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Everything posted by Sanguinesun

  1. Of course I wasn't implying by one account. However we do not know the specific number of accounts required to trigger the autoban either so better to not assume on that front. Folks stirring up a band wagon'ing against someone else's arc isn't that unlikely. There, as we know, people who dislike AE and what it allows folks to partake in after all.
  2. I highly suggest disabling that as now this whole thread pretty much has advertised this as a way to abuse the report system to enact an autoban simply out of disliking an arc vs there actually being something against the rules with it.
  3. Depends on the newspaper as well. My father worked in the newspaper industry for 30 years with 3 different newspapers with circulations of 50k to 500k(respectively at the time with those papers) editorial comment back n forths were a pretty common mainstay and valued by the paper in circulation terms. Outside of over the top nutters(just like with net forums), they tended to not censor/edit (except for spelling/grammar that I remember) as you elude.
  4. Actually, one could cite the forums of then were the "Letter's and Comments to the Editor" published daily by any small or large news paper. Radio talk show call in commentaries too but yes the ease/speed we have now is much more pronounced to be sure.
  5. It is only as easy as you choose to make it.
  6. School House Rock Episode's super hero character.
  7. Job security and doing a good job/working hard are not mutually inclusive. If this were the case then there would be plenty of market sectors and businesses that would still exist which do not.
  8. This, Im afraid, is an extreme stance on justification for being blanketly dismissive by default of group pooled knowledge born of one's own personal(confirmation bias on one level) experiences. Ironically when one really thinks on it, its just as disconcerting as the extreme viewpoint you represent such groups take. While most anyone has had some form of bad experiences related to groups in or out of a game(social/group dynamics 101 really), it doesn't mean that most or all are. If one doesn't identify with a group, that's fine and one moves on. I am not trying to invalidate your bad experiences by stating this but saying to better couch them in the context that they are coming from so as to not cause yourself(or others more aptly) to disregard knowledge coming from others that could prove invaluable either. Skepticism is healthy but cynicism is not.
  9. Not "wrong" just a different path up the mountain with a bit more of a scenic pace. Something to consider too. Park those toons in day job spots so they get even more exp when they come back. If you cycle through your 10 or so over the course of days you can expedite their leveling a smidge. Personally, if I'm not being carried or a farm with a toon or dbox'in, then 1-24 can go pretty quick with: 1. DFB's till the mid teens, then DiB or other available taskforce etc. 2. AE Bads in the city (3 runs or so usually gets 1-23 or 24). 3. Using the banking exp day job wise(toon needs to be level 2 though first if memory serves but that's not hard) waiting until the weekend to then do points 1 and or 2 depending on the folks looking for teams etc.
  10. Could be worse. I know a current game that most of the work was outsourced to 3-4 different 3rd world country studios and then rigged together by a smaller group of devs for the actual company. Said group has grown (mostly by their hiring modders to be employees) but its still a mess.
  11. Yep. I always tell new folks to do that and grabbing the badge from the mansion in nightward to enable accessing midnighters for ITF too.
  12. What I see from that initial postand the desire to post the dialog that occurred between the two of you is quite frankly two wrongs dont make a right. Both of you seemingly dragged it on and on with neither letting it go really. Furthermore, coming here to cite that whilst not naming but still seemingly not letting the whole thing go seems a bit on the shaming intent side of things. Whether that is your intention or not it doesn't seem to reflect good intentions. But that's just my thoughts on the matter. Neither of they nor you have invalid paths up the mountain. Just some paths can be longer and more scenic than others. That said, the methods both of you seem to have been going on about have room for improvement. Therein lies some irony actually. I tend to solo farm but enjoy it. I do however take on folks every once in a while as someone else said as a manner by which to pay it forward as well. Especially those folks either wishing to learn how to play the game or farm or both.
  13. Depends on the level. Some tanks are better able to handle stuff at different levels than others but at 50 and tricked out, it'd be a DA/DM tank that I'd want to see on my team.
  14. So many of the costume pieces for many sets aren't available across all body parts nor size/gender either. It's a mess.
  15. 1. Free and absolutely no microtransaction shenanigans. Keep it donation based only. Development centered around making money didn't end well for CoH before so lets not change the current tune we have if legitimacy/licensure goes forward. 2. Work on new animations and assets in conjunction with new game play. Just do not get stuck in a progression creep epistemic development bubble. 3. More mixing around of abilities currently in game. Consideration for free form AT's with more freedom of choice. 4. Better organize the costume design choices(alphabetical as just one example). Make darn sure to finally get all pieces available across most all parts and choices made. So many pieces currently aren't able to be combined with other pieces(ie not there in choice) spectrum is a perfect example but there are scores more. 5. Continued improvements on the 64bit client. There teams using lots of powers still can lag the performance of even top and close to top end rigs. 6. Full, 100%, transparency on adjustments of game play, especially in regards to drops and other such things. In other words, no stealth. "oops forgot to mention" or similar changes. 7. Look into non server feasibility of developing single player versions of the game. 8. In conjunction with 7(or otherwise) developing a devkit for those that would be interested in developing modded content(not wow style stat tracker crap but actual game play related modded content(ie new zone maps, npc's and more).
  16. This sounds more like you want an ele/ele/ele sentinel than a blaster tbh.
  17. They were a detail option on many pieces from the start of the game on live. I had a fire/devices blaster (3rd blaster I made that first summer of release) with malaise detailing to the pieces.
  18. Both male and female options for most pieces that were live that had Malaise as a décor detail are still not in. Female skirts still cannot support it. Male and female boots tights and other boot options that previously had it live still do not and the list just goes on. While I appreciate that efforts were made to reintroduce it, its still a shame that its still not available fully yet for all previous(and even new options either. I hope that is to be remedied in the near future. Thanks.
  19. Its not impossible at all, especially if choosing to buy each and every enhancer instead of getting recipes and craft yourself etc. Really depends on the build choices and more importantly the Market cost fluctuations. I've seen some purples one day going for 19mil then the next day 30+mil. Timing is everything cost wise and depends on ones patience too.
  20. You're asking a subjective question that no one can accurately answer for you but yourself because we do not know the workings of your mind in what you like, dislike etc. As others have said(and perplexing that you haven't tried it before posting this thread, simply download and start the game and see for yourself if it matches you or not.
  21. If you're min/maxing and depending on the tank primary and secondary, then the same forum/guides cost projections will ring as true on tanks as well. Brutes and Tanks use a lot of the same Enhancer sets after all.
  22. Sanguinesun

    Herding MSR

    My understanding is "herding" is more about the upper areas where the bombs were planted to pull down to the group but if too many do it, it can wipe the bowl pretty fast. Most of the bowl edge mobs just a simple taunt or punch etc then jumping down to the edge of the team to then the opposite side usually gets the mobs down into the area to be decimated by others. Also tanks on some teams are told to focus more of taunting and pulling down the magus more and brutes/scrappers round up other things. Depends on the team I suppose.
  23. Which was discussed/linked on page to already :P
  24. Sounds like their wants just simply didn't match the reality of their situation and their inability to roll with things got the better of them. No amount of advice for those folks ever works until they decide things on their own, outside of wishing them the best of luck.
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