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Everything posted by Healix

  1. Man...the creative brain power here could supply energy to the entire universe.....
  2. OMG...those were all so good it makes my brain ache! GREAT JOB EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Those are so amazing...I love seeing the great looks people come up with!!!!
  4. Thanks so much for all you guys do! More awesomeness, more fun!!!
  5. Flash, thanks so much for letting us see your wonderful creations!!
  6. Those are great! *so many clever and talented folks here, it boggles my mind*
  7. Healix is looking good! I chose the smiling face for 2 reasons...because I smile a lot, and I wanted her to look friendly and helpful. (Also why she is a healer 😁) Carry on, you talented rascal!
  8. I love this event and look forward to it!!!!
  9. Add me to the multitude of those who are truly grateful for all you do!
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