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Everything posted by Solarverse

  1. I think the problem stems with DPS who try and beat the Tank to the next mob, or...DPS that are right up in the Tank's bum. Which typically leaves the support classes behind to do clean-up.
  2. We can't fix players, but we can fix mechanics, heh. We need a thumbs up button, heh. I would thumbs this up if we did. Trust me, it could get pretty intense, some of the most intense gaming I have ever done as any class in game since this game came out. The only more engaging and intense gaming I have done was PvP. The only time it was boring, was the "wait here" part and if the Tank was insanely good. But once the action got started, it was extremely intense.
  3. Oh, we can deal with them...but at a much slower pace and we end up getting left behind to run clean up. That is the issue with having an aggro/taunt limit that is so low the Tank can't even hold the aggro of everything that ends up getting aggroed by the team.
  4. That is the purpose of the Tank though, in every game that has one. I mean logic can't really place much of a role in a game that is built upon the total illogical. Of course in real life nobody is going to jump a Tank while leaving all his buddies alone, but that is in a logical world. Logically, nobody should have any more aggro than anyone else and Tanks should lose taunt of any and all types. However, since a Tank has Taunt and it is their role to gain the aggro, they should be able to do so to it's fullest extent. The problem with mobs attacking the squishies is what I explained earlier...that squishy most often, even on the best of teams, gets left behind to clean up the scragglers which leaves the game just as not fun as when they were sitting around waiting on tanks to herd the maps. I want to be a part of the team effort to wipe out the mobs, not be the clean up guy.
  5. Oh trust me, I know all too well. I cannot even begin to start with how many ideas I used to request that were all told impossible that we now have in game today, lol.
  6. For me personally, I play all classes pretty equally and what I find happening most is that since the Tank or Brute cannot hold more than 17 NPC's worth of aggro, the spill over ends up being cleanup after the Tank and Brute. For an example, Tank has mob on Tank, spill over comes at the Troller/Dom or any other "squishy" and when the Tank/Brute finishes their mob, they move on, leaving my Dom to clean up what's left...then it eventually turns in to a clean up while chasing the Tank around. To me that is more frustrating than the old days of "wait here while I herd the whole map" and then sitting and waiting. I would like to see the Tank actually hold the aggro of the NPC's so that I can help eliminate those NPCs rather than play clean up to the ones the Tank could not hold the aggro to.
  7. Wow...so that makes me wonder why they were able to pull it off but the Homecoming Devs believed it was impossible. Did they have to write custom code to pull it off or something?
  8. The current aggro cap is outdated though. Keep in mind, the aggro cap was placed when HO's were the best you could get on a character. IO's and set bonuses were not even a thing yet. Since then, the power creep has caused more issues than it was worth IMO, where mobs die too quickly, NPC's just stand around waiting their turn to die instead of fighting and so forth. The aggro cap before the nerf was indeed way too much and extreme. However, the nerf to the aggro cap was the extreme in the reverse. Now that power creep has set in strongly, the old aggro cap of 17 max NPC's is far outdated and a bad mechanic for today's game and should be raised by double that amount, if not triple. I think the fears of "Tanks will herd again!" is a bit of a stretch. The reason I say this is because on normal teams, Tanks herding was not that prominent as people seem to think it was. Most teams in those days that I was on, a Tank would ask the team if they are okay with it before they would do it. Most teams that had Tanks do it without checking in with the team first were usually booted from the team, which deterred Tanks in general from just herding entire maps. Yes, Tanks herding maps was a thing, but it was no where near as bad as people claim. I was there, I played the game just like everyone else. Rarely did I have to deal with a Tank scrub who was not a team player. Most Tanks that wanted to herd started their own teams and even called them herding teams. However, this is not what the players are asking for. The players are not requesting infinite NPC aggro, they are simply asking for a realistic increase in aggro that meshes well with today's current state of the game. We aren't running around with HO's anymore, we are running around with God Mode. 🙂
  9. Just for Tanks though? What the Homecoming Devs told me in another thread that I had started a while back, that there is no way to raise the aggro cap for Tanks without raising the cap for all classes.
  10. They raised Tanker aggro cap? Last I heard that was impossible.
  11. As long as you do not find them on your pillow, you're fine. 😄
  12. I don't know, I was thinking normal human height.
  13. I mean, he is huge! Even if I make the max height character, I am pretty sure he would still tower over me. Is there any lore for this or do you think it was done by mistake? I can't imagine a reason that it was done on purpose without some reason. Maybe a lore guru can come in and explain it a bit.
  14. He had no way to predict what I was going to do though. He just happened to hit Build-Up and his two AoE's at the exact same time that I used Dimension Shift. To me, although I personally would not have attacked the mob in the rear first, but as long as he can handle the alpha strike for attacking the rear mob before the Tank can get there, then why not? Who am I to judge...but again, he had no way of knowing that I was going to cast Dimension Shift, so I don't really see it as him not knowing what powers do, he seemed to recognize it right away, it was just too late is all.
  15. Ah okay! I completely misunderstood.
  16. @The Philotic Knight So quick question, I have two mods that use the exact same files all the way down to the .ogg file names. The reason for this is because I have two mods that use Beam Rifle, one is a custom Beam Rifle SFX Mod, the other is a Mod that makes them sound like Plasma Rifles from the Terminator movies. So if it automatically downloads all the mods, what will happen when it DL's two mods that us the same files? Will it ask the person downloading which mod they want or will it overwrite the mod?
