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Everything posted by Saiyajinzoningen

  1. just posted a thread about this exact thing cause fault acts super wonky then I found this thread which was/is super helpful thanks everyone
  2. So lately I have been messing around with stone melee cause Why not I've tried nearly everything else at this point, anyway I'm trying to understand the power Fault here's what I've noticed. it reliably does KD occasionally disorients and rarely does damage I'm aware it supposed to do minor damage but other powers that do minor damage at least do so reliably even when it knocks down and disorients it does no damage regularly what's going on with this power? is the damage component a proc? should I not slot for damage? Is this ability working as intended? find out on the next episode of dragon ball z!
  3. agreed its a cheap trope but this game is full of those. Impossible to say to what degree an AI would have self preservation instincts. The AI exists mostly in hyperspace and can interact with most non-chemical based gizmos. Its main objective is to wipe out carbon based life forms in this dimension and then use portal corp technology to spread its influence throughout the multiverse. If ironman gets hacked while inside the suit, the suit controls his physical movements.
  4. excuse me poison set would like a word..............
  5. so mystic fortune but with birds instead of cards?
  6. Character name = ProctoIogist Shard name = Excelsior Mission Type = Orobouros/Escort Bug Type = Persistent Description = Foes do not take damage Bile also takes no damage players do take damage. Bile wont disengage from invulnerable foes to be escorted to objective. Attempted mission multiple times, Bug persists. Cannot auto complete because its an oro mission cannot ask for players aid, because its an oro mission (a teammate might be able to teleport invulnerable foes to objective and bile would follow). cannot do other quests during oro quests. Please auto complete quest if possible. Thank you @GM Flints told me to post this here
  7. #69. Say random panda stuff in general chat to keep things chaotic and lively
  8. Funnily this already exists in game. If you hold a Tsoo who has the hurricane on it will de-toggle their hurricane In ye olden times of yore this also occurred on players but I think it no longer applies to us
  9. @temnix If playing MM's feels like a chore why don't you give controllers a shot? less pets sure but less micromanaging as well we don't have to love every AT personally I'm not a fan of defenders but I love corrupters which are similar
  10. personally I'm not a big fan of pets. I can tolerate one but any more than that and I feel like I'm in a pokemon battle I do like the spirit of OP's suggestion though so how about for controllers that have more than 1 pet if the controller attempts to summon another pet while all pets exist, they fuse into 1 stronger pet for controllers that only have 1 pet when the pet takes fatal damage they split into smaller pets (like DE granite's) this give controllers some variety in the pets that they summon
  11. You get some really nifty effect pairing the soul noir pom poms with energy melee pom poms plus the disorient aura+EM disorients stack pretty well too iirc the soul noir fx have 3 things glowing eyes pom poms and an internal shadow ribbon there are other soul noir powers that do not have the pom poms but do give the ribbon but all soul noir pom pom powers (omg i cant believe i wrote that) include the glowing eyes so if the glowing eyes is what you are after glowing eyes is standard setting for most auras I realize this isn't what you truly desire but its a workaround for the moment. I do like the soul noir stuff and honestly think dark armor has the best visual effects in the game. (sticks tongue out at energy armor) if my assumption about the glowing eyes is incorrect can @Szaahdis please elaborate on what specific effect they are looking for?
  12. Storm is definitely a more offensive support set that's for sure most of the powers @Rudra listed are either CC or debuff (which btw are amazing, love me some storm) anyway, while steamy mist does fall under the buff teammate option rarely do folks stay huddled up near it & its extremely detrimental to "rescue" missions also quite a few of the primary sets that pair with storm have multiple pets changing O2 to a Pbaoe might help keep pets alive easier? although I'm inclined to believe changing it to a targeted aoe might be more practical
  13. I was thinking about this the other day. How about Sleep operates as normal but if the slept foe takes damage they wake up and are groggy (disorient mag 2) 50% chance or are affected by nightmares (fear mag 2) 50% chance the debuff length is half of whatever time was left for foe to sleep. so a 16 second sleep would result in 8 second disorient/fear If slept foe was left to sleep but was awakened with 8 seconds of sleep left the disorient/fear would only last 4 seconds
  14. i cant wait for mumra the ever living clones!
  15. The IO system allows for a greater variety of builds for each AT wanna softcap defense? can be done wanna cap resists? can also be done wanna go all in on damage? possible wantsuperfastrecharge? doable but no AT can have it all the fun of a game is finding the right balance between boringly easy & frustratingly annoying obviously nobody likes dying but its the threat of death that makes you feel alive Its why humans ride roller coasters, and sky dive, swim with sharks, and adopt cats. a GG can simulate that rush you feel. Finally it isn't terribly difficult to build a blaster with softcapped defenses I believe they are called blappers or something? they do great damage both in melee and ranged and have decent survivability
  16. probably right after males get glowing tattoos bolero those extra long gloves 🤣
  17. tbh id rather see a generic io set for all those powers that accept nothing else here are some examples phase shift Assault Acrobatics Burnout Fold space lightning reflexes quickness I'm sure there are other powers that don't accept set IO's but that is just off the top of my head Slow already has more sets than To-hit buffs, threat, or fear. Can we spread the love?
  18. @temnix What a misleading title I came expecting to find a "find the zone AV bounty" suggestion was sorely disappointed
  19. I rarely disagree with any post I try very hard to suggest alternative solutions to proposed problems however I personally think stealth is OP in its current form the devs have buffed everything about it from live it wasn't as stealthy and it reduced movement speed originally (I miss this cause it made super speed more manageable) I am not asking for a nerf I just don't believe it requires more improvements at this point
  20. iirc nukes were originally supposed to be part of your situational "oh $hit" toolkit with reduced recharge and zero crash, nukes are now just part of the rotation. maybe like some of the armor t9's we can make nukes unaffected by recharge rates? so now instead of using a nuke every mob it would be treated like a heal (use it when needed and not constantly) tbh i wholeheartedly agree with @Greycat judgements are a bigger issue compared to standard nukes they remove what little strategy remained in game also @Riverdusk while you are not wrong in any way no one needs mass holds if everyone has nukes 😞
  21. more IO's = a greater number of potential builds. I can dig it
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