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Ulysses Dare

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Everything posted by Ulysses Dare

  1. Supposedly that data was either erased or turned over to NCsoft as a sacrifice to keep them from coming after SCoRe once word got out.
  2. The Council of "We Ain't Sayin' But Definitely More Than Two".
  3. The change they made was to say that the scarab was alien in origin, rather than being magic. This is a retcon to the