  17. So after getting my ass chewed for using Dimension Shift today, I feel like maybe the power could use an ever so slight tweak. Here is what happened... The other player's name was abbreviated to conceal identity....since this is not a bash player gripe, but rather a conversation that shows maybe the power could use a slight tweak since we cannot control how other people play. Here was the situation... It was the second to the last mission on the Yin TF, just after you go up the elevators just after the cut scene. Down this long hall, there are 4 total mobs, 2 mobs up front and 2 mobs in the back. My goal was to keep the mobs in back locked in place until the mobs up front could be dealt with, that way the mobs won't over aggro or scatter. So I used Dimension Shift on the mob in the back. I was level 25 at the time. [Team] MF: [BLEEP]ing god [BLEEP}ed dimension shift [Team] Australia Prime: Yeah, what's wrong with it? [Team] MF: piece of {BLEEP} power that ruins ranged attacks. wasted buildup and two aoes [Team] Australia Prime: So you attacked the mob way in back instead of the ones in front of you? Also, if you go inside the bubble, you can attack them [Team] MF: the big clumped together ones? yeah [Team] Australia Prime: There were two grouped up mobs, both mobs were clumped together [Team] MF: clumped as in within visual range or clumped for aoes? [Team] MF: perfect chance to wormhole the two groups together [Team] Australia Prime: If I had it [Team] MF: oof So as you can see, due to this player's choice to skip the mobs up front and go straight for the mobs in the back, he ended up wasting his build up and 2 AoE's. Keep in mind, this is not about what he should have done or what I should have done, this is about two conflicting play styles that honestly, should not conflict with just a slight tweak to Dimension Shift. The tweak that I propose is to give it a 5 second timer before it converts mobs untouchable by players. This gives people a chance to realize the mobs have been placed in DS before they waste their powers...and if they cast their powers at the same time as you cast DS, the initial attack will still go through. If a player can't figure out by this point that Dimension Shift has been used, that's on them, but at least they will not waste their initial strikes. Now, there is a down side to this that I think should be obvious, the caster of DS will take an alpha strike for 5 seconds before the mobs can no longer attack...for this, I suggest a Mag 6 stun for 5 seconds...this will cover the time that the caster is vulnerable to attack by the mob. So the en result, is that the player who did not realize you were going to cast DS, does not waste their powers, and you as the caster will not suffer for using the power and everyone can be happy. P.S. And just found out that I was placed on ignore over it...a bit extreme, but that's pretty harsh when a simple power can cause a player to be ignored by another. Just another reason why it might be a good idea to give it a slight tweak. Just by me using the power one single time was enough to get somebody to ignore me.. So it would seem players are pretty harsh about the ability as it stands...so rather me avoid using it at all, it would be nice to see it tweaked a bit.
  18. This is especially helpful in Cavern of Transcendence
  19. New Terminator Plasma Rifle SFX Mod for Beam Rifle! Now available exclusively on the CoH Modder Tool!
  20. What should be done with Black Hole is still up for options. If you think you have a good idea on how to make it better, toss it out there. Chances are it will get debated to death but at the end of the day, it's up to the Devs to decide who has the best idea, or if they use that idea at all and come up with their own. So far Black Hole being made like Dimension Shift seems to be the one tossed out there most. I don't really have a dog in that fight though since I myself don't really have any great ideas on how to fix Black Hole...or rather make it better. I'll leave that to more passionate people than myself on that subject, heh. As far as Dimension Shift goes, what it does is that it phases out the group within the bubble and immobilizes them, however, they are only untouchable if you are outside the bubble. So if the power is used on mobs that get aggro when the Tank is not available (meaning Tank is at his cap aggro limit) to tackle that mob, I toss the bubble right on them, and any player who wants to attack them only needs to enter the bubble to fight them. Once I see the Tank is ready for that mob, I release the bubble on that mob and make them a free for all for the team. It's truly a wonderful and powerful ability that IMO is one of the most powerful CC's in game. Not to mention, it has a bad ass animation! 😉
  21. Yeah, bad timing then, somebody literally just brought the subject up just a little over a week ago and the topic is still on the front page. It's better to keep these consolidated if at all possible so that players are not repeating themselves across multiple threads and it keeps the pages from repetitive litter. Generally what I do is check the first few pages and then do a quick google search to see if anything like what I want to speak on is already a thread...I've even been known to necro some threads that are ages old rather than create another topic on the same subject...although I do not suggest doing that, because some people view necroing a thread just as bad as making repeat threads, lol. Just use your best judgement there. 🙂 But yeah, the consensus is, Gravity is good because it does not work like Black Hole since it was changed, it;s actually a very unique and extremely powerful ability that IMO no Grav player should go without and Black Hole could use some love.
  22. This is a perfect example of how being allowed to have a link to a CoH page for our character stories would be something I am sure a lot of players could get in to. There is so much more detail that could be added yet we have no room for. However, for quick run downs of a character bio, 2000 would be a great limit...adding in the link to the CoH Bio website would just be a huge bonus.
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