsistency ... of KB/KD due to chance to KB/KD is just ... infuriating ... since there's absolutely NOTHING YOU CAN DO as a Player to influence that chance to proc. It's baked into the power at a "level" that is beyond the influence of what you can do as a Player to affect how your power(s) "work."
  9. At the end of the day, it really comes down to a question of "who gets the last word" on how you're going to use your powers in-game. There are basically 3 options: YOU do Your Teammates do The Developers do Rarely does empowering YOU to CHOOSE (for yourself!) how your powers are going to function result in options 2 and/or 3 taking precedence. Can it happen? Sure, but it'll be rare, rather than a constant, let alone a foregone conclusion. Empowering a Team Leader to "choose" how your powers are going to function railroads everything into option 2 ... and keeps it there. Preventing you from having any choices in the matter whatsoever means that option 3 wins by default. Duh. Will social pressures "exist" to play one particular way? Of course! But not everyone succumbs to that social pressure by default. Shocking, I know. Point being that giving PLAYERS options for controlling how their powers "work" ... On Demand no less(!) ... will RARELY result in a "heads I win, tails you lose" situation, while having no option at all actually makes the "heads I win, tails you lose" outcome more likely. It's like I always say. You can lead a man to water, but you cannot make him THINK.
  10. The (so called) Mission Computer was pretty much obsolete as soon as it was pushed live back in the "old days" of City of Heroes. It basically unlocked the Cathedral of Pain Trial ... and nothing else ... for obtaining Items of Power to use in your SG Base, that never worked right (because SG Base PvP never worked right). It was a sandcastle built on vacuum(!) in orbit around an unfriendly star that didn't care if the sandcastle stayed together or not. Small wonder then that the Mission Computer "failed" to deliver as spectacularly as it did. Ever since then, people have been trying to formulate a ... use ... for the darn thing, and it just never happens.
  11. Will there be Social Pressure to use powers "a certain way" in the game? Of course! That's just human nature. Players are manipulative/control obsessed little bah-stids, after all, who are quite capable of "working the refs" to get whatever they want (right now). However, equating the OPTION to coordinate with that social pressure as ipso facto DICTATING that everyone must succumb to that social pressure EVERY SINGLE TIME (without exception!) is excessive ... in the same sense of "give an inch, take a mile" is. Learn to have some sense of proportion people! And while you're at it, try to get in touch with a piece of fairy cake ... it'll do you good, promise.
  12. @Sir Myshkin I've reviewed both this thread and your Defender Offender threads and I'm not seeing any information on the testing of procs in either Entangling Arrow or Glue Arrow for the Trick Arrow powerset. I presume that's simply because Entangling Arrow recharges too quickly to make it a good/decent PPM candidate and the procs that it could slot are somewhat lacking in potential usefulness, although you can slot a proc for Lethal and Smashing damage into it. However Glue Arrow makes me wonder. Is Glue Arrow functionally working like a (damaging) Rain power would with constrained proc potential? Flash Arrow, of course, is something of a unique outlier case, since putting any kind of damage or debuff proc into it will compromise its ability to be used WITHOUT alerting mobs. However, if you're willing to ditch an aggro free Flash Arrow, you can slot some damage and/or debuff procs into the power. And what about Poison Gas Arrow? Do any procs work in it? And if they do work in Poison Gas Arrow, is there a "caster mismatch" issue where the effects of Poison Gas Arrow are being cast by a pseudo-pet and thus do not transfer/default back to your PC? Induced Coma might be useful in this context, since that's -Recharge debuff cast on affected $Targets, but I would presume that the chance to Heal from Call of the Sandman wouldn't do anything useful for your Controller other than upon initial cast, and that the chance to Placate from Fortunata Hypnosis would "work" but ultimately not be "useful" in any meaningful way (since it would "placate" $Targets from attacking the pseudo-pet?). That would still leave the Will of the Controller proc for Psionic damage as being potentially useful in Poison Gas Arrow, along with Overpowering Presence ... either of which could prove to be rather interesting in the context of Poison Gas Arrow depending on how it winds up working. I'd also like to know if Poison Gas Arrow would get extra chances to proc (3 presumably? once on attack and again at 10s and 20 duration elapsed?) and if the summon from the Energy Font proc would appear at the Controller or in the Poison Gas AoE spawned by the power. Might I impose upon you to test these combinations for us? Knowing which procs "function" properly in which powers would be crucial to developing an optimized Trick Arrow enhancement build plan ... for Controllers, Corruptors and Defenders (Blasters get their own thing that isn't the same powerset).
  13. NO. Team Leader modifiers that interfere with the way that other PC's characters FUNCTION should be avoided at all costs. That's imposing "play MY way!" onto everyone in a Team that's a bridge too far.
