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Everything posted by BlackHearted
wonder if i can beat angels time.. not surprising someone who can fightclub ripped the best time yet on first try tbh.. angel's been pylon testing builds every day for 4 years
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if you do not see how adding something that's acctually wanted in the game taking over two years to be heard about b/c there is no true lane of communication then there's no need in us to continue discussing things b/c you're missing my point... there is NO ACTUAL way to communicate with the devs... you have to jump up and down and wave your hands until you are noticed..... if you do not see how that is problematic that's fine........ a lot of us however see that as being an issue while "trash pile 38" is added and things like "hey we'd like an alphabet" takes over 3 years to be heard, and thusly want there to be an actual path of communication to the devs, not a never heard and impossible to wade through bog of ideas on a foum somewhere no one reads b/c it's bogged down with random off topic comments about peoples personal opinions about other ppls posts instead of addressing the actual OP.. .like what you've done here waisting my time and anyone elses who reads this thread.
It would be really nice to see an actually thought out process of having CRs to communicate with the developers... as someone who's succesfully campained multiple times to get base items and game features added, it's a painfully mind numbing process to go back to the devs over and over and over re-wording the same concept until it is finally communicated properly.. i spent like 2 years begging to get gender neutral bathroom signs added to the bases....... b/c for obvious reasons those are desirable..... and it was turned into a circus and openly mocked for months and months until finally one day i just happened to be able to get the attention of 3 of the right ppl at the same time and then magically it was added into the game an hour later... b/c there is no real system for getting things done.. even if you know the people involved and have a report with them...... good luck getting even the most basic of things accomplished.. Some kinda way to actually get ideas into the hands of the right ppl without it being an act of congress + a three rings circus of forum communications would be great, be that CRs or something else.
Homecoming player count: a year in review
BlackHearted replied to macskull's topic in General Discussion
Great stuff Mac 👍 -
Invulnerable: Debuff Defense resistance
BlackHearted replied to Paragon Vanguard's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
It can seem a little counterintuitive at first but if you look at a modern invun build you're actually rocking a pretty decent amount of defense, maintaining that defense even through debuffs is a big part of being able to tank in the game. Currently it is possible to cap resistances to every dmg type on an invun tank.. so i don't really think that set needs an increase in any resistance area... but the DDR is most certainly useful and not just superfluous due to the armor having high resistances. -
issue 27 Focused Feedback: New Commands
BlackHearted replied to The Curator's topic in [Open Beta] Focused Feedback
Just wanted to mention a big thanks for getting this put in and that i've tested this in every way I can think to and it is WAI afaik. -
Can anything solo LRSF/Miss Liberty TF?
BlackHearted replied to DarknessEternal's topic in General Discussion
That sounds like the complaints of people who've never actually attempted to do it and are thinking it's much less work than it actually is to properly chain insp... it takes a pita lvl of set up to have them in proper order in your e-mail and then it's quite a bit of additional clicking to claim/use them to stay at capped stats for longer harder fights.. I've done it before for specific goals... it's not some mindless easy way to do TFs. Also there's fairly little difference aside from the time involved if you stop and restock insp between missions or re-stocked 20 e-mail slots like we originally had.... complaining about a QoL improvement as an exploit is just silly. -
Can anything solo LRSF/Miss Liberty TF?
BlackHearted replied to DarknessEternal's topic in General Discussion
I Solo'd it on a SS/regen brute and a few blasters .. AV fights are a pita solo but plenty doable with some insp and temp power usage. Also for peeps saying insp are exploits.. it's literally in the tutorial. -
Devs are there any plans to improve league management?
