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Everything posted by Saiyajinzoningen

  1. @PoptartsNinja well you sure schooled me but the info is fascinating nonetheless 👍
  2. I also have never seen this and SS is my bread and butter also with all the other auras and effects i'm not sure I could either.
  3. ok so if the core issue isn't really the cast time & there are other powers that suffer from this issue perhaps a visual or audio cue 10 seconds before the buff ends might make immersion easier?
  4. Hi @Luminara can you explain what the problem is? have you tried placing domination on auto? I'm not being facetious I'm genuinely stupid can you elaborate on how you want this inherent power to work?
  5. you can do with illusion controller at the moment
  6. would it be possible to give hide an accuracy bonus that is active only when hidden much like the defense component? there aint nothing worse than pop a red pop a build up pop a squat wait for it wait for it wait for it whiff...............
  7. Yup this is a great idea imo. Give baddies toggles make toggles drop from mez DPS does what it does best as I stated in another post. this system already kinda exists in game the Tsoo sorcerer has a hurricane toggle if the tsoo gets held the hurricane toggle drops yup, I know this isn't the exact thing OP is talking about i'm showing the mechanic is already there it just need to be fleshed out to various mobs
  8. for Melee My super Strength/shield brute is just oodles of damage with rage+fury+against all odds toss in some force feedbacks procs and its let the bodies hit the floor time. for range On teams (which is rare) I like my AR/nin blaster, not terribly strong but fast and has got a treat for every trick solo (mostly) energy/Martial blaster cause you get some KB, you get some KB, you get some KB lol
  9. could we have the ability to sort the items we have listed/held in the auction house in alphabetical order? or if this is already possible, could some kind soul tell me how thanks
  10. this is what I've been saying/thinking for years foes cant dodge, block or easily deflect attacks if held iirc stalkers did crit dmg to held foes this is no longer the case BUT the code already exists, so its possible to implement it but if it was everyone and not just stalkers holds would become debuffs and mezzes would become relevant again.
  11. ooooh i forgot about runes @Player2 great idea! would it be possible to still see their full costume glory when/if you click on their character?
  12. ok so............. which force field do you like best?
  13. I really dig the hexagonal shield aesthetic personally probably too many years of final fantasy
  14. not trying to be a stickler but cant we already with incarnates? or is there a specific effect you are looking for? id like the Force fields to shatter once the effect ends or you take damage that would KO your character are any of these feasible?
  15. I changed it to attack cooldowns, cause all cooldowns would be kinda OP
  16. perhaps it could act similar to burnout and refresh all attack power cooldowns?
  17. to be honest id be satisfied with some alternate animations
  18. 1st of all if bio armor and ninja themed powersets which are mutation and natural can exist then there is no reason that this tech themed powerset cant exist as well so +1 OP crossing my fingers that the devs give it better animations than shield lol
  19. there are a ton of underused visual assets that can be substituted although I'm not sure how much effort would be required but more options are a good thing so +1
  20. I feel like this is a low key buff regen request cause I feel like regen will benefit the most from this change unless I'm misunderstanding the requested mechanic even if im wrong (which is highly probable) some sets would definitely be impacted far worse than others like super reflexes and shield neither of which have heals or much natural regeneration
  21. agreed if these were more practical maybe i would remember to use them lol but probably not
  22. brown chicken brown cow 😏
  23. what happened to fire armor? I don't farm so I'm apparently out of the loop
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