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Everything posted by Steampunkette

  1. You know, it's faster for a Dominator to just blast and melee any enemy they fight than it is to try and use controls and -then- kill them. So they should just use their damaging powers instead of trying to use controls! Am I doin' it right? Sapping is a playstyle. Like Blapping or playing a character who isn't 100% focused on dishing out damage. Repeatedly showing that it would be faster to kill enemies (Specifically minions and LTs) doesn't really have much weight when you consider that. You're also only throwing out attack powers. There's also stuff like Conductive Aura which deals no damage. Or Jolting Chain which deals little. Or Power Sink and Lightning Field. Things which sap as a primary component, but which are best paired with damage-focused powers that ALSO sap as a secondary for MAXIMUM END FUCKERY. As previously noted, upthread: Static Field + Conductive Aura shuts down the LTs/Minions, Jolting Chain finishes off their endurance at about the same time the Boss's end bottoms out. Which lets you focus your attacks on the boss without worrying about the minions and LTs, then mop everyone up when they're utterly sapped. Team up with an /Elec blaster to Power Sink and it goes even faster. Or an Elec/ Blaster to throw off Short Circuit. I continue to think "Meh" to the "Sapping needs to go!" Mindset. If you wanna add more damage to powers to bring them more in line with other sets fine. But don't kill my playstyle just 'cause you prefer a more efficient one.
  2. @ReplacementThe suggestion was to add an AoE Foe Hold to the Group Flight power. That's not just cottage rule breaking. It's also supremely weird and borderline OP. Particularly for mez-stacking from a Control-based character. I'd be kind of leery of the Whirlwind Flurry... Or the SS Whirlwind. I feel like Whirlwind is in -such- a niche that you can't change it out with anything or combine it with anything. It either needs to be left as is (Buffed perhaps) or removed and replaced.
  3. Easy answer to Group Fly? Make it into a click. Costs of fairly decent amount, grants 3 minutes of full speed flight. Recharges in 2 minutes. Maybe even give it a power grant with a separate action bar of a dive bomb attack. Give the dive bomb a 45 second recharge but otherwise make it burst of speed with minimal damage but a big knockdown effect.
  4. I like your Teleport idea a ton... Speed... nnn... Not so much. While Whirlwind is rarely taken, combining it with burst of speed neither makes sense nor feels balanced. Leaping... kinda sorta almost cool with it. But both CJ and Acro are considered mandatory and chase powers, depending on AT. So it feels a bit too strong to combine them... unless we put them at Acrobatics' tier and put the double-jump at the lower level. Then I'd actually be pretty cool with it, since CJ would no longer be a Dip power. However this would make a lot of people very upset. Flight: No. Just no. Flat out no.
  5. People don't that corrosive is weak. people complain about corrosive because it doesn't fit in with the rest of the sets abilities. Specifically the rest of the freaking set is all heal over time and this is a weird attack debuff which makes you grow a flower for a hand and is out of step with the rest of the set. You could make that argument about shock... But in either case I offer a resounding "Meh"
  6. When TTK > TTDrain drain does something for you. It's when TTK < TTD that drain does nothing. That said: "This one power everyone but defenders is FORCED to take sucks!" is hardly a strong argument considering the number of sets where that's the case... Lemme just load up the beta and get the real numbers per power. For Defenders, obviously, since I can't check it on other classes (yet!) Tier 1) Shock: -20% End, -50% Recovery, -31% damage. The main goal of this power is CLEARLY the 31% Damage Debuff, with the End Drain and -Recovery being added bonuses. Potent added bonuses, if you intend to Sap, but hardly the main event. Tier 2) Rejuvenating Circuit: Chain Heal, no sapping involved. Tier 3) Galvanic Sentinel: I can't actually view the real numbers on Discharge, here... Tier 4) Energizing Circuit: Grants Endurance to allies. Tier 5) Faraday Cage: Resistance and End buffs along with protection to control. VERY NICE and stacks with Shock's Damage Debuff. Tier 6) Empowering Circuit: Big damage buff chain. 40% is huge. Tier 7) Defibrillate: Rez. Nothing spectacular. Tier 😎 Insulating Circuit: Some Absorb in a Chain. Tier 9) Amp Up: Big general buff So... I'm... I fail to see what the problem is, here. Shock's the only power at all that does End Drain or -Recovery for the whole set (Which is fairly weird, for an electric set, really) but it's pretty much a nifty "Nod to Electric" on top of the big damage debuff. Looking through the other tier 1 Defender Powers the only one that I found which was more directly debilitating as a debuff was Corrosive Enzymes for Nature Affinity: A power people complain about having to take even though it adds -25% Resistance on top of of the -31% damage. Is it -REALLY- just this one singular power in the whole set people are complaining over? It's a single nod to sapping that pairs Electrical Affinity pretty well with Electric Blast, but is ultimately not that important of a power to the set, overall. It is your general "Skippable Tier 1" for most builds. ... Y'all are crazy. I am eager to play an Elec/Elec Defender or Elec/Elec Controller, now.
  7. Oh, sure. I can agree with that kind of modification. But killing Sapping in order to add -Dam or -Res or some other thing is just wrong, to me. Which is what this thread is -actually- about. The OP doesn't like the new set getting -end instead of something "More Useful"
  8. There's actually one of the holiday temporary powers that allows you to apply the snowfall affect to nearby allies, even when you use it inside Missions or Task Forces. So there is -some- precedent for that sort of RP Power. Most of the other RP Powers could be handled through Skybox Editing, Auras, and Emotes.
