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Everything posted by Rejolt

  1. I mained an elec/nrg blaster on live and kept it until the end. Rerolled as a SS/Elec brute on HC which is now the main. I OCD to alts so much I have more a forever grouping of toons. If I were to stick to one it would be the SS/Elec because it is nice to stare AVs in the face and (mostly) not flinch.
  2. What if there was only one way in and an enemy force overwhelmed the door and the next zone had an open mission you to beat to get in? You could even be droned but they’d be inside the gate. Besting a final challenge unlocked the drone codes.
  3. I understand not needing it when player power levels are where they are. I just hate that the Seed of Hamidon is a great-feeling open mission and it's rarely attempted on my server.
  4. Create Open Missions with rewards or mobs that drop salvage you need to create a buff that helps on harder content. Rather than seeing an NPC who gives you flavor text, you go to the Brickstown prison break and get a Tear Gas Grenade Launcher with a Special anti-CoT Tree Vines formula that kills them on contact. You make an open mission with Jurassik in Crey's that gives a buff that makes you mostly immune to toxic damage for 90 minutes of real time that you can do once a day before you do a hamidon raid or a Numina TF. Give players a reason to do open missions in hazard zones. Improve the Seed of Hamidon's rewards and make it so the Buoyancy team flight buff makes you immune to the terrorizes and stuns for hamidon raids. Gives a reason to do things that tie to other content!
  5. Siri. Make a Note. Start speed run Lady Gray TF the next time Doomguide2005 advertises a Numina.
  6. If you time your mission teleports for early in the TF so you have them again later for Boomtown and Steel then you can solo in under an hour. The more annoying parts for it are usually the hunt 30 clocks and patrols.
  7. 1. Shard TFs need a rework. I'd start by making it a 50+ zone and rethinking how you travel in it. There needs to be a reason to fly from place to place other than "Wow, this place looks neat!" A large flying monster or Rikti War Ship to fight... something out there. After 20 minutes of trying to find 50 of some mob that barely exists and will give no rewards to most players isn't great design. 2. Katie Hannon TF. A Great TF. But the second mission was changed to stop speed runners. It's the worst map to lead an NPC out and there are stacked anti-target, anti-teleport measures on her. Three of the last 5 times I've run it she's on her own jumped into the ceiling and stuck there forever. 3. Woodsman - better now with the HO/titan change but it still feels unfairly punished (Cavern trial gives more merits and you can solo it!) for being able to run fast. It also has numerous potential (they don't always happen) glitches such as mobs that can spawn at level 54 regardless of setting, ambrosia not dropping and Titans that drop at -2 to your level. It's still likely has the most striking maps of any content here.
  8. I've played characters unleveled from 9 on so two things happen: 1 The survival/offensive/defensive hourly buffs are still cheap (Yes, I see the irony in spending 100s of thousands in influence on SO upgrades and trying to save on the hourly buffs) 2 The early level origin power keeps it's bonus damage So yes, the upgrade button is awesome. I also throw the early-level prestige attuned Ios in for a a bit of recharge, damage and the proc to save some money on the upgrades but after 1 acc, 1 dmg, 1-2 rech in things like Hasten or Build up, maybe the Inherent Fitness slots... … not having to stop as a lowbee to level 10-12 times on a run of TFs with vets is amazing. To the Original thread: If you come to grips that by level 12 you have a functioning ST combo and survival set of tools (plus inspirations), a stalker should be hunting +2 and +3 boss mobs.
  9. Knock out blow on a Blaster is insanely satisfying. I have a character called Joltrabbit and I just imagine the cone immobilize is little spirit rabbits that run around my target. I'd like a little bit of Toxic resist with the armor as cold resist doesn't matter much in the endgame.
  10. Fold space is not suboptimal. It’s just hard taking 2 other powers to get to it.
  11. ./tear Electric armor is unlimited endurance. And near immunity to drains. In getting your defensive bonuses you may be slow resist immune (save for cheating Posi and Lady Winter). Consider Super Strength with it.
  12. I've seen other games have recovery abilities. I don't think CoH can do that. Effects are binary. They either work or they don't. Champions Online tried this and good lord they rarely worked. Mashing the shift or whatever keys to get out of holds seemed to take the same amount regardless of your resistances. DCUO does have the ability to recover from knockback but they implemented a "matrix" float that lets you mash keys to breakout of it. Acrobatics is specifically there for knockback and knock up protection. I can't see giving that to Jump Kick.
  13. Absorb seems to fix everything in this game. Giving Ice Control and Force Field powers the ability to stack minor absorbs would be a nice step forward. However, the Trick arrow set was almost a complete revamp so more thought is getting put into these changes than just "Add X" like I'd probably do.
  14. Ok, I need to ban myself from this thread after this as I keep throwing power changes I'd like with zero idea how to code: Jump kick should be a minor teleport/warp to target, Single-target knockdown, minor melee dmg power. If you leave it as is maybe give it 5 percent melee/smashing defense for 5 seconds after using.
  15. Thanks for mentioning IR. It’s one of those “I’m so fun at parties I gave up a power choice for you” powers. Maybe make IR a self-toggle that gives you and others near you Super Jump but if they have SB on it keeps the SJ buff on for the length of the SB buff. Also - the only reason to hate RotP is never wanting to die in the first place. That thing is awesome. Id fight for the T9 on elec armor for Sents/Scraps/Stalkers to be a self Rez that fires off like an EMP and gives you 15 seconds of high regen and rec depending on the targets near you.
  16. Have a philosophy of make everything, play a little. So I have almost 150 characters on Idom but 2/3s are likely level 1-5. 50s I've put some effort to T4, get builds on are likely in the 25-30 range. I often move characters I've leveled but I'm mentally done with to other servers. My OCD can't stand them being in the queue in front of me lol. I have a dark/nature controller that's been begging for a build and slotting but I keep putting it off so it'll likely go to excel or torch. I'm finally earning vet levels since xp off doesn't boost influence anymore but I alt so much my only toons over vet level 100 are fire farmers.
  17. My idea was a Summer Set of IOs that feature Defense, Resistance, Heal, Slows and Pet Damage.
  18. We need more options for ATO, VR and Winter Set bonuses and procs.
  19. Terrible thought - set up a server as a Rogue-Like. Instead of spawning in Atlas you spawn in a pre-made base with storage. If you die all loot, influence, merits, incarnate salvage is immediately thrown in base or emails. Crafted Incarnates breakdown into their materials and are put in character email. Still allowed only one character. The real question would be badges/accolades you'd let move over or would you make someone re-earn each time?
  20. Considering how easy it is to get things? Yes. If we had our current loot then definitely. Even if we started over I'd have no issues with one character. However, I think I'd bounce server to server with my one slot if that's a cheat to this. Held to one? Likely a Brute. Having only one character would show players personalities more/make them better at playing a role they like best.
  21. Open Beta server btw Didn't even know this was a thing that could happen. I'd love an open mission with the ghosts and ship.
  22. My idea for it: You and your teammates get a minor layer of absorb every 10 seconds for each target hit inside of. Idea was 2 percent of your base HP per target it, capping at 5.
  23. Make sparky like Galvanic Sentinel. Longer duration but it's an entity with HP. Also, a minor aoe like static discharge every 10 seconds or so.
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