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Ura Hero

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Everything posted by Ura Hero

  1. Several of those really low level recipes only take commons.
  2. Piggs are mainly just colorization. To actually change powers and the way they work, you need to code it. Changing graphics files has been around forever and there are a ton of mods that do so.
  3. Unfortunately all of that sort of stuff is hard coded into the client. You would have to create your own server/client to do these things.
  4. Something has been going on with the Purple IO market as well. Looks like someone flooded the market recently. Prices have dropped several million, not that I am complaining mind you. Just an observation that coincides with what @Ukase said.
  5. Some are on Excelsior, like myself. Some are on Torchbearer.
  6. ...Cue Wayback Machine... Back right after the original launch, there was such a thing as dumpster diving. Basically a tank would go to a zone such as Perez Park, run around the zone and collect every mob they could reach. They would then run back to a building that had a dumpster and jump in. Wait a few minutes for all the mobs to show up and then the blasters would nuke the entirety en masse. Rinse Repeat. To say it was a game breaking mechanic would be an understatement. So somewhere around Issue 2 or 3, the 16 enemy limit was put into place along with leashing the mobs to a location. Problem solved.
  7. Uffda. My turn. Just spent 350m on a Microfiliment Hami-O that I should have only bid 35m on. Doh!
  8. I hate that set. The recipe is clearly marked as an Orange Rare. The IO is marked as a Purple Very Rare. It's fooled me into buying it to try to convert to another Very Rare more than once because I forget and didn't bother to read the full text. I put in a bug report on it. Maybe it will get fixed soon™.
  9. I got to look under the hood of a $250k small CRM system that didn't work worth a flip. Whoever made it did not make the Company or the Contact the primary key or any key for that matter. The only key in the entire database was the call number. It was nearly unsearchable for useful data. Data entry was fine, but retrieval took an atom bomb and a handful of Advil. There were about a dozen unused tables that weren't connected to anything. It looked like something a first year CS student would put together by reading the class notes without ever actually going to class. I still can't believe that the company bought it without any of the IT staff actually looking at it. Thankfully it's dead and buried now. It's loss was not mourned.
  10. Bah. SQL. Back in my day we managed our databases with sticks and rocks and we liked it!
  11. The display bug has been around since the market was introduced. The AH code is apparently a super hot mess. I've thought about tackling it, but I have easier and better ways to go crazy.
  12. When someone else drops a bowl of spaghetti on the floor do you really want to clean it up?
  13. It also falls in the Very Rare category when you sort by type. It just doesn't seem to be Very Rare. More like Medium well.
  14. Why does the Experienced Marksman IO (PVP) set have Purple text instead of Orange like the rest of the PVP sets? The Recipe correctly shows Orange text, but once you create it then it changes to Purple text which should be reserved for sets that you can only slot one of.
  15. You realize that scripting is against the TOS and will get you perma banned right?
  16. My biggest issue with Red side is the environment. It's dark, dreary, blacks, grays, browns, with a little bit of red thrown in here and there. It's depressing for lack of a better word. It looks and feels like a ghetto. Like there's no crime bosses living in Park Place. Lets all go hide out on a bunch of islands that look like the remains after a war. Yup, that's where I would want to live as a great criminal. I get that for low level criminals, but once you get some money and power, most crime bosses move to someplace a bit nicer just saying. For me the missions are fine although again why do all Arachnos bases look like they can't afford a lightbulb? I think the Strike Forces are probably better done than the Hero side Task Forces as far as time spent and story line. It's pretty obvious that the team had learned a lot from the first 5 Issues that they put to use in designing City of Villains. I just wish that I didn't have to play It's a Small World After All on repeat to stay happy in order to play through it.
  17. You don't. It might be able to be done with a Support Request and I'm not sure that it can even be done, but that would be the only way.
  18. Bold of you to assume that I actually think before speaking.
  19. Some of it has to do with management. One place I know of the President was adamant that there would never be a true business system in place. "We have programmers. It can all be done in house." Even saying SAP or Oracle was strictly verbotten. Bear in mind this place has a fairly major online presence, it's not like they couldn't afford anything they wanted. The entire "database" system was ran off of Excel sheets until it was on the verge of collapsing from the number of entries. It was so slow that customer complaints were through the roof. He finally caved when they brought in a database expert after the Vice President of IT complained enough. The expert told the President how many years they had until the whole thing was completely unusable due to size constraints (it was less than three years). It's now all SQL and there is a major CRM system in place that ties it all together. It's fast and reliable and there are not nearly as many issues that crop up. It's not always the programmers fault. A lot of times there is someone else stopping progress.
  20. It wouldn't surprise me.
  21. It's pretty bad. As has been said multiple times, the original devs hated relational databases. So much stuff is in flat files it's not funny. There is a lot of the game that needs a full rewrite to actually fix the underlying issues. That takes time when you only have a few people and the code is a bowl of dropped spaghetti in the first place.
  22. I would bet that it has something to do with why the gamma settings do not work with multiple monitors.
  23. Back at the beginning of the game up to about Issue 5 any Archvillain and some Bosses could be a challenge if you didn't have debuffs and healing. When City of Villains launched they retuned most of the upper end NPCs so that you didn't have to bring along anything special to defeat them.
  24. This isn't an exact science, but here are my rough rules. I say rough because I don't follow this strictly, but it should get you started and once started you will probably start to see the patterns. 1. Look up the item on the AH. 2. Is it worth more than about 1.5M? Yes. Post it for sale. No. Do roulette, go to step 1.
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