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Everything posted by Troo

  1. Troo


    this is what success feels like.
  2. Troo


    someone's plan is coming together..
  3. Oooo when origins meant something more.
  4. Alrighty, made it over 100 votes and it looks like most are guesstimating 80-90% played on live. Reading through the 50+ posts there are mentions of at least 17 who didn't play on live. AND nearly 17 posts about how someone should do a poll..
  5. @Techwright I was trying for a bit cryptic. He's at Galaxy of Heroes. (not new but getting some changes) "Galaxy of Heroes is set in a cantina in a distant corner of the Star Wars galaxy, where people of varying species compete in simulated holographic battles involving notable figures throughout Star Wars history for fame and fortune."
  6. forgot to add: Matt Miller's project (another Disney property) might be a bit more interesting to some.
  7. https://www.dimensionalink.com/careers/view/5634069002 There's a combat design position open.. Bingo, someone is seeing the trend and foreshadowing for multiple versions of the same characters. Sprinkle in a cross time element and bam.. unlimited versions. Realistically, that's not why they hired who they did. This will be design by oversight (essentially commitee / compromise) the result will bear that burden.
  8. sorry Robotech_Master is no longer with us. sooo...
  9. Same happens to me @RikOz , good problem to have. Ive gotten better about posting smaller images. (still a tad frustrating)
  10. how do you not have that badge?!.. oh, maybe you're on a new alt.. n e v e r m i n d
  11. nay grasshopper.. visual warnings, clues or hints should be visible to all gfx settings. This would be considered a bug or oversight.
  12. @Excraft noted. Also, I promise feedback is read, not just by other players. We just need a smidge of patience while accepting that things take time and folks have the best intentions. (goal: make better not worse)
  13. Is there a particular power or effect? Things can get tweaked over time, just not likely this week. I'm sure folks will agree that is is great we are getting new content and powersets. With that will come some wrinkles to be ironed out and differences of opinion. I did play the Seismic Blast set to about level 30 so far. Seems pretty great and the large animations seemed to be very brief. I can see on a large target with a league some annoyance.. but I've been dealing with that in leagues for some time (auras, area powers, etc), so kinda par for the course. Definitely something to consider though. Unrelated question: Is it too soon to request a unicorn or giant flamingo innertube? Even better as unlocks (don't throw stuff, I like earning items, sue me).
  14. taking a break from alting
  15. is this a new version? Arbiters in an Atlas DFB [Caption] You know the drill, Arbiter, next level, etc. etc. [Caption] You'll be down in the belly of the beast, or whatever sort of intense metaphor you want to associate with the bottom of sewers. All that's left is to take down those hydras. For the glory of Arachnos, or whatever glory you'd rather associate with this whole thing.
  16. great concept and execution.
  17. Vengeance died as IOs turned into soft caps (for me at least).
  18. Question: Did you finish the ITF?
  19. ahh the asterisk thread.. do recent changes negate previous records? I see there's a plan.
  20. 10,000 packs. 200 Billion street value.. but realistically that's a cosmic number of clicks to realize.
  21. "3 hours, 172 deaths." <<sniped>>
  22. "Most likely" Finally. Reference Magic 8-Ball has: 10 affirmative answers, 5 non-committal answers, and 5 negative answers. ● It is certain. ● It is decidedly so. ● Without a doubt. ● Yes definitely. ● You may rely on it. ● As I see it, yes. ● Most likely. ● Outlook good. ● Yes. ● Signs point to yes. ● Reply hazy, try again. ● Ask again later. ● Better not tell you now. ● Cannot predict now. ● Concentrate and ask again. ● Don't count on it. ● My reply is no. ● My sources say no. ● Outlook not so good. ● Very doubtful.
  23. ah, yes. Brutes and Tankers in the same boat then. maybe I should have said: Further Claws proliferation.. That's next year.. maybe.. soon™
  24. Brutes have claws and stone armor with granite (just not together). Claws proliferation.. That's next year.. maybe.. soon™ (note: there would likely be some details to still work out for Stone Armor and Shield Defense) though soon™ could always be sooner than we think: Claws is a standard power set that is a primary set for Brutes, Scrappers, and Stalkers, and a secondary set for Tankers. "Claws are bones or blades that extend from your hands and cause Lethal damage. The lightweight, natural feel of claws gives this power set a reduced Endurance cost and faster attack rate than other melee sets." https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Claws -progess vs- Claws is a standard power set that is a primary set for Brutes, Scrappers, and Stalkers. "Claws are bones or blades that extend from your hands and cause Lethal damage. The lightweight, natural feel of claws gives this power set a reduced Endurance cost and faster attack rate than other melee sets." https://archive.paragonwiki.com/wiki/Claws
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