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Ulysses Dare

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Everything posted by Ulysses Dare

  1. Equally unsurprised—disappointed, but not surprised—to see the the usual tired rationalizations being trotted out to celebrate the suppression of other's speech.
  2. Or, just to offer a crazy suggestion, grown ups on the internet could act like grown ups and not get hysterical over every little thing that rubs them the wrong way and then demand that the GM's "protect" them.
  3. The best place I've found to hunt for monkeys is on the islands north of Peregrine Island. There's an abandoned lab complex that's overrun by them.
  4. Punching Nazis just never gets old.
  5. Are you in RWZ or in Echo: Rikti Crash Site? Homecoming moved Ace to the later.
  6. Good point. I'd assumed the OP was asking about the goldside titles generally.
  7. Sadly, you cannot. Only characters who start goldside can get them.
  8. Of course you do! And, if some of those opinions just happen to be about BADGES, why not take a minute to post them here: Weekly Discussion 43: Badges/Badge Hunting.
  9. Also worth mentioning, the P2W vendor in the Galaxy tutorial isn't located at the starting area. They are located at the end, right before you go in to fight the final boss.
  10. And, if you then go down to the bottom of the options window, you can save those settings as the default and they will be applied automatically to all new characters.
  11. There is indeed a cap on the number of side missions. It varies according to the level range of the bank mission (from two missions for AP to five missions for PI).
  12. The new policy had a start date of March 8th. Videos posted prior to that date are not in violation of the policy.
  13. I'm trying to remember if there's any other forking content like that where you have to pick one contact and never get an opportunity to chose the other. Off hand, I can't think of any.
  14. Also, at lower levels be prepared to turn off XP in order to avoid out-leveling contacts before you're introduced.
  15. Have you reached out the the GMs for clarification? So far, we've all been assuming that your videos would count as "uploads of gameplay footage" but do we actually have official word on that score?
  16. When I first saw the name, my immediate reaction was: super reflexes would be perfect, too bad they don't like melee. A DP/SR sentinel would be perfect.
  17. I've never done it, but I assume you could teleport out using the base teleport slash command.
  18. I find that usually the "badge" that doesn't tick for me is one of the ones on those water-level bridges that you can't actually swim under (on the zone between IC and Nuetropolis, if I recall correctly). Usually, like point 5 said, I have to switch zones to get it to count.
  19. Last night I was playing on a Lambda. In the middle of the fight with Marauder: crash to desktop. I sent the crash report, logged back in, and rejoined the trial. A minute later: crash to desktop. This time, after sending the crash report, I logged back in using safe mode and finished the trial without any further issues. Safe mode works. Remember that the crash handler has only been live since late January. So, for most of the time since the 64-bit upgrade, no one at Homecoming had decent info in why these crashes are occurring or, very likely, how widespread the issue is. With that in mind, I'm both perplexed and disappointed that safe mode is going to be abandoned when people still need it to play the game.
  20. Yeah, I was on one of those runs. Three LAMs, three times Marauder got grenaded. It's an understandable mistake for an excited newbie to make; the game does flash a message telling you to use the grenades. But three times? Though I have to say, I'm surprised that it seems to be someone who was deliberately sabotaging badge runs. I'd assumed it was a frustrated speed runner who was using the their grenade to convert the badge run into the kind of run they wanted. But someone like that wouldn't have waited until Marauder was down that far before using the grenade.
  21. I try never to attribute to malice that which is perfectly explained by stupidity, but grenading Marauder after you'd whittled him down to 1% sure feels like malice.
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