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Everything posted by Sovera

  1. Same with a KM/EA Stalker I made and posted over the Stalker forums. Triple damage procs on each attack helped pushed its burst, but I never did get around to test it on a pylon (I haven't pyloned in months tbh) to see how it fared, but it was softcapped and has the accuracy and endurance and etc firmly in hand.
  2. The end discount, in practical terms, is not even noticed. The end discount is easily eaten by the very fast and fluid attack animations that leave little in the way of pauses for endurance to have a chance to tick up. EA does its job and a panting Ice Armor character will clutch it as a life buoy since Ice Armor has a wee bit too many toggles. Slow aura, anti mez aura, damage aura, physical shield aura, energy shield aura. That makes, in my experience, EA mandatory at each spawn and not enough when fighting a single target. It works, of course it works, we can make everything work between IOs and incarnates, but that's my experience with it.
  3. The answers have been exhaustive and to the point so not much more can be added (edit. I ended up adding a lot more as I rambled on!). Depending on the game meta simply means the best way to do something. In GW2 the meta is everyone in their DPS spec and wearing full DPS gear. New players may faff around trying to pick survival oriented gear but they will soon either be herded to the the max damage mentality or form their groups. There really is no point in doing less damage by trading damage stats for survival stats when a boss will two shot anyone who did not move out of the telegraphed move, and the longer the boss moves the more moves it will do, so full DPS makes the fight last much less. In League of Legends it's a lot more complex since rock scissors paper but the same principle. My brother is an aficionado and plays at a really high level (he reached challenger which apparently is a big deal in terms of total player population) and he'll tell me stuff without entering in too much detail. Like chess whomever picks their champion first is already a step behind. In CoH it's so easy and with such a high power creep ceiling that there really isn't a meta as the previous examples. Anything will do and just throw incarnated warm bodies at content and content will melt (granite tank for Lord recluse? Why? Just have a Blaster flying around and taking potshots at him or whatever). At most we could say that the 'meta for Scrappers' (fictional example) is 45% defense and to be endurance positive and as close to perma Hasten as possible. On a semantic level I don't agree TW/Bio being meta in this context. TW/Bio is the best/strongest character but that's a different thing. Fortunately CoH does not suffer from the petty elitism prevalent in GW2 where people are literally berated for their choice picks (not speaking as a victim, just what I saw while playing it). We are a pretty loose happy community where even if the meta is six Blasters, one Tanker and one Kinetic Defender we will throw ourselves with whatever rag tag bunch of random people of various levels and slotting and power picks at whatever content we are aimed that. Though in part also because there is precious little chance of failing. If we had more risk, and, as it rarely rarely happened (twice in all my time since starting on Homecoming) of disbanding because unable to complete a TF then the meta grip would tighten.
  4. My mom telling me about anything, anything at all: - Hey mom, I tried to phone you earlier and you weren't answering. - I was doing the grocceries and I met miss X and she told me she was having back problems so I helped her. The same thing happened to your uncle and he couldn't move very well so I used to help him all the time. That's how I ended talking a lot to his wife before they got separated. She was a really nice girl and she made great cakes. We used to spend a fair bit of time trying new recipes during our days off which was when we finally had some free time to ourselves. When they separated we still kept in touch and she now lives in X city which is really nice. We went there to visit with your father a few times but the restaurants are really expensive so we would bring food from home after the first time.
