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Everything posted by hejtmane

  1. My favorite has become Ice/EA a softcap on most then ice patch + caltrops keep a lot of things from attacking you I do have a claws/ea to 42 it's good but I still prefer ice patch now if I could just get the devs to fix greater ice sword
  2. Ice/patch + caltrops keeps you up longer as while Done ice/shield and ice/ea
  3. Yea I expect nothing anytime soon there are a bunch of sets that need a lot of love
  4. You realize ziggy on live soloed an itf with a Katana/wp and it is still possible just saying been done before my guess is Katana helps the pairing Now on to what I have I use I have soloed itf on +2 not tried +4 I am pretty sure I can just it be a longer slog I rather not do I have completed itf with with Dark Melee/Shield Katana/Radation Ice/Energy Aura
  5. Yea I want to like my Ra/sd but he is retired and my dm/sd lives on maybe they will rework the set one day
  6. I have three I have rotated through that I solo or team play with DM/SD, Katana/Rad and Ice/ea Now I previously had but retired them or don't really play them often Rad/SD, Ice/SD, Fire/Rad (pre fire buff), Ice/Bio
  7. Energy Aura also does while I have soloed +2 with Katana/rad and Ice/EA and dm/sd Not tried +4 solo I am not sure I want to spend the time on the AV fights EA has + recharge, heal, debuff resistance, taunt aura I think EA is under rated in it's survivability in end game content
  8. Ice/EA with caltrops drop patch drop caltrops laugh
  9. I think there is a bulk seller who is undermining the market listing all his stuff for 500k or a 1M oh wait that is me trying to collapse the market. Sorry it is my evil alter ego and he has taken over his master plan is to crash the economy of Atlas Park . That way it is cheaper and easier to bribe government officials to look the other way. Signed Dr Detroit
  10. Yep why I have billions floating in email and yes I lost millions in fat fingers twice and built back up lol
  11. I done a lot of AV hunting with scrappers My katana/Rad is really good against a lot of AV's MY DM/SD has taken down alot but psi gets me I have not tried out my My Ice/EA is my other which can do PSI because of over load so any EA is the most versatile + it has endurance recovery and a heal I think EA is under looked it has a taunt aura + recharge heal and endurance recovery
  12. I have done Katana/Rad it is great for solo easy to do a lot of Task/Force solo I almost never use Divine Avalanche after a point also works great in teams I used him to Duo with a buddy two star ITF and I soloed the ITF with him multiple times and some other TF's DM/SD the healing from DM punch goes while with shield has taunt aura Ice/EA heal, ice patch taunt aura caltrop flop patches are fun I been able to do all types of stuff of pushing my survival limits solo and duo with those three on the regular and they all work in a team environment
  13. My favorite is the ITF i love to solo the darn thing just because I can done it multiple times With my Katana/Rad DM/SD Ice/EA
  14. I want the 10% recharge
  15. I would love 1.83 on GIS and yes FF change to ,83 would also be a good change
  16. Not me ! Then again at the same time I am a bulk seller so I bet I have undercut you on tons of stuff way way below market value and don't care I have enough billions to do what I want on maxing out slots on toons how I want. Which is my primary goal with marketeering not to make every ounce of money that is to tedious and while boring. While not with these specific IO's your welcome on me driving down prices on other IO's
  17. I five slot mine with Heathcomb at 50 and add a healing HO for the 6th slot
  18. Haha I have all my merits because I never use them don't even know how many I have because I just buy what i want earn the money back and just stock pile them for a rainy day
  19. I have roughly some where between 5-7 billion across my email and characters at this time I have not done an exact total of all the cash I have sitting on my toons but that is a rough estimate of cash on hand of in game influence
  20. I have done Ice/shield and I also have ice/ea at 50 all top of the line io's I like both but I can push more limits with EA do to the heal. My favorite thing on my ice/ea is ice patch and caltrops thank me later for that fun
  21. Kentic Melee or martial arts note some of the attacks have a punching alternative to the kick on MA attacks. Your dead and you don't know it yet
  22. I don't know TOF is pretty bad tried to make it work multiple times always end of respecing back out of the dame thing
  23. Ice/energy is great for solo end game content. Ice patch is crazy fun throw down some caltrops and laugh
  24. I have taken ice/shield and Ice/ea tweaked out builds and another one I tried and retired ice/bio armor stripped of IO's in my graveyard for now all to 50 I played a lot of Ice melee i would advise skipping ice/ice that just me Ice/shield or Ice/ea are better option IMO Now on Greater Ice Sword It is better DPA in the attack chain but you don't lose a lot for FF Now if you use GIS put your scrapper IO Crit in that power I find it works best in the build. The best way to explain GIS it feels clunky in the attack chain I wish they shave just a little animation time of GIS maybe down to 2.17 or even 2.00 that boost the dpa and smooth out the attack chain but one could dream. On Freezing touch it is one of the few attacks that can get double up on 4.5ppm purple damage procs so purple it with 5 heathcombs with the damage proc as one and Unbreakable damage proc as the other. Yes dropping caltrops and ice patch is great. Ice patch will also allow you to beat some mobs at lower levels when under geared. Leverage Ice patch when leveling it will make things easier so take it as soon as it is available and leverage the dam thing
  25. Ok sorry it copied the wrong thing attached it Scrapper - Katana - Radiation Armor.mbd
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