  9. Not Recharge, Recovery. If I wanted Recharge I'd have had an H at the end as -Rech.
  10. So we should add -rec to all -end effects? Works for me! Problem solved!
  11. Allow me to point out a few things: 1) Damage isn't an enhanceable secondary effect that locks down enemies to keep them from attacking and stacks from multiple sources to do so. 2) Any powerset is going to wipe out minions regardless of their secondary benefits within the first volley or two, rendering -Dam or -Rech or -Acc or whatever completely irrelevant really early in their 10 second duration or whatever. 3) Sapping is a playstyle, like Blapping. It's not "More Efficient" than just doing more damage, that's not the point of sapping. The point is shutting enemies down because it's fun. And the final point: 4) Having -Dam or -Acc or -Def or even -Res on an enemy "Doesn't Matter" unless it's a boss or something 'cause it'll die before that stuff -really- makes a difference by the logic you've put forward, here. So why bother to change it? Except MAYBE you could argue -Res 'cause it's just "Moar Damage" on the second shot, but if they were going to die on the second shot, anyway, it's just wasted spillover. You're still going to 1-2 shot all the minions and kill the LTs with the next shot, and AVs will resist the heck out of it even when you try to stack it, so it only "matters" on bosses (and not much) and EBs. Not every playstyle is "100% cutting edge break out the spreadsheets, boys, we're going in!" effective. And they shouldn't be.
  12. An Electric Blaster with 3 SOs in Thunderous Blast can instantly zero out an entire spawn's Endurance in a singe slot. Bosses, Lieutenants, Minions, everyone. Or she can use Short Circuit to take out 70% in one shot. With Agility, that takes 2 Endmod Slots for Short Circuit. Ball Lightning? 15% slotted. And like most sets: It stacks with teammates. Get two Electric Characters on a team and everyone on the enemy team races to 0. I once did a trio, Elec Dom, Scrapper, and Blaster. Safest ever. There's not a single other secondary effect you can say that about. Not -one-. This is the only secondary you can: A) Reliably Slot For B) Stacks with Teammates C) Leaves the enemy Defenseless in Seconds "Lolol I can stack fire's DoT and slot for MOAR DAMAGE!" Sure. But the DoT isn't gonna render the enemy defenseless by aiming at their blue bar on a PERCENTAGE BASIS, ignoring the enemy's relative pool of End. Elec is fine the way it is.
  13. Surge Protection is good... But I'm really coming around on Galvanic Response.
  14. Changing things that trigger PTSD symptoms isn't a bad precedent. It's basic human decency. When your Uncle Jerry comes back from Iraq and everyone tells you not to make loud noises around him 'cause it's traumatic you don't go grab a balloon and a needle to run up behind him and pop it for a laugh. When someone you know loses a family member to a drunk driver you don't walk up to them and make jokes about driving drunk, -yourself-, knowing it'll hurt them. Why on God's Green Earth to people think it's "Caving" or "Being Bullied" when a developer or person has the same respect for someone they're not related to who has a problem like this?
  15. Maybe just put an Exploration Badge in every hospital in the room you teleport into?
  16. As a Steampunk I must clarify: Galvanic Vigor would be the appropriate term. Galvanism is the root word based on the man Luigi Galvani, who ran electricity through the limbs of frogs and for whom the term "Galvanic Response" is named. It takes on the IC suffix on the basis of it being "of or pertaining to” Galvanism. Galvinism, itself, uses the suffix ISM to create an "Action-Noun" from Galvani. Essentially "Galvani Action" Don't you just adore etymology? Also I am a MASSIVE nerd.
  17. Surge Protection is nice. I also like Amperage Affinity or Electroprojection as nifty options. How about Impulse Mastery? Or Induction? Could go with Conductive Care or Static Command. How about Voltaic Authority or to play a pun: Current Direction? Get it? 'Cause it's a Direct Current but the order has been Altered and it's also the direction your current is going and you're Directing the Current like a Director... LAYERED PUNS.
  18. The badge would work if it was just the "Pay off 1 point of debt" badge. All the Badgers would suddenly just -get- a new badge that is largely irrelevant (And so would most others). And the Hardcore players would get their wish for a way to avoid "Honor System" hardcore. Super easy, super effective.
  19. For the record: I'm not saying it's impossible due to dev time. I'm saying it's -such- a niche playstyle that I feel like spending dev time creating the various suggested systems to support it is a waste of dev time. But the badge would be just perfect, if you ask me. Minimal investment of Dev Effort, but gives the Hardcore characters a 100% certainty of who is or isn't "Hardcore"
  20. If you wanna go faster, you could axe Ball Lightning's slots and drop an Endmod or two into Static Field, Jolting Chain, Conductive Aura, and Static Discharge. I just like having Ball Lightning and Static Discharge as my AoE Bread and Butter for damage.
  21. http://www.cohplanner.com/mids/download.php?uc=1486&c=680&a=1360&f=HEX&dc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love playing Assaulters.
  22. It's a video game, Outrider... It's all a waste of time and effort. Except if you're having fun. And some people like to raise the stakes for fun.
  23. It's definitely a thing you could do without Development Time being spent on it, though? I feel like it's such a niche playstyle that as a system it probably shouldn't be carried forward into development. But it's certainly one that could use some social/GM support... like maybe making a "Hardcore Event" where there's a signup to do a series of difficult missions or TFs with someone keeping track of who drops and when. Maybe allow people to rez if someone on the team -has- a rez, but once you hit the Hospital it's over and you're disqualified... Then do up some prize support and encourage people to keep going Hardcore -after- the event has ended to encourage more participation in the playstyle?
  24. Sure there is! Once you've got them sapped, turn off your toggles except the Lightning Field. If they still can't hurt you: The sapping is rendering them utterly powerless.
  25. There'd need to be variable falling speeds for Glide to work. Right now there just aren't. It'd be comparatively easy to create a variable falling speed with different levels of air control than, say, Combat Jumping or Flight.
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