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Everything posted by Sovera

  1. In fact, I don't and asked. But you just quoted an example from a different thing than CoH. So we are back at the start. You don't know (or do you? I got lost mid-way). Maybe it's super hard. Maybe it's as simple as a drop down menu and find + replace the name of things (and even then this might still take an hour to do properly. Or it might not. I don't know). Back at the start. Mocking Chrome because it would take too long. But no one knows if it would. I understand that even if it's 'just an hour' it would still be 107 hours in my fictional example above and thus not worth it since it works and don't-fix-it-if-it-works. But please, the devs are grown-ups, they don't need ardent defenders protecting them.
  2. Is it though? I don't know. You act as if you do. You could perhaps enlighten the rest of us. I look at the Architect. I have a map chosen. I want to replace it for a different map. I click on a dropdown menu and change it. I don't know what are the dev tools the programmers have for CoH. The way people talk sometimes it sounds like they are coding things entirely by hand on notepad. Is there an UI interface? I... don't... know... But you seem to do. Enlighten the rest of us. I figure changing one map for another would indeed mess the mission. I don't know if, like the AE, the spawn allocation has anchors and they will appear there or if each map needs to have spawns set by hand one at a time. The objectives probably do. Maybe. The radio missions seem to do it at random but maybe not. They are acting obtuse on purpose. Nothing you've said seems unreasonable to me especially a dev chiming in. It would be nice to have someone who is actually involved and not a peanut gallery programmer, someone who actually uses the game tools, to drop by and chime in. 'Well yeah, removing a map and replacing it, then altering the spawns and objectives. Why, that may be as much as an hour and a half per map! We have 107 of those maps in use so you can imagine it is way too much of an undertaking'.
  3. My emergency row is one wakie (big as I eventually get during drops), one break free (post wakie usage), two blues (one for post wakie, second for emergency post drain use). But as I've been playing more Tankers lately I've replaced that for the P2W ressurect power with one hour recharge since I rarely die. Noob trap? Heh, it does what it is meant to do. Everyone - myself included - has had the 'smart' idea of using a wakie while surrounded by enemies and learned it was not a good idea.
  4. You're missing the point, or perhaps I was not clear enough since I started to ramble. We are on the subject of bonuses in IOs. Resistance and defenses have roughly the same bonuses despite their (soft)caps being a sizable chunk apart. A Brute is well screwed with this with them not getting defensive bonuses like Tankers have. That means their 90% hardcap is a goal waaaaay out of hand for anything other than specialized farming where they can bend their whole build to reach certain goals.
  5. What is telling also is how the numbers don't make much sense. To reach 45% defense we have bonuses that range from 0.6% all the way to 5%. To reach 75% resists we have bonuses that range... from 1% to 6%. So while anyone can reach softcap to slash and lethal not many can or will reach the same for resistances. But wait. Then this is further skewed that any element that has a S/L component uses S/L to deflect the whole. Huge thermonuclear nuke with 99% Energy damage and 1% Smash damage? Our smash defenses will magnificently dodge the thermonuclear nuke. The much harder to achieve resistance to smash and lethal in the same instance will magnificently diminish the 1% of smash damage while we fry from the 99% energy damage component.
  6. As many have mentioned LFG channel is a thing. Forming your own teams is also a much better way of being in a team than posting about looking for a team. But, there is no magic bullet. I've had times I soloed TFs because I could not find people interested in running them. This is partly because I'm an Euro on GMT time and play on Everlasting which is majorly US based. So while I'm going to say 90% of the time I'm in teams there is that 10% where it may take 10-15 minutes to get a team, and many others where I coax people to do it with just 4-5 of us.
  7. Not Battle Maiden and her immune-to-taunt-mechanics with her blue circles, thanks.
  8. Challenge? Learning? Wut...? We complain that they are too small, our camera is shoved nose deep into our FX. Suddenly the screen is nothing other than ocean of particles. And then the injury added to the insult the caves are filled with little protruding hitboxes so we are constantly having to jiggle the mouse to make sure we are not stopped because a pixel is on the way. I have minimum sized costumes -just- for the caves since large characters have their camera trailing metaphorical sparks the way it drags against the ceiling. I'm fine with you and your posts, Red, but you're very willing to do grandiloquent soapboxing more often than not mocking what you oppose. I suggest going easy on the giant gifs and large chunks of purple prose.
  9. Sovera


    I'm going to say that playing Ice Armor but not taking Chilling Embrace if like playing Ice Melee and not taking Ice Patch, or Fire Armor and not taking Burn. But it's true you're short on powers. Water Spout and Spirit Jaws are the only flex powers so it all boils down to how in love you are with those two.
