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Everything posted by Sanguinesun

  1. 2 months ago 90% of the game pop was brand new and were needing dfbs, ae's or just about anything. 2 months ago dfbs weren't nerfed to scale with diminishing returns post level 10. 2 months ago AE werent nerfed -50% base exp and the 100% exp boost powers in p2w available either. Those 3 things alone(and they're not btw) skew the anecdotal nature of using DFB's to judge the health of the player base. In other words as Eva said, don't judge player population by "DFB LFM".
  2. You do know that even the current markets are seeded and have settings to accommodate the scaling player base, right? DFB's are still a commonly seen thing as well but not necessarily to actually level fast(there are AE missions at 100% exp boost anyone can solo with just p2w powers and brawl and get from 5-17 in 1 run as an arbitrary example.
  3. To say that there wouldn't be (as was here) an explosion of players and thus more than likely a portion of this player base spending more time there would be disingenuous. However, long term, I don't see any correlative theory crafting that would suggest such would spell doom for CoH by any means. After all, Homecoming isn't for profit in intentions unlike the motivations for WoW Classic. That alone causes comparative concerns to rather miniscule. But people always chase the new shinies and then go back to something else. Be it WoWC, Borderlands 3, etc etc
  4. A revamp/reskinning of Nature MM's animals to various corgis or short-haired dauchshunds seems appropriate.
  5. It isn't necessarily a good thing to use the initial flood of people when the news came out as a benchmark for the population if you're looking to view things from a long term, sustainable, standpoint. Many games get an explosion of players and then it levels off. I would say that that is one things that is currently being seen now. However, I do expect there to be further loss to the player base until something "new" comes along via the homecoming team and then the Shiny-Chasers will invariably return for another explosion and then settle back down weeks or months there after. As others also cite, seasonal changes bring about change to the player base. Those off for the summer wanting to binge play will turn into weekend only or hiatus players once the Fall season begins and they return to school etc. Conversely, those off for the summer who have other things at hand may also return to the game when school settles in as well. I think statistically also, more are to be seen around on the weekends as well, this makes sense due to probably the demographics too that mostly currently play. And then there are the other potential variables that can cause the hourly/daily/weekly activity to change: -Other platforms having sales on games(thus players pop off to other games to play for the short or long term). Steam's summer sale ended a month or so ago if memory serves as an example of this. -New game releases. This always pulls people away for both short and long term on other games. -Other games having new dlc's, updates, etc that draw them away. -Misc life issues and the list just goes on and on. As long as the homecoming dev team doesn't give cause for players to leave, powers that be feel inclined to prevent the servers from being up, some other group provides more features/stability than HC's group, etc etc then I think its of little relevance to have too much concern over the fluctuations in the player base. Lets keep in mind as well that anything that would be of concern if the player base became so small as to make teams etc not viable, that Im sure HC would modify game play to accommodate that as they in some ways already currently have. So while Im quite sure this one be the last of these sorts of threads that will crop up(as invariably almost every game out there gets these sorts of population decline concerns threads), hopefully some can keep things in perspective now and pass that along to those folks that levy those concerns in future situations.
  6. Should've added the option: I don't care which/which ever my character is standing closest to once in the vicinity. :P
  7. I saw a preview trailer of it 2 days ago and I'm interested in giving it a try in a bit but it did look a bit low production quality wise. That's not to say it wont be a good show but sometimes when production quality is meh so is the writing acting etc. Not always mind you but sometimes.
  8. I recognize you're desire to inanely spin the narrative into a different direction but its rather silly, really. I expressed my disappointment with the changes and concern initially that it was felt to have been a change for change's sake etc. etc. As others have subsequently pointed out, those were simply opinions; and while I still do feel it was unfortunate that such change occurred, I cited appreciation of GM Capocollo's further clarifications and thusly understand the team's perspectives for the change. So it is unfortunate that you've felt it necessary to do as you have in the thread, especially in the subsequent irony of posts that you made there after...
  9. Thank you for the additional information and commentary on the subject.
  10. While your accuracy concerning one of the meanings of the word shame is correct, your rather perplexing assumption as to which meaning contextually was being used is incorrect. The meaning that was being conveyed by the use of the word was this: a regrettable or unfortunate situation or action. I wont speculate as to why you perhaps chose to believe so erroneously a different meaning to what I posted, but I will say that such is quite unfortunate....
