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Everything posted by Healix

  1. I always chuckle at the Family mobster terrorizing a citizen and saying "Your mouth wrote a check and now your face is going to pay!"
  2. So does this...a real life Eidolon!
  3. Blades of the Nile (she is one of the daughters of Bast) ...her Pharaoh look her mummy look... and her God look
  4. [NPC] Marcone Gunner: Stop wetting your pants and shoot 'em! [NPC] Faultline: So I said, 'Ninjas and lawyers? Then it's a Tsoo Sue Studio!' [NPC] Faultline: Get it? Sue like litigation versus Tsoo the gang? No? Oh nevermind, no one appreciates an artiste
  5. No problems here with Win10
  6. Been monkeyfied MANY times and on every character I have/had....I laugh every time, even if I die. I love the deadly monkey fart gas.
  7. OMG I love this mod!!!!! The pointer/hand cursors are brighter and more 3-D (couldn't capture them in a pic) but here are what targets look like Thanks so much for sharing!
  8. If the link above doesn't work try this TP_Beacons_Texts[1].zip
  9. Don't forget that you can also make your cursor bigger in the menu options...I am going to try out your great mod, LH.
  10. see if this works https://www.dropbox.com/s/f7f4d1l9zfxnoqd/TP_Beacons_Texts[1].zip?dl=0
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