  14. Primary Powersets are the most powerful. Secondary Powersets are the next most powerful. Pool Powersets NEED to be placed below both of the above ... lest Syndrome syndrome start taking effect.
  15. You know, this one "works" either as a male or as a female ... and even as a huge ...
  16. Set bonuses apply to YOU ONLY. Plan your build accordingly.
  17. Cross-posting from HERE. Decided to go and stand out in the courtyard of the Steel Canyon University for these pics of my Warshade ... Ms Terry. Note that the rockets (boots and backpack) "work" during Teleports via Shadow Step. I also happen to think that the Rocket Boots make for a nice "muscular calf" silhouette, particularly with tights on the legs, when using the color scheme that I am here. You should also have no problems recognizing the overall color palette and hairstyles for my Warshade. 😎 Formal Wear This is a Wedding Tux worn over Witch Leather (chest and legs) and Rocket Boots. There's even a Bow Tie (shoulders) to complete the look. This is the go-to default costume for my Warshade, since it is elegant and classy while also being thematic and distinctive. It also isn't (at first glance) obvious what costume pieces were used to make it, making it a bit of an interesting puzzle to work out when first seen. Roman Valkyrie This uses a mix of Imperial (chest and belt) with Roman elements (shoulders and chest detail) and a Bridal Mini-skirt, along with a Victory Laurel and Hellenic Sandals complete with gloves. A High Mantle is used with a Long Valkyrie Cape, because when in Cimerora ... as a Warshade you're there as a chooser of the SLAIN ... I mean, after all, what else is your Stygian Circle power for (aside from devouring souls and using them as chew toys)? Sexy Baron This is the Occult Baron Jacket and Sleeves over Carnival of Light (chest and legs) with Rocket Boots. Note the Bow Tie (shoulders) accent. The thing I like most about this costume is that it would be downright embarrassing to be seen without the Baron Jacket, since the Carnival of Light pieces are REALLY skimpy on the material(!) ... but with the Baron Jacket on it becomes more of a "sexy tease" type of a costume, since it is possible to see flesh with it, but such glimpses are fleeting rather than being "in your face" (so to speak), heightening the overall allure of the costume. It makes you wonder what would be revealed if she took that Jacket off ... Mecha Warshade This is all Mecha parts except for the Rocket Boots (which are "sleeker" than the Mecha Boots) and Helmet (which is a mix of Valkyrie, Samurai and Warrior parts) to complete the "armored" look. In this case, I wanted to have a least ONE of my costumes be an "armored" type of look for those times when dealing with particularly hazardous/toxic/noxious environments would be called for. Stylish Club Girl This is a mix of Mini Vest Jacket over Carnival of Light (chest) with Circle of Thorns (belt) and Bridal Mini-skirt. Small Shoulders, Fingerless Gloves and Strappy Shoes round out the ensemble. This is essentially "casual wear" for my Warshade when she's taking "a night on the town" and enjoying herself. Victory Toga This is the Unique Top with a Butterfly Tassle (belt) and using a One Shoulder Mantle Long Cape. Fingerless Gloves, a Victory Laurel and Hellenic Boots complete the set for this most classic of mediterranean fashion styles, emphasizing everything it should (and nothing it shouldn't!). Also great for toga parties!
  18. Decided to go and stand out in the courtyard of the Steel Canyon University for these pics of my Warshade ... Ms Terry. Note that the rockets (boots and backpack) "work" during Teleports via Shadow Step. I also happen to think that the Rocket Boots make for a nice "muscular calf" silhouette, particularly with tights on the legs, when using the color scheme that I am here. You should also have no problems recognizing the overall color palette and hairstyles for my Warshade. 😎 Formal Wear This is a Wedding Tux worn over Witch Leather (chest and legs) and Rocket Boots. There's even a Bow Tie (shoulders) to complete the look. This is the go-to default costume for my Warshade, since it is elegant and classy while also being thematic and distinctive. It also isn't (at first glance) obvious what costume pieces were used to make it, making it a bit of an interesting puzzle to work out when first seen. Roman Valkyrie This uses a mix of Imperial (chest and belt) with Roman elements (shoulders and chest detail) and a Bridal Mini-skirt, along with a Victory Laurel and Hellenic Sandals complete with gloves. A High Mantle is used with a Long Valkyrie Cape, because when in Cimerora ... as a Warshade you're there as a chooser of the SLAIN ... I mean, after all, what else is your Stygian Circle power for (aside from devouring souls and using them as chew toys)? Sexy Baron This is the Occult Baron Jacket and Sleeves over Carnival of Light (chest and legs) with Rocket Boots. Note the Bow Tie (shoulders) accent. The thing I like most about this costume is that it would be downright embarrassing to be seen without the Baron Jacket, since the Carnival of Light pieces are REALLY skimpy on the material(!) ... but with the Baron Jacket on it becomes more of a "sexy tease" type of a costume, since it is possible to see flesh with it, but such glimpses are fleeting rather than being "in your face" (so to speak), heightening the overall allure of the costume. It makes you wonder what would be revealed if she took that Jacket off ... Mecha Warshade This is all Mecha parts except for the Rocket Boots (which are "sleeker" than the Mecha Boots) and Helmet (which is a mix of Valkyrie, Samurai and Warrior parts) to complete the "armored" look. In this case, I wanted to have a least ONE of my costumes be an "armored" type of look for those times when dealing with particularly hazardous/toxic/noxious environments would be called for. Stylish Club Girl This is a mix of Mini Vest Jacket over Carnival of Light (chest) with Circle of Thorns (belt) and Bridal Mini-skirt. Small Shoulders, Fingerless Gloves and Strappy Shoes round out the ensemble. This is essentially "casual wear" for my Warshade when she's taking "a night on the town" and enjoying herself. Victory Toga This is the Unique Top with a Butterfly Tassle (belt) and using a One Shoulder Mantle Long Cape. Fingerless Gloves, a Victory Laurel and Hellenic Boots complete the set for this most classic of mediterranean fashion styles, emphasizing everything it should (and nothing it shouldn't!). Also great for toga parties!
