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Everything posted by Solarverse

  1. Your best bet is to ask Modders to help you out there. We are putting together tools to mod visual effects and it seems there are a few visual effects modders working to bring some cool stuff to the game. You'll find it in the tools, utilities and downloads section of the forums. We have tons of Sound Mods and QoL Mods, now we are working on Visual Effects as well.
  2. My WS deals considerably more damage than my PB. And I think that is more due to the fact that I can have 3 pets up at one time. Those three pets plus my attacks really dishes out the pain, heh.
  3. I'm sorry, but I hate everything about Torrent or Umbral Torrent. I absolutely love Nightfall, the animation, the visual effects, the DoT's, everything. The only thing I dislike about it is the narrow cone and I wish the cone were much wider....however, I would take that over Torrent or Umbral Torrent any day. With Torrent or Umbral Torrent I simply can't stand the Knock Back, I absolutely hate the weak animation, the weak Visual Effects...it is just an ugly power that doesn't do much for me mechanically either. If anything I would like to see those powers gone and replaced. However, I won't request that because I know some players actually like Torrent, so I don't request it to get removed. So please, don't request Nightfall be removed either.
  4. Wait, what? Is that a thing??? How in the hell did I not know this? Well, I don't really run paper missions or radio missions very often, I guess if I did I would know this, right? Still, I had no idea you could get the accolade that way! Right? That will make leveling up so much easier since it will be a one click SO swap instead of replacing each and every one. It's even worse is if you out level them, then you have to combine them all which is a huge pain in the rear. I am right there with you on that!
  5. Fire/Kins were PLing people before the cap was level 40? I honestly do not remember that. I remember Fire Trollers having more pets back then, but I don't recall them PLing in those days. Curious, how were they pulling that off? The mechanics back then were way different, I just can't see a Fire/Kin surviving in those days to be able to PL anybody. I'm not calling you a liar, I just wish I had seen that for myself. That would have been interesting to watch.
  6. I suppose, however I always run them with normal DO's or even SO's and get through them fine. I personally feel running them with a fully IOed out build with set bonuses and such is just overkill. But yeah, I hear you, to each their own and different strokes and all.
  7. I would just like to reiterate that nobody is asking for power leveling to end. This thread is a plea to anyone left playing that if they get bored of the game and all they do is PL to 50 and play end game content, to please give lower level content a try before running off. If you are still bored after that, by all means, see you next update. Having said that, one argument I have seen (can't remember who said it, it was a few pages back) is that they don't play lower level content because they have already played all of the lower level content and this was their reason for PLing to level 50. What strikes me as odd with that is two things; they instead play the same end game content so many times they grow bored with the game, even though they have already played the end game content just the same as they have played the lower level content, and now that we are getting brand new lower level content, I seen at least one person say how much they don't understand why the Devs would create lower level content. It seems to me that the Devs creating lower level content would give players (who don't play lower level content because they have already played it all) an actual reason to level up without power leveling, since now they have brand new lower level content. Here is another question that I am curious about...so please, help me understand, the logical part of my brain honestly can't find any logic in what I have seen, but can somebody explain to me why you would want to PL to level 50 and then turn around and run Positron through Numina? Why not just run those Task Forces as you level and then after you get your Task Force Commander badge, THEN Power Level the rest of the way? It makes more sense to me to do it that way, especially since if you want that Accolade you are going to have to run them anyway, right? That would help with players wanting to run those Task Forces on +0 because now they are not only doing it for the badges, but they are running them for the fast XP too. Kind of a win/win, right? And that is not a stab at anyone, it is just my logical mind trying to convey the most perceived logical way to run Task Forces, even if you prefer to PL to 50. Just seems to make more sense in my mind to do it that way rather than PL to 50 and then go back and have to run it anyway. At least this way you end up spending the same amount of time in the Task Forces, but you actually spend less time farming, but the end result is exactly the same. Honest question, this is not a stab at anyone, I just want to understand is all.
  8. The GM's watching this thread understand that this is a very thin ice topic. So you will have to forgive them in this case because they are trying to keep this topic available without shutting it down all together, which also means they are going to be diligent about keeping this thread clean. I appreciate them for it, I wouldn't take it personal, they are just being cautious on this thread. The problem with balancing in this game, especially now, is that nobody can agree on anything. Players have been at each others throats over balancing requests and ideas on these forums. No matter what your suggestion, it becomes World War 3. I'm sure that the players being unable to agree on anything is probably making balancing more of a headache than it is worth for the Devs, because they simply just can't make people happy...even after they have bent over backwards to do so. IE the Energy Melee changes. Some people wanted the original ET, some people wanted to keep it as is. So the Devs brilliantly found a way to give players both....what happened? Players complained about that too. I would hate to be a Dev in charge of balancing in this game. Gamers, including myself, can be some of the most hard to please crowd out there. We are worse than self entitled, rude and demanding McDonald's customers. The difference here is, we are getting something for free and still act like this! 😄
  9. If you read my original post (and if you have read it, check out the edited version) then you will know exactly what my goal is. I have also mentioned my goal on page 2 or 3. However, people keep talking to me like I am trying to remove it, or trying to tell people they are wrong for doing it, or trying to control how others play or whatever. They keep projecting that on to me and then arguing with me over it when I never even said that crap. It's a strawman argument and I really can't stand strawman arguments. One poster on this thread was even ignored by me because they were making insinuations as to my goals and using strawman arguments, then they acted like it was me who was bashing them for me defending myself against their strawman arguments. It's absurd really. The thing about strawman arguments is that other readers read those comments and then their views become coerced and then they start thinking the same thing. Anyway, check out my Edit in the OG post and then check out my response found here....then you will have a full understanding of what my goal in this thread is and then you can ignore any post that projects some evil plan to be rid of Power Leveling on me because you will know the truth, heh. Post below. Edit is on the Original Post.