  5. Mmmmmmyeah, 'dare' to disagree. Is that what your ShardWarrior-vision shows? I must be wearing different glasses.
  6. I've been thinking the same as I browse the forums each day. There has been no news in a while.
  7. You remind me of the bonanza that was having a bunch of my converters selling for 8.5 mill each.
  8. It very much is. I only read part of the first page before deciding there was no point in continuing. I made the same suggestion a few months back and got the same reaction: it takes no time at all to sell. It does not bother me. Man you must be really lazy. Considering the OP (and I a few months back): - Did not advocate for a forced change affecting everyone. - Did not tell people not to sell or use their salvage. - Suggested something that already exists (P2W option to reject white recipes who are worth 100k ish a pop instead of 100 inf). then why are people bothering to come and say how it does not bother, and how fast it is to sell, how lazy the OP is? In WoW and other games like it there are grey items with no point or use other than being sold to a vendor (and cluttering the inventory). A commonly mentioned addon for new players is one that auto sells these grey items so that they don't need to check their inventory slot by slot and sell one by one. Lets not even speak of the bug that prevents rapid clicking to sell stuff to a vendor here since the window loses focus and we need to re-click on the next item on the list which forces to right click and spam E to sell stacks instead. Here it's a forum game to sniff haughtily at the same suggestion, never mind the fact the option is going to be hidden away and will require someone mentioning to a channel/friends/forums how the volume of near useless white salvage is annoying for one of them to point how they can use the P2W to remove that (just like we helpfully pipe in when someone mentions how they keep running into walls when they get Speed Boost). Never mind the fact that we already have one such recipe in the game and that, to my limited coding knowledge, would require copy pasting it and changing 'white recipes' to 'white salvage' (actually more like copying the entire list of white salvage and pasting over the entire list of white recipes that is to be rejected).
  9. Sovera

    Tanky Blaster?

    My Archer/TA has 45% defenses to S/L/E/N and ranged on top of hovering out of range. That is very definitely tanky, but not a Tanker. That said it's plenty enough to lay waste to all in perfect security since out of melee thanks to the all ranged setup offered by archer/TA.
  10. Self healing is not good and endurance consumption is heavy to the point we are expected to throw EA every fight or so and in singe target situations we need to detoggle to not run dry. I suggest either Dark Melee/Ice or Savage/Rad. Rad Armor isn't terribly interesting for Scrappers due to the 75% resist cap but the set has two heals and it can be made to work as long as working towards reaching the cap and not stay at middling ranges.
  11. Yeah, that's ten seconds we'll never get back.
  12. Sovera


    Hjarki has already given a comprehensive answer, but I would disagree on not using Siphon Life. Energize is a slow ass 35 second or more heal that does not particularly heal a lot. Siphon life shores that long ass recharge until it comes back up. I'd trade Midnight Grasp long ass animation for Siphon life. Less damage, but interim healing.
  13. I feel your questions are a bit too generic to be easily addressed. As a rule of thumb every Tanker primary can do a good job at keeping you up, but you need a build. If your tanker is regularly dying it can be placed down at the feet of the build not being complete or just plain not being good. Dying once in a while is fine. It happens. The game tends to cheat a bit to keep things interesting. But simply throwing defense or resistance into your shields is not enough. Sometimes you need to worry about endurance sapping, other times about recharge debuffs stacking up, and you absolutely need to worry about reaching certain number caps in terms of defense and resistance. Now the good news is that there are plenty of builds in these forums that you can try it out. I currently have a little beast of Rad Armor/Martial Arts that took reaching level 43 and do an ITF while still not having slotted my shields to finally die for the first time. Once at 50 and having slotted everything an ITF will hold no particular terrors to it which is how things work. Dying while leveling and underslotted happens, but once at 50 and everything shored and in place you should be fine.
  14. Experimenting is the best thing. It's common to overthink endurance problems for example. We overslot and overcompensate and discover we actually do not have endurance problems. This can be because Ageless is a *very* common Destiny and it's common to be under its effect all the time from someone else in the team who fired it. That means you don't need to take it, that means your endurance is pretty much always solved. This is something you find as you play. Another thing for example is 'CoH is an AoE game' which is a view I espoused as well. But as we play we realize a pack melts from enthusiast AoE and that a strong ST with fluid animations is actually a nice thing to have to take care of the leftovers, not more AoE. Now, regarding Tactics and the use of Gaussian. What you have here is a spreadsheet VS practical use scenario. In spreadsheet terms the Gaussian term will go off X times a minute without intervention from the user making its slotting there palatable. In practical terms the Gaussian going off will be random. It can happen while running to the next spawn, it can be while fighting a minion, it can be when fighting a boss at 10% HP. I feel it better to have the thing when I need it. Even not fully slotted my little tanker manages to kill most, if not all, +2 minions in a spawn by running to it, Focus Chi + Gaussian, Dragon's Tail, Electrifying Fences, Ball Lightning, Dragon's Tail. Or there's something like a Sapper, or a Surgeon, or a Paragon Protector at 30%, and that damage boost ensures they go down presto. Again, as you play you decide your own playstyle, there is not one size-fits-all. I do things how I like, others do as they like, and you can be that third way of doing things and none needs to be accounted as being a wrong way. Respecs recipes are cheap at 1-2 mill so just horse around and play with slottings, do group content and refine things.
  15. It's a 'worryingly' widespread thing because people tend to not budge their difficulty slider. It's super common even at level 40+ to see people running TFs at +0 +1. Get rid of the 5%. If it's a worry for NPCs then let them keep it. If it's a worry for PvP then PvP can keep it. In the 'quite frustrating scenario is lenghty animations that miss, with a special place in hell when the animation SHOWS that it will miss AKA me using something like Flaming Arrow and the character is nose to the target (sometimes a box I need to break), AND THEY DO THE SLOW ANIMATION TO THE SKY BEFORE SHOOTING THE CEILING!
  16. Meltdown is not needed when resists are hardcapped and endurance is positive. Ground Zero is more damage than Ball Lightning (124 damage every 10 seconds VS 430 proc filled every 30). As mentioned I just don't like mini nukes (especially with 3.1 animations) but it's a choice. Probably not, but it only cost one slot and I'm not starved for them. I could switch to Preventive Medecine instead of Panacea and get the absorb proc into the build. That would give me more S/L resist than I need so I could change the slotting in Tough. Overall it is for single target situations that ToE is slotted in though. I'll have to see how well the build handles long stretches of hitting things. In AoE situations my endurance depletes much faster and I need to use Radiation Therapy more often, but AoEs chug endurance and in AoE situations we are surrounded by enemies anyway. The ST attacks are much cheaper. Hmm... Yes, you're right, I should test this.
  17. I go with +3 as well. I'm more and more pretty disgusted with the 5% chance of failure when I see it happen three times in a row so at some point I'm just well #$& it. Aim for +3 or aim for +4 I still get deflects and misses. So wasting stats in more accuracy is just meh.
  18. I tried really hard to like Eagle's Claw. The animation is fun looking and the numbers are good, just as @Sir Myshkinmade a very compelling argument to take it because of the long term endurance costs and the damage buff it provides... but I cannot make myself to like long ass 2.8 animations and it kills my enjoyment to even press the button. So I returned to the good old Crippling Axe Kick. The ST rotation becomes Crippling Axe Kick, Storm Kick, Crane kick, Storm Kick. In a team while under recharge buffs I found myself not needing the second Storm Kick which increases the overall damage. In order to get some slots back I dismantled Gamma Boost and spread the slots around which keeps the hasten still at 130 seconds (one target in range) the same though loses some (hidden) recovery. Radiation Therapy is just that powerful though, and Particle Shielding can be used on CD simply for the recovery aspect so all is well though I have not tried a pylon to see if the endurance bar survives wailing solo on something for 3-5 minutes.
  19. *polishes the last Rad Armor/MA build* When I made the original linked in that post I thought I had made something incredible but received only polite interest and a flood of well meant persons doing their own spin upon it. To this day I don't have a particular clue about the servers having been flooded by copies of that build but from the lukewarm reception in the forums I doubt it. Unrelated, what amuses me most about this threads is the sudden arrival of a random saying how we have a problem, we don't know we have a problem, but they will enlighten us, and teach us the way to be without this problem that we did not knew we had but that they came to inform of us of. No travel powers until 14 and being sent to cavalcade across the areas having to dodge purple mobs using only Sprint was a problem. Fitting three powers (two of which semi useless) to have Stamina so that we were allowed to play the game was a problem. Taking one power if we want to or not (unlike Stamina) at whatever level we want to for a 40% recharge benefit is not a problem.
  20. You get good Contaminated out of Irradiated Ground, Devastating, and Fusion. Siphon is so good you might not ever feel a need for Radiation therapy/Shielding. But you're correct that Rad Armor supplies your needs in terms of defense. While Rad/Rad may be more thematic some mix and matching might have worked better with a secondary that could have used the extra Siphon heals (elec armor for example), or a primary without them (Shield for example). I've personally been on a Rad Armor binge and found I never take Meltdown but that's a personal thing since I dislike mini nukes (and nukes) due to their CD. I've also stopped playing Rad Melee since I loathe slow animation. As for a substitute... well.. Maybe Air Superiority from Fly, and I hear good things of Cross Punch.
  21. Good damage and a fat heal? Yeah, sorta. More importantly what would you replace it with? Devastating, Smash, Siphon, Smash is a good rotation.
  22. Not sure it this is the right thread for that. The thing is Burn. It's not the heal or the midling resistances or the lack of any debuff resistances. Burn is why Fire Armor is taken, and Burn makes the enemies flee, which means only an AT with an agro aura manages to leverage burn... which means Brute or Tanker. And this is why you don't see many (or any) Fire Armor builds for Stalker/Scrappers.
  23. The difference is not as large now, and once we enter the 50s range, everyone slotted, incarnated, even in solo mode a Tanker can quickly kill half a spawn and it is not the 3-4 remaining lieuts and a single boss that will be a problem (this applies to Brutes as well). Where the survivability comes in is versus tricky enemies. Bio armor VS ITF will eat a Brute alive trying to solo a spawn where a Tanker will handle it. As you mention there are subtleties. A team helps, a team that helps killing faster helps even more. If we are down to 2-3 enemies after the initial AoE volley what is there to fear? If we are solo even at +4x8 we decimate all the minions be it Brute or Tanker. What sort or enemies? Council are complete pushovers and have become CoH's XP fodder, but no one dares to do that with Carnies or Devouring Earth. The factions 'no one dares to' is where the extra survival would make a difference. While leveling is where we notice the defense differences more. Once at 50, everyone with a nuke, everyone with a party wide Destiny, everyone IOed to the gills, what is there really to fear?
  24. You guys have a lot more patience than I do. I'm currently leveling a Rad/MA Tanker, and yes, it's not fully slotted and I'm fighting +2 and +3, but, ugh, so slow. Hitting for 150-200 with my high attacks is like watching paint dry. I've soloed Synapse as a I leveled (just +0x1) but even then, sloooow. It got better when I lightbulbed into pulling the whole floor and AoEing it down instead of fighting a spawn at a time. I can't imagine the dullness of trying to soloing a +3 or +4 AV. This is a bit like the whole Brute VS Scrapper argument and me who got into the habit of throwing my new alts into the AE and have my alternate account do a couple maps which puts them at 23, allowing met to slot everything before starting with Posi and move on up. I started doing it with my Fire Armor/Psi Tanker because I can do attack chains that are only AoEs (Mass Levitate, Electric Fences, Ball Lightning, Burn, Psi Sweep. repeat). But on a whim I decided to try my Claws/Bio Scrapper and despite not being completely Incarnated (just T4 Musculature) and having to use my heals once in a while (40% defense since I did not get Barrier yet) I found it kills as fast, or faster. When I do Follow-Up, and get the Scrapper ATO crit, and do Shockwave and Spin and both fit in the ATO's proc the crits, omfg, it tears through the spawns. To me soloing stuff ends not being about surviving, but managing to keep my interest as I whittle through enemies.
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