  19. Transfusion has a native Accuracy bonus on the base power, but the power is NOT auto-hit. This means that there is an accuracy check, and if it misses ... well ... no healing around your $Target. Either slot Accuracy enhancements and/or the Accurate Healing set(s) into Transfusion to counter this problem. Also bear in mind that the Heal AoE is going to be a 20ft radius around your $Target, not around you, so if you're more than 20ft away ... you're out of range of the Heal effect.
  20. The unverified for Homecoming doc contains the following info on Soulbound Alliegance: Pet Soulbound Allegiance Buildup 15% +tohit, 100% +dam, 10 sec (on pet) 3 PPM If the buff lasts for 10s worth of attacks by the 1 Pet that procs the buff ... I think you're going to have to alter your assumptions on the value of the buff relative to a damage proc. In other words ... the Build Up proc out of Decimation and Gaussian's may work quite differently from the Build Up proc in Soulbound Allegiance.
  21. Curious. I've always wanted to see Force Fields apply a -Range debuff to (hostile) $Targets affected by Force Field, forcing them to close range ... while simultaneously making it easier to engage in (so called) Hover Sniping due to being able to outrange them (thanks to the -Range debuffing).
  22. All Archetypes except (bi-form and tri-form) Kheldians get: 24 Power Picks that can slot enhancements 7 Inherents that can slot enhancements 5 Prestige powers that can slot enhancements 67 Enhancement Slots to add = 67 slots for 36 powers that can slot enhancements = +1.861 slots per power on average Tri-Form Kheldians get: 24 Power Picks that can slot enhancements 10 ADDITIONAL Powers (the Form powers) that can slot enhancements 7 Inherents that can slot enhancements 2 ADDITIONAL Inherents that can slot enhancements 5 Prestige powers that can slot enhancements 67 Enhancement Slots to add = 67 slots for 48 powers that can slot enhancements = +1.396 slots per power on average There's a REASON why tri-form Kheldian builds will ALWAYS feel like they're starved for slots ... because they have too many powers that "need" slots to be effective. That's because tri-form Kheldians get an extra +12 powers(!) that can be slotted, and of those you're looking at 6-7 of them wanting to be 5-6 slotted ... which will suck down some 30-42 slots out of your available 67 slots(!). In other words, as a tri-form Kheldian you've only got about HALF the slots to dedicate towards your Human form powers that any other Archetype would have. And now you're going to impose a KB>KD enhancement slotting TAX™ on top of that (Cryptic and later Paragon Studios Devs)? Um ... the words I'm looking for are ... NOT FAIR ... AT ALL ... Now, to be specific, it's really the Peacebringer (alone) who has this particular problem. Warshades do Slow as their added extra, rather than Knockback, so Warshades won't suffer the Knockback Tax™ to anywhere near the degree a Peacebringer will. This is why my preference for UNGIMPING Peacebringers (by design!) would be to simply change ALL of their KnockBACK effects into instead being KnockUP instead ... with the exact same MAG and chance to proc and everything else left unchanged. Peacebringers were the first Kheldians designed for Issue 3 ... and it shows. Still. A lot of Peacebringer powers are just ports from Energy Blast and other bits of weirdness seemingly pulled at random with no real coherent thought behind the overall assembly once integrated into a whole. So yeah ... saying that Kheldians are hungry for slots is kind of an understatement.
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