  11. I'm sure for you it is. As you've said in the past you spend a great deal of time on these forums. However, it lacks visual differentiations between posts that the previous ones had for more quickly seeing threads. The current scheme blends in to where its just a sea of azure and white only. But I'm sure your satisfaction on these things will remain for the foreseeable future. Again its just a shame.
  12. I wish the older coloring and way it looked had remained. It seems a bit of a change for change sake to me. Disappointing
  13. Maybe they're hanging out with Twixt.
  14. There are a couple of threads on these forums about how people are using the market, converters, and other things to make millions of influence in a very short amount of time. Try to find some of those threads and see if they appeal to you for making enough to support your in game needs.
  15. These sorts of things tend to not happen in a vacuum, especially if the frequency and volume of it is as much as you seem to indicate for your personal situation. Perhaps some time should be spent thinking about why that may be?
  16. This is like calling a band-aid broken because its being used for a brain tumor. The over-effectiveness of team is due to, as others have said, the feature/power creep that occurred in conjunction with the business models that the game was employing whilst it was still live. Now with the game being free and with various things changed to accommodate players, the imbalances become more readily seen/experienced. However, I would be rather curious to see Homecoming's statistics on players in regards to activity of characters post 50 versus the activity of 1-50 preincarnate game play wise, especially for those that have 50's that have been t4'd. I suspect the percentage or player activity on 50's is smaller than the percentage or pre 50 characters being played, but I could be wrong. This current topic's lament then really was inevitable with the more public play of the game as it is now. And it only changes with either implementing significant curtailing of the way the game is currently played(ie nerfing, re-instituting inane grinding, etc) or another round of feature/power creep and other content added for the post 50 incarnate centric crowd. And if it goes the feature/power creep route.... no end. It would just be a vicious circle of complaints of gaps/disparity with content and stagnation or complaints of how progression occurs or many other things. New stuff---- optimizing---- rebalancing---stagnation---New stuff--- etc etc etc. There is no answer that is going to work for this sort of linear-progression-tunnel-vision thinking. This is why there has become such a disenfranchisement with games like wow and others that require sustainability for their business models by providing more and more same ole same ole by rebalancing/stat shrinking/rehashing etc to keep the monetization going. If this issue were to be a majority/major concern(which I think overall it isn't at this point... yet) then I think the homecoming team will have to decide if they want to maintain the status quo of progression creep or come up with better ways that match their servers status of playing more freely as one more or less chooses.
  17. If you want to be a full on tank then you play a tank. If you want to play an off tank/assistant tank, then you build a brute with taunt. If you want to play primarily a damage dealer that can "oh no" tank if fillingly needed when a tank goes down or if a group doesn't have a tank but has lots of heals n buffs for you, then you play choice is a brute first, a scrapper second...(depending as well on their secondaries), a stalker third and a sentinel fourth(not recommended but again in an oh no situation when nothing else is up). And it just scales down from there. So there is no reason you can't become as a tank since originally that's what vil content side intended for them to be. But given the inherent damage capabilities, they are more often played for their damage dealing. They still taunt though with almost every damage output they do(even so much as for my brutes to actually pull aggro off tanks who aren't at their best). So what it boils down to then is what sort of playstyle you desire to do and then adjusting your choices accordingly.
  18. Group PvE= Anything is fine, that's pretty much the point. AE Farms= If you're saying you wish to be the one being the farmer, then TW is inefficient for this. Depending on the secondary you can of course endure the hits of other things (ie /fire and the plethora of fire farms) but the speed at which you do so may be less than that of counterparts with other primaries like spines or rad etc. So if you're willing to accept that it would take you half to two thirds more time then that's your prerogative. If you're saying to join someone else on a farm, then as with group pve(since technically that's what it is), anything is ok. Solo= Anything is ok. Why? because in the worst case scenario, you can adjust settings to -1 and or use temp powers(against healing AV's etc) like the poison dagger from p2w vendor if you need. --- That all said then, TW does, in my opinion work very well with bio which you say doesn't match you. Why doesn't it match you though? If it is due to visuals, remember you can opt in the costume options to put the power on minimal f/x. If it is due to the 3 toggle choices and switching between them, I'd encourage you to try to learn to do it. The efficiency toggle with its end conservation is really good for TW. However if you're deadest on not being /bio, then electric would be potentially a good choice. Its end recoup and speed increase helps TW but the only thing would be that in regards to AE farms that most use, you'd have to take a bit more effort to try to cap your resistances and defenses for some of those Farms and remember that there are no pure energy farms(electrics best), but again it depends which farms you would choose. If you're looking for a pure challenge then TW/Stone would be the most challenging for you to play due to its inherent slows, the endurance requirements, etc to your powers paired with tw's limitations. The only good thing would be the damage of TW helping limit the -dam from stone. Pretty much most else I think is going to fall somewhere in between and will just then depend on how much effort you put into your choices of slotting and what you slot in the powers to help get over the limitations that the combinations would give you. But just keep in mind that nothing does it all the best because there is no such thing as best. Some shine better than others and opting to go counter to what others have discovered are the better combinations for certain game play needs means you're making that hill that much more challenging to climb.