  10. I have not used Photon Seekers since they first came out. Once I tried it and realized just how useless they were, I thought, 'what a shame, such a bad ass visual effects and such a cool concept, but they are utterly useless. Why didn't they make them temp pets like they did with Dark Extraction?' Then I respecced the character out of Photon Seekers, made a request for them to change on the Live forums, was insulted and bashed for even suggestion a change, told they were fine as is and they did not need to change, people acted like I was in the minority of the players who felt they were useless and if I felt they were useless, then I don't understand the class, basically spit on...so I have just said screw it and have not spoke on it or used that power since then. You have my support on this thread, hopefully it goes better for you here on Homecoming than it did for me on Live.
  11. Yeah, I only have the hit rolls showing in my combat tab, I have turned everything else off, so I never noticed it.
  12. What? I never laughed at you. What are you going on about? You said... I seem to remember taking people to tf range before the sidekick stuff came in not being nearly as fast as what I can accomplish in ae with multiple accounts in this day and age To which I replied... Yeah, me and Bill Z Bubba had a convo about that and covered that, check it out. I was referring to this post and the conversation between Bill Z Bubba and I before this post... Then you at some point said... I seem to remember taking people to tf range before the sidekick stuff came in not being nearly as fast as what I can accomplish in ae with multiple accounts in this day and age Which brings us back to square one. I am not sure how you see that as me laughing at you or not understanding or misinterpreting what you said. I answered and replied to your statement in which you indicate that I am unaware that perhaps it is true that today's PLing systems is faster than the old way, all things considered, taking in to account the double xp of today which we did not have then and taking in to account that it can be done without padding the team. So again, I am not sure what you are going on about. I think you need to relax a bit, man. I am not your enemy here.
  13. Man...I can't talk to you when you have completely taken what I said and misinterpreted it. I suggest you read my edit in this post and get back with me. You are far too defensive for me to converse with right now until you realize where my view point is. Right now you are coming at me with the idea that I have some intentions on taking away power leveling...which even if I were, that would be a joke because I simply do not hold that kind of influence...if I hold any influence at all, which is highly doubtful.
  14. Hell, honestly, this is the first time I have heard of Streakbreaker. When did that come out?
  15. Yeah, me and Bill Z Bubba had a convo about that and covered that, check it out.
  16. Honestly, I think that would be bad ass and a one of a kind. I don't think that any other game has tried that.
  17. Love that idea! Or even a cloud of Dark Smoke.
  18. I didn't think anyone would see it the way you do. I see it and felt there was a mistake made that should be fixed. So that's good to know.
  19. I remember speaking with one of the Devs of WeHaveCake about a year ago I think...maybe not that long ago, my sense of time is horrible, however, if memory serves me correctly, he was saying that the cost of their server was dirt cheap...even less than 165 as mentioned above. I just remember how cheap exactly. However, I don't even want to consider that for as long as Homecoming is up and running. I have grown very fond of this server and the people in it. Including some of the Devs here.
  20. I agree with this 100%. However, please understand (I keep repeating myself here but people seem to keep skipping those posts and are still not understanding) that I am not trying to take anything away from anybody...not now, not ever.
  21. Look, ladies and gentlemen. Let me just make clear my intentions here before somebody has a chance to place intentions on me before I made them clear on my own. I am not telling people to stop PLing. I am not telling people that farming is bad, I am not even telling people that if they farm, they are doing it the wrong way. All I am saying, is that if you are getting bored with the game, try playing low level content with an alt or two and enjoy a pug here and there. Trust me, if I start getting bored with the game, that is when I will unleash all of my 50's and start playing the end game content like crazy. I plan to switch back and forth. But right now for me, I am nowhere near bored with the game yet. This is why I had to place Jubakumbi on ignore, because I can't argue with somebody who places intent on me instead of asking me what my intent is. I can't stand when people do that. So much so that I myself am careful not to do that myself as not to be a hypocrite. So, if anyone is curious as to what my motivations are here, please read the bold face line. 😉
  22. Happens to me all the time, man. I don't think that is what he was doing though, I think he was simply trying to answer your question. Trust me, this is a heated topic and we can all do well to try and not take each other wrong and try to take each other face value. Most of us here respect each other and I would like to see all of us walk away respecting each other. It may be a hot topic, but it does not have to make or break us.
  23. Well, obviously lower levels consist of way more than just Frostfire. I alt like crazy and I still have not done all low level content. But it doesn't matter. Nobody seems to think that maybe I have a point, even though my personal experience says otherwise. What I have personally witnessed reflects what I have written on this thread. So I stand by what I said. Sure, there are many contributing factors as to population loss, however, I won't be one to bury my head in the sand and pretend like what I wrote is not one of them. So it's an agree to disagree thing here for me. However, apparently I am not allowed to have my opinion without people feeling like I am somehow telling others that they can't play that way, or they are playing wrong, or whatever. Even if my opinion is based on personal experience and has nothing to do with trying to control how others play. But, that is how some people want to take it anyway, so....there is that, lol.
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