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Everything posted by Troo

  1. If they wanted to add a travel power like "improved ninja run" to the concealment pool, they could have just done that. Much of the rework of travel powers lost something. (don't get me wrong parts are great)
  2. I think we can manage this many steps..
  3. Don't the starting zones have easy access to Pocket D? Did something change? Asking to do something different than the default should take a moment to impliment. If there is a change that the vast majority of players are making maybe that should be the default.
  4. @CrystalDragon I can see one in the Vanguard but more for the jetpacks and such (to get to the mothership). Forgetting to boost xp.. that's on the player. @Oklahoman I cannot support P2W vendors in bases.
  5. Ohhh Flea, it's so obvious. Red lips, redside, kisses, special attention. Redside is getting some love.
  6. @Techwright i think jacked up costume clipping would need to be accepted as part of the devil's bargain. an additional body type might be able to isolate the issues. it could accommodate a little broader scales and experimental items.
  7. @Trike i agree. simple can also let the power animations be the star Copper
  8. interesting ideas. @SaintD agreed. costume clipping, etc. is an accepted facet of these type requests. there could be a beast body type that had wider range for scale sliders. example: much shorter legs
  9. Have: Male, Female, Huge Male Want: ?? We've seen some requests for Huge Female, but why stop there.
  10. I can't wait until one button targets and destroys all enemies on the map.
  11. @Snarky ice myself always doing more damage @Marshal_General +1
  12. The Winter Event is active until January 4, 2022. * Presents can be found and given and the Winter Lord can spawn. * Winter Super Packs are discounted to 15,000,000 Inf. * Note that there is a minor bug with Winter Super Packs: instead of Experienced you will receive an XP Booster. If this is a problem, wait until after the Winter Event ends to open your packs.
  13. might be an exaggeration. without data mining to back up such a statement.. meh consistency might be removing the Ouro portal from all non-time related content?
  14. oopsie. no packopening until January 11th 4th. 😞 I bet there are other rewards dropping that shouldn't be. you all should continue testing.. for the good of everyone else.
  15. ... 30M could be more hopefully than actual. There will be relatively no upward trend on the individual rewards provided by the packs. (expect increased packs purchases to actually depress prices) as long as you don't need the capital elsewhere you could break even sometime late next summer.
  16. ninja running.
  17. I'll second that you are likely seeing sales on a different item.. it can be maddening. #spagetti code #soon™
  18. I'll agree to disagree. ( and I am being as polite as I can on the subject ) Likely, some folks are new and haven't participated in previous discussions. Some folks would really like something, and some folks wanna bash on those folks..
  19. Just to be clear, you don't speak for me or for homecoming or for a lot of people. Sure I don't agree with a free level 50 token. But do I think there could be something, maybe. I'm not gonna stifle ideas or try to shout folks down. You get your o p i n i o n. I get mine, other folks get theirs. Let em toss ideas around. It would be great if you'd stop trying to bully people who don't agree with you. ( especially if we are stoopid and maybe not as well informed ) just a sincere request.
  20. I would sooo support this. A skill based final level.. maybe you were joking and it's only me that would like this. Thanks for the links. AND.. It is interesting that the devs have discussed the topic.
  21. Makes sense. Do you know for sure that's the case here? I don't. If someone was able to point to the answer that would be great. If folks thought a thing should work and it didn't, it would make sense to ask, wouldn't it? There are a number of fixes related to the latest changes that we'll see down the road..
  22. Choices & Consequences. I thought these were understood aspects of the game. Example: I made the biggest character I could, and dangit, doors, caves and stuff. (the game isn't broken, that's the result of a choice) Another example: I made a maximum hit point build but now my recharge is less than desired. (choice = consequence) Note: Min-maxing is the character-building strategy of maximizing a specific desirable ability, skill, or other power of a character and minimizing everything else, seen as undesirable. The result is a character who is excessively powerful in one particular way, but exceedingly weak in others.
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