  19. Not really. The best it can do is on par with the worst the typical farming builds can achieve. Just use it to get you some starting coin to get basic IO's for running a farming brute leveled and just go from there. Shouldn't take you too long to do this and level it up depending on your playtime.
  20. Galaxy city option for heroes no longer exists since it was switched during issue 21 to being a coop tutorial for Primal Earth characters. All heroes unless praetorian will start in Atlas.
  21. Which one of these build should I use if I'm new to ae and farming missions? I'm lvl 12 atm and just strted doing AE so I can get a farmer up and running to make some money... At 12 your focus is more to level and have just enough money to get your basic IO's so you can then continue leveling and perhaps as you close in on 50, do some "light" farming. The builds listed(and not necessarily the ones all farmer use) are more for what you want at 50(ie leveling then respecting into 1 build and then perhaps another once better fleshed out). You can of course follow the builds mentioned and then go from there but its your choice.
  22. Force Field of course is of decent support, of this there is no doubt. What we have to perhaps consider is your desire of "most" and "great". Your force fields are the primary support. Your secondary support thus comes in the forum of either choosing an AT's damage or your choices of power pools as you're leveling up(leadership's additional teamwide defense, damage, and accuracy buffs and/or taking medicines heals, etc etc. Also there are some other options to consider too(such as taking traps which has a force field generator power as opposed to doing the full force field set). So Defender, Corruptor, Mastermind are your forcefield or traps playing main choices. From there, the primary/secondary paired with those AT's, which consist mostly of damage dealing do have some control / debuffing in them to offer team support as opposed to straight up damage. You simply will need to read the info for those different sets and pay attention to what is stated in the details of those powers as there are too many to list and explain here. As for origin, philotic knight (as usual) only vaguely mentions things in regards to this topic. However yes, for the most part it has no bearing in game choices -but-, it -does- affect some things. 1. From the P2W vendor, your choices of free prestige powers have some that give more damage based on your origin. Magic Origin for example gets more damage with the Origin version of the Black Wand which while that doesn't seem like a big deal, some people still use that and the other prestige powers even at 50 because the damage scales as you level. You just need to read the details on those powers in relation to the origin you choose. 2. Your starting missions. At level 1-2, your origin determines your starting contact and story arc missions. With Later missions and their contacts this isn't really the case though as they start to feed all players into the same sets. 3. Enhancers, if you choose to use Dual Origin or Single Origin enhancers at any time(not recommended once you can start crafting Invention enhancers(IO's), your origin restricts which type of those enhancers you can use. So these things while having some relevance when you begin are worthy to remember, as you progress their importance becomes less.
  23. I think what we can do here is offer constructive feedback without cynicism or derision. As well, I think we can recognize such feedback given and not invalidate it with similar derision and / or because the team working on the these servers are non profit and / or volunteer. No one in this thread is wanting the opposite of success for the servers or the team and I think its important contextually to remember that.
  24. Indeed as aoe blasts to you and your pets in the vicinity can smack the pets down fast if not careful.
  25. Foregoing your first 1 pets is akin to a tank foregoing a third of their defenses. Or a brute foregoing their fast fury build up powers etc. Conversely taking your personal attacks instead of pets(ie the rather impractical petless mm) is pretty much pointless and one should roll a ranged AT with healing/defenses instead. All your pets are a must if you're wanting to make your mm stronger. Body guard innate ability for mm's depends on it(ie pets soak some of your damage) and your damage is also mostly though your pets(along with cc and other abilities). You want to have them all. As for personal attacks, it depends. Many mm's opt for 1 of the single attacks or the aoe/cone one only instead preferring to use slots for other powers from the pools or ancilliaries etc. Your combination of primary and secondary power choices can affect your choices in these regards.
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