BlackHearted replied to Dazl's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
It would be /really/ nice to be able to make someone team lead as the league leader.... league interface is hella janky sometimes and it can be a PITA when leading large events. -
Thank you all for your opinions on the subject. To address some of the points made: I was informed by a developer that in their view adding a new channel with a short range would be the preferable option over altering local chat. Hence that being the suggestion put forth. Personally I would prefer it if local was 50 ft game wide like it is in pocket D currently.. *Points to their pictures above* the 100 ft distance is a range at which I would just type into broadcast or send a tell if I were trying to get someone's attention who was that far away. .. 50 is more of a "Hey over there! *big wave*" kinda distance. As for my suggested range of 25 ft: That's something I've deliberated on for days. A slightly shorter range of 20 or even 15 would be a little more realistic for "calm conversation between friends" range... but also.. from a "functioning inside an MMO for RP" perspective it would still be nice to have the option to be like " *over hears her name and turns to look at the group behind them* "OH .. John! Didn't see you there!! How are you ol chap?" etc etc. so I choose to suggest 25 as a bit of a compromise to give it a little buffer for that sort of thing. Personally I am not particularly hung up on the details of how this gets done, my main goal for this post is to illustrate the fact that this is a an actual problem which is actively hurting the RP community's ability to hold functions...... Due to sensory issues, I often have to leave when the chat scroll gets bad in local, or just swap to a tab with team only chat and not talk to anyone besides those i'm directly interacting with, which is a rather unpleasant work around. It's a real catch 22 to have to turn off the channel people are RP'ing in to be able to stand hanging around when you want to RP..... It's something that's driven many people away from RP settings.
Hello everyone and thank you ahead of time to anyone taking the time to read this idea or share their thoughts on the subject. I'll just get right to it: Local chat is kind of a pita for RP..... it's often joked about as being "yelling distance" and not really "local distance" due to the fact the radius is 100 in game feet. For anyone not familiar with this I've posted photo's for reference below. Basically what I would like to suggest is adding another chat channel to the game so that it is possible to have a conversation without feeling like you're screaming across a room when you speak.. The name "whisper" has been suggested to me repeatedly and /w is not currently a command used in the games, so that seems like the most appropriate name for a new chat with shorter range than local has. After going over it with several people in the RP community I would suggest that making/adding this new chat channel and make it's range 25 in game ft.... Doing this would be a HUUGE help to people who build RP bases as well as make it easier for your average RP participant to read chat in an area with lots of people without it scrolling by at mind bending speeds when lots of folks are talking at once. BIG Thank you to HC staff for any consideration given to this idea, we all greatly appreciate your efforts to make the game a better place for all of us. Current 100ft distance at which local can be seen: with UI: Suggested distance of 25 ft: (notice how you can actually begin to see the person you're interacting with around this distance) Anyways there you have it, if you support this idea please leave a comment saying such so that the people who need to can see how many of us would like this to be a thing!
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So.., I can't help but notice a lot of the ppl that complained about the appearance of "too much stuff on their screens" and then posted screen shots clearly had their particle physics way up there as well as several other graphic settings.. There's something to be said for doing what is readily available on player side to adjust settings to meet your needs. I often play with very adjusted performance-ish lvl graphics b/c the overt activity on screen can be a bit of a sensory overload issue for me when leading raids or itrails etc.... almost always play with no volume b/c of this as well..... So I very much understand why lots of people have preferences etc about how they would *like* the game to function for the graphics ... but currently we have more min gfx options than we did... and even though personally I would LOVE to be able to hide alblative carapace on my bio.. or pic my own personal lvl of transparency when using an invis power.... etc etc... this seem like low priority and not something I would personally want the dev team to go out of their way to spend a lot of time or resources on to change the way power gfx have pretty much always worked.. There's plenty of functionality improvements and content etc that strike me as more important to focus on. All that said, if there's some kind of easy way to make an option to have basically all powers offer a "min gfx" option in the costume editor, that is something it's easy to confidently say would be extremely popular with the player base. Also +1 for Keens point about buffs not breaking e-motes... is annoying... would be nice if SB etc didn't make me stop dance'n 😄
For regular content just poping the ones that drop as you kill things is typically more than enough to make a giant impact on the survivability of a character... So in effect what i've done is focused on things that can't be easily attained otherwise.. like hit points and dmg for example.... and taken care of defense stats elsewhere sense staying alive is overtly simplistic... This allows me to do more dmg b/c i can focus my power's slotting on an optimal damage dealing rotation. I want to be clear that this is just one way to build... it's not for everyone as it's more click intensive and i get that (even i don't build every toon this way)..... but you will clear maps more proficiently setting up this way as is evident from the speed running community and be better positioned to take full advantage of external buffs from other players. So yes, like most things with builds its a trade off, but i'm trading superfluous defense numbers for quicker kill rates... it's not really a big deal to swing by a p2w vendor and grab amps before starting a task. To address your edit: The slotting of procs allows a build to do more dmg than is otherwise possible while at dmg cap, so no, you can't do just as much dmg on a def soft cap build.... This is why speed runners do not build for def cap, even on builds for solo runs.