  10. When I use it's how I feel it to be working. The 400% is maybe just an increase? Maybe we need to attack and build threat to them get 400% more of it? It's not how I am used to Taunts though, a taunt is clicked and mobs ignore everything and focus on the taunter.
  11. That makes perfect sense. Conserve Power's 116% endurance reduction does not make a 10 endurance power cost 0, only 5 endurance. -100% range is bound to be something like you said, and then she must have a stupidly long range on top of that. Or she's just immune to Taunt. Either way taunting and immediately fleeing to force following does not work.
  12. It says 100% in the power description though. I confess I'm pretty disappointed with Taunt. I took it to peel Battle Maiden from her blue circles and she simply ignores me and continues pew pewing despite the fact I taunt and immediately flee back. Not just that but she doesn't even focus on me. If she's pew pewing someone else she'll continue doing so. Same with other mobs like the giant robots in Apex. I taunt expecting them to follow me but they stop and shoot NPCs instead.
  13. Let me know when you do and we'll pewpew together. THE WORLD WILL BURN! 😄
  14. An alternative build that I am currently trying. I found that I was not using Shockwave enough to warrant have it picked up and slotted. While it was my bread and butter on my Scrapper I just have not found use for it partly because Burn wants me close to the ground where Shockwave I used to hover over the ball of clumped enemies in order to have it act as a ghetto PbAoE. This was a long deliberated decision since Shockwave has a very important soft CC component in it that allows to chew more than we should. But since respecs are cheap and it *was* gathering dust I'm trying this. - In exchange for the seldomly used Shockwave I picked up Assault. More damage for me and everyone else. - Used the now free slots to add things here and there. I was displeased at the low accuracy of FU and Slash and took the Kismet unique to make up for it. - Slightly changed the slotting around based on Bopper's advice. Bit less recharge means bit more chance of procs going off. - Removed the -res proc in Burn for an Eradication proc. On the long run this might mean less damage. On the short run (and most of CoH's fights are short runs) the double proc is pretty bursty and I can see the HP of things moving in chunks when Burn goes off, then the double procs do, then the pseudopet double procs as well. I'm not super fussed about the Fury -res proc since it does not stack and it is a common thing to have in teams. The extra recovery added from the new slots has been good at offsetting the cost of Assault. With absolutely no support endurance goes down, but slowly, and I have found that I still have a quarter of a bar by the time Consume has recharged. This is a delicate balance perturbed by any sort of endurance drain but I have Recovery Serums for those moments. Most of the time endurance is simple full since someone in the team throws an Ageless (pretty common incarnate due to said recovery but also recharge) or we have someone with an endurance boost. Seriously, endurance is a non worry. With Focus having to pick the slack for FF procs my usual ST rotation is Follow-up, Burn, Focus (fish boy, fish!), Follow-up, Slash, Focus, Follow-up, Burn. This is why I don't have the purple damage proc in Slash. For AoE it's still the same: Follow-up, Burn (star of the show), Spin (after Burn so the 2.5 animation happens while the recharge is ticking), Focus (fish, boy, fish!), Slash, Follow-up, Burn, Spin. Alternative build: I've also added a leveling build I made for a friend I convinced to play the game with me. It's a *lot* cheaper and still has 40% defenses (45% with Barrier) and the resistances are still capped with two ATO stacks and Barrier's 5%. So it has everything a Tanker needs to tank. The trade offs are a worse Hasten and less damage due to no procs in attacks but it will do just fine to burn the content until money is amassed.
  15. Cardiac? Boo! Musculature FTW! ...seriously though, I'm running Focused Accuracy with no end red, and Assault, and living off Consume. Very occasionally I pop a Recovery Serum if either fumbling Consume or met with end drain. This lets me go Musculature 45%. Claws isn't EM though.
  16. Now roll it on a Stalker to get a proper hard hitting skill 🙂
  17. Only in the sense that you are not using Lotus Drops when doing single target. Fighting an AV or even a boss. Are you using your AoE? I think the answer is not, so the proc sits not used. Place it instead in something you will be using all the time. For me it was Avalanche. Be it ST or AoE I'd be spamming Avalanche.
  18. I haven't died nearly as much as some people who play Blasters here. But my favorite is an Archery/TA Blaster so I : A) Am 100% range and never dive into melee where the real damage is received. B) Open every fight with RoA mini nuke which instantly kills minions and reduces a spawn size to half. Half a spawn size hurts half as much. As has been said it's fine to enjoy Sentinels. The game is made so nearly everything works. Taking a bit longer to kill stuff is not preventing people from advancing. The lower damage a Sentinel does is made up by the faster recharging nuke. Again, I believe some people mistake their Sentinel's toughness for their defenses and resists instead of the fact they open every fight with a nuke and kill half a spawn. This is not something the average Blaster does since theirs is up every two spawns and then they compound it by wandering around in melee range.
  19. I'm not going to join the crowd and for that I apologize since you are seeking confirmation. Your daughter *should* grow thicker skin. I don't get upset at the endless flood of mocking at how the french only know how to surrender and how their flag is the white one out from people who never opened an history book in their life. People *will* be pigs over the internet. It's the well known anonymity factor that dehumanizes persons and reduces them to words on the screen. The same persons who would be upset at seeing a young girl insulted in RL may very well join in an internet bashing. What I mean by this is that it was a good harmless bashing. Wait until the truly terrible things come of asking to show her tits or to go back to the kitchen because her opinion has no value. This is harmless enough if upsetting since she is a normal human person who was confronted by dumbies who were requested to stop and did not. Used to RL and our society's rules yes, I imagine it was a shock and an upsetting one. Now is the moment to tell her about all of this and how normal people who behave normally in RL are turned into parodies of themselves (I once met someone whose argument was that he was an alpha and he was entitled to things, and everyone else was a beta to him. I cringe thinking of him saying these things in RL, but he won't, no one would, but over the internet it's acceptable). Introduce her to the ignore button. Introduce her to the concept of 'don't feed the troll'. Ask someone to stop bad behavior once. They don't? Put them on ignore. They will not change their behavior by being argued with. In fact, the whole incident escalated once she started arguing back and this is my own experience at seeing it (not something I've been a target of myself). Arguing against someone who is saying or doing trollish things (the act of saying or doing upsetting for the sake of causing a reaction) does *not* work no matter what anecdotal examples are brought forth. Subjecting ourselves to the trollish acts as a form of moral high ground... well, okay, people do what people want to do. If they feel superior for it then it's fine for me. Me, I just put people on ignore. Anyone who does that sort of thing is not someone I care to interact with. P.S. Please stop selling communities as 'safe' and 'everyone is super nice'. Please, god. Nostalgia is fine and good but CoH live or HC is not an utopia. If 5% of 3000 are bottom feeders that's still 150 persons roaming around. All it takes is one or two in a team.
  20. If you can trust HD is *seems* to be that way, but I've been caught in the trap of blindly trusting HD in the past.
  21. Why should the level 50s lose out because under level 50s joined? They could just as easily have made a team for their own level but prefered to join a level 50 team so those could pew pew for them. Lets be honest here that under 50s joining 50 teams are not there to do pew pew but to collect XP. I hate it but I force myself to do it once in a while. There is nothing more miserable than to be using my strongest attack and see it plink for 40 damage against a +5.
  22. You're thinking Stalkers. Stalkers have zero stay-close agro abilities and once at 20% HP mobs will just "$%&-off to the africas and maybe decide to return, or not. Scrappers do have a few agro grabbing auras. Bioarmor and Radiation Armor, Willpower, Shield, Invulnerability, etc. Not all secondaries have one, but several do, and enemies do not wander off with those sets who do.
  23. You Fire Armor pros out there, what have you felt as the best slotting for Burn? With the pseudo-pet adding a second chance to hit with a proc is the -20% res chance (won't stack with the pseudo-pet if it goes off as well) better damage than a plain Eradication: chance for energy damage? There are two chances for the damage proc to go off and stacking (both alone or in teams) won't be a problem, but does 71 damage overcome -20% res (with the caveats of non-stacking with itself)?
  24. I have the same reaction with Controllers. Why push a button to CC something when I could be pushing a button to kill it. It counts as CC if it's dead and not shooting back, right? And then there's MM. Surround myself with a fragile herd of cats that does whatever and tends to crumble when taking a hit. But where on another AT I would either eat an insp or hover out of range for my regen to kick in I instead click to summon a new minion, then click to upgrade, then click to upgrade it a second time. Sometimes another one dies before this sequence is over. Overall I find Blasters the most efficient. Annoying Tsoo lieut with Hurricane? Shoot it from afar. Starting a fight? Use the nuke, most things will be dead. While I love my Scrappers and Tankers they do suffer from 'Oh, you're doing level 25 content? I'll help! Oh golly... Gee... That's.. that's four Tsoo Sorcerers... It's a lot of Hurricane... Yep... I'm at 8% chance of hitting... I'll have to wait until they choose to detoggle (blessed be that they detoggle Hurricane on their own after a certain period of time, otherwise they would keep me debuffed for half an hour and relying on lucky hits to whittle them)'.
  25. Hmm.. I come out of this enlightened but not decided. On one hand the +12% final -res chance on Burn still appears to me superior than a damage proc. On the other hand the -res proc does not stack and if anyone else is using it then mine won't do much. Double the chance of a second damage procs would help burst down.... Yep, still as undecided as when I began! I feel that the Gaussian would work better if I were to throw it into Tactics since I'm always teaming anyway. Apparently it's a 50% to go off every ten seconds with a full team around.
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