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Everything posted by Starforge

  1. I can't speak for anyone else, but as someone that played on live between 2007 and 2012, I don't wish that evil on anyone. We really do have things pretty damn good here specifically just from a QoL standpoint.
  2. Well, half of the hundred some-odd people that actually saw this thread on the forums and bothered to vote. Not at all indicative of half of the actual active playerbase.
  3. The good news is thankfully a small fraction of the playerbase uses the forums to begin with. Good call.
  4. I mean, you wouldn't be the first one to do that lol.
  5. Can we get to this point now? I'm tired of reading doomers posting on the forums lol.
  6. Good news, you don't have to do any Hard Mode TFs to get the Aether currency if you don't want to. It'll take longer to get without doing them, sure, but let's not pretend they only drop from Hard Mode TFs.
  7. As I typically play with just the music on and sound effects off, my answer is whiners on the forums. For a more serious answer, I'd have to go with Demon MMs too.
  8. For the record, I wasn’t asking for a link to the gold farming site. I was assuming via your post that you knew actual individuals utilizing it and could provide proof of that.
  9. I see your point, but I would wager no one is playing an AE fire farm for the story.
  10. It was stated that Incarnate Slot XP is still earnable in non Dev's Choice AE arcs.
  11. I can’t speak for anyone else but I exclusively use it for telling my RPSG’s stories.
  12. As far as I'm aware that's also being looked at. They need time to do the appropriate data collection however to make sure any adjustments are done properly.
  13. The Freedom Corp building interior proper is coming later, that’s why the door doesn’t currently work.
  14. I mean, there’s always a grind in MMOs. This isn’t out of the ordinary. It’s also for vanity costumes that don’t actually impact your character one bit. If you don’t want to play almost all available content for a shot at the salvage needed for the badges, guess what, you can even buy it on the AH. You want an annoying badge, the final Damage Taken badge. These are nothing compared to that grind.
  15. Yes, new Freedom Corp building in AP. Also, new players will see there's more to the game than running to the first AE that they can find.
  16. Hey Epe, long time no see! Always good to see more Sentry folks find their way back to the game.
  17. I'm seeing the same thing on Starforge on Everlasting, except for the Smelter badge. Earned it earlier and it's showing up in the Closest to Completion tab with 1 out of 4 as the progress.
  18. It’s not a secret group, the link has been posted on the forums for months to the Discord testing group.
  19. They aren't completely unique to Aeon. The contact Leonard in Sharkhead also has the gloves.
  20. I think if the devs are dead set on changing the FF Pocket D entrance, I think it would be better replaced with something like Steel Canyon.
  21. Mostly joking about that; been on some sub-2 hour Dr. Qs so it's not nearly as bad as it was on live without our current QOL changes.
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