That seems accurate, outside of pvp and speed runs most people tend to avoid going all out on dmg proc'n in favor of getting as many set bonuses as is possible from what observed.
Sure thing. Happy to demonstrate. For the record, a character that is optimized for team play doesn't inherently need "looked after" If someone knows how to use WASD & F1-F5 that alone will be enough to mitigate 90% of the dmg in pve. Self soft caping is a crutch which people have become entirely to dependent on imho.
Really amusing to see ppl claim doing less dmg than is possible is optimal. Y'all should check out dictionary.com sometime. If ppl don't see the error in the logic then i suppose there's no point in me discussing it further.
Even being generous about the situation self def cap isn't optimal unless the player is working under several self imposed constraints. external buffs exist.. if someone chooses to not use them that's obviously within their rights to do, but it doesn't make their build more better and there for isn't optimal going by the numbers.
you're using a different definition than the dictionary uses for optimal if you think there's multiple optimal ways to do something. I'm sorry if your upset to learn your def cap builds aren't optimal but that's math, not an opinion. And again please stop making assertions about me or speaking to me in gendered terms... i didn't tell anyone what they should do, only pointed out the facts about the math, there's no need to be rude.
I feel like you don't know what the word optimal means asking me something obvious like weather or not i think fire fire is the optimal blaster.. or are just being a troll at this point....two things can't be optimal.. so if one is.. the other isn't. Self soft capped builds aren't optimal for game play in general unless you plan to play under a lot of self imposed constraints like not using insperations or external buffs.. and even then it's not always the optimal thing to do. I was talking about speed runs b/c it is a clear example of being able to define what is and isn't optimal in a setting....the goal is obvious and you can compare times to compare results...... and ppl wanted to challenge me on that example even though the evidence is glaringly obvious.. so i pointed out how backwards it is to claim a def cap build is optimal in a speed run setting... as is supported by the evidence of the builds used to achive the best times. And please refrain from making assertions about my thoughts on other players or what they should do with their time/efforts, As i stated i don't care what other ppl do with their builds or what they play,
Again, that's objectively not correct. Optimal team builds won't be self soft capped. If you wanna say they work just fine sure... and it is quite clearly a popular way to build... but they're not optimal, and there fore ARE sub optimal.. something being a popular idea does not make it the correct thing to do mathematically.
My point is that people should be realistic about math. Being over the soft cap is superfluous for a squishy AT, and that's what's gonna end up happening in a team setting if there's any buffs at all being applied to an already softcap'd build. I don't personally have any strong feelings one way or the other about other people choosing to make sub optimal builds.
Depends on the constraints of the competitions. If going for the world record for a specific TF for example you would build the optimized team for that specific TF.. as an example the record holding team before the record reset for ITF ran 7 fire/fire blasters and 1 kin.... Due to the large number of "trash mobs" that need to be cleared out the -res and buffs from a fire/cold corr would be less valuable than the added dmg of an additional blaster..... The team that had the record for MLTF on the other hand ran 6 fire/fire's and a fire/sonic & fire/cold corrs... that TF has more big AV targets and less mobs to clear out in between objectives. For general casual speedy runs we're typically much more lax about it and folks just bring w/e and you'll usually end up with someone going "Oh we've already got a X let me swap to the thing we don't have" if there's a glaring balance issue....... For just the daily runs to grind merits most folks aren't that picky about an ITF taking 11 mins instead of something that's more of an actual speed time for that TF (<8 mins). *addendum.. as a futher example for the speed competitions that were held, we had constraints on teams... no swapping toons in between TFs, no more than 2 of the same AT etc..... So for those we would run 2 blaster 2 corrs a dom and scrapper/ 2 blasters 2 corrs a defender a dom as the ideal set ups depending on if LGTF or some other TF with a mechanic like the mini hami was in it etc.
The teams that have placed top 3 in the speed competitions we've held on HC did not run soft capped builds. There's certainly nothing stopping people from join'n teams with a soft capped build and doing just fine in a speed run setting (pve in CoH is overtly simple and doesn't actually require an optimal build to get decent performance), but it is most certainly an objectively bad decision to build for self soft capping on a toon intended for speedies as that would require skipping some amount of either dmg proc rech bonuses or HP bonuses which is the focus for builds intended to be used in that setting done by those who post the best time results. (and movement cap*)