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Everything posted by Solarverse

  1. @TheZag @Glacier Peak @arcane For me personally (I don't speak for anyone but myself) as it is now, I just can't justify it. The animation is far too slow and it doesn't fit in well with the rotation of the other abilities that have instant cast and are all recharged by the time you finish your rotation. The only way it would be useful is if A: It was converted to a true snipe that can be instant cast upon the required circumstances, or B: Was changed completely to act as a cone immobilize much like Tenebrous Tentacles from Dark Blast, and cast much like Steam Spray from Water Blast, but have the visual effects of perhaps Ice Shards instead of water spraying. I understand that anyone who takes the ability now might not like that idea because perhaps they use it more for the hold than they do the damage, but like I said, I was saying for me personally, that is the two ways I would consider changing it if I had the choice to do so. I mean, Ice Blasters in comics always had an Ice Shards power anyway, so even thematically that would make sense, however, as of right now, the way it currently exists, I just can't mess with it.
  2. So back before the bouncing rubber ball thing started happening to Gravity's Propel, there used to be an explosion sound that was made when the object literally exploded as it hit the target. That sound was changed at some point although I am not sure why. Does anyone have a video that has the original sound of Propel hitting the target? It would have to be an old video, I know...and I am sure it's a long shot, but...it gives me an excuse to revive the thread instead of making a new thread about game sounds, so...there is that too.
  3. Yeah, I made a pretty damn good case for this very suggestion and even though I feel like the case I made was much better than the cases against it, the people against the idea far outweighed the amount of people who were for it. I support the idea, but you won't get enough people in these forums to agree with you. I think when you ask around in game, the majority of people that I have spoken to about it were all about it, however, those people don't post the forums, so then there is that. To me, it's already a snipe, except that it is a garbage snipe that I personally don't take. If it were actually a snipe I would take it in to my build...but that's just me. unfortunately I don't think you will find many here who will agree with us.
  4. Just gave you a "Thanks" to help you out there. Now if you can just get a laughing face, you'll have the whole collection!
  5. That was actually a pretty damn good idea and a great alternative. Gotta give you credit, PK, your brain is a wonderful thing.
  6. If you enjoyed the Techno music from The Matrix, then you'll most likely enjoy this mod. Available on the CoH Modder Tool. The Lady in Red Zion Dance Party You see? He's just a man! You're THEE Trinity?
  7. Hope you got your issue resolved. Glad to hear it on the last sentence. If I were you, if the mod you made is crashing your system, I would report your mod to @The Philotic Knight so he can remove it from the database.
  8. It's a separate mod that is not tied in with the Terminator SFX Mod. Having said that, the file name is Recharge.ogg and the destination folder is Data\Sound\Ogg\Frontend
  9. I have a mod for that, I have time stamped this at around 8 seconds, but if you listen at 10 seconds in, you will hear the mod. It is barely noticeable and it may save you time on creating your own. If you like it, it is located in the CoH Modder Tool. If you don't like it, let me know and I'll give you the sound file for this and its location.
  10. I came for the free popcorn, yet I don't see any popcorn. I do see a good show though. /makes_popcorn /sips_soda
  11. Theme, pure and simple. Enegy Blast is a pretty lacking set when compared to some of the other sets, plus I have to waste a lot of slots with -Knock Back Enhancements instead of grabbing enhancements that add proc damage, which even further hurts the set. Energy has always been lack luster in this game from the first day...yet I still play it and it still remains my main. Because the visuals and sound and theme behind Energy is just....beautiful. And since Solarverse manipulates energy, even in my comic, it fits him perfectly.
  12. Videos for several (but not all) mods have been updated on the first page and time stamped for the proper mod associated with them. May 25th 2021
  13. The Latest Mod Versions Have Been Updated May 18th 2021
  14. Yeah, I suppose you're right. I mean, Nexus Mods don't come with warnings like that either, so...then there is that.
  15. Hahaha, let's just say that Shadeknight and I had a very....bumpy start....and I called him the forum police. In good fun, he showed me he was not the stick in the a** that I thought he was and he turned it in to his sig. I've loved the guy ever since then, lol.
  16. Honestly though, there are a few mods out there that can overlap somebody else's. There are at least two sonic blast mods out there from two different people as well as Beam Rifle and Assault Rifle. So if somebody downloaded those mods but did not uninstall one before installing the other, it will indeed cause an issue for them in game. I think the mods that have similar mods should probably have some type of a heads up in the description, wouldn't you think?
  17. I finally made videos of a good majority of my sound mods, I'll integrate them in to this thread at some point whenever I can stop being lazy, heh.
  18. I still love your sig...very few people know the story behind it, lol.
  19. I use the targeting dummies to test, but often I am testing sound mods that I make and the damn guns behind me constantly shooting from the NPCs really screws it up. Would sure be nice if they implemented something like what you are talking about. A solo instance would be preferred .
  20. Soul Mage Kinetic Melee is in there. I don't really promote the first variation since honestly, even I wasn't a big fan of that one, lol. If you have noticed, i didn't even put that one in the Modder Tool, it's still available on my primary thread for Mods, but it is only available for manual download.
  21. Yes, I will eventually add links to the videos in the mod descriptions. I like to keep things as simple and as organized as possible while making the community aware of them. Hopefully the other modders will do the same, since there are more than just mine out there and some even work for the same powers. For an example, there are more than one banshee mod, the one I have is different from the other one, so it gives players options. I do not get paid for any of these so there is no competition or egos to bruise, just good wholesome fun options for the players. Be sure to check back as more videos will be added throughout the night. Just added the third video with more on the way! Edited for crappy typing
  22. Now that we are allowed to post videos in game, I came back to do as promised and provide videos with in game footage of these mods at work. There are approximately 3 Mods per video, depending on length of each segment. Names of mods are listed in the title of each video and they are marked with white lettering with the mod name in the videos to make it easier to skip to the next mod and know which mod you are viewing. There are seven videos total, I will post them as they complete uploading. Last video was uploaded at 5:30 AM Eastern time. And that sums them up!
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