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Captain Fabulous

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Everything posted by Captain Fabulous

  1. Because it is deranged, and it's not the purpose of the name rules. I suggest picking another name and being happy with that. Seriously, WTH is wrong with all you people who dream up these crazy ass ridiculous scenarios and present them as if it's going to be the majority of players?
  2. The message is clear: "We don't support assholes sitting on names that they aren't actively using." ^^^^^^^THIS
  3. Be a good husband and take care of her chars for her. It doesn't take much time to log them in periodically if it means she'll continue to play with you.
  4. Tossing in my 2 cents in favor of the naming policy. If you can't be bothered to at least periodically log-in your characters and not risk *possibly* losing the name (you only lose it if someone else tries to take it), then they clearly aren't that important to you.
  5. Yes, and I guess that answers it. When I query the OS it says I have OpenGL 3.1. I've even tried going back and installing older drivers designed for Windows 7 that are said to contain hardware-accelerated OpenGL drivers, but while they installed fine the game still won't run. I've tried a few different wrappers to route OpenGL calls to DirectX, but that didn't work either. The only thing I could get to work was using Mesa, but as that's software rendered the game is unplayable.
  6. I should be able to run this game on ancient hardware since it hasn't been out since 2012, but I keep getting an OpenGL error basically saying the version I have (3.1 on an old laptop) is not high enough. So what version is it now using? Was it compiled with this version on purpose? Any way to compile it for older versions so it can be run on older hardware?
  7. I'm pretty sure it never was. I think proliferation still left some powersets out of some ATs specifically to push people into trying different ATs. SS was never a Scrapper option, like Ice Armor was never an Option for Brutes. I'd recommend going the Brute route. You get SS, and can achieve Tanker levels of survival with IOs. If it's /Inv, I don't think it would take too much to hit at least the S/L def soft cap, and you could put in a fair amount of recharge to really up the damage output. I originally made a brute, and was OK with it till I realized all the colors in INV were "dark", and no way to adequately match the default light colors using customization. So that's when I thought, "OK, screw it, I'll make a scrapper". Well, that's out. So I went back to tank. And honestly, other than the powersets being swapped I don't really notice much of a difference from level 1-13. I think in longer, drawn out battles the brute might pull ahead in terms of damage, but that doesn't really seem to happen very often, especially while soloing. Things die too quickly for Fury to provide a buff that gives one a clear advantage. Of course things could change later on, but when I originally made this character in 2004 I made it to 50 as a tank without too many hurdles. so I'm sure I'll be just fine.
  8. Aaaaand, Scrappers no longer have SS. Seriously???
  9. Thank you for this. I appreciate the detail, and was exactly what I needed to know. I think I'm going to go with a scrapper.
  10. Trying to decide which way to go. Does the extra damage as a scrapper make up for the much lower resistance cap? Or am I better off as a tank? Originally this character was a tank and I was ok with that, but since we all need to start over again I'm rethinking things. I considered a brute, but the default INV colors are dark, and it's almost impossible to match the default bright colors with custom colors. Or maybe I should just suck it up and get as close as possible. Ugh, decisions decisions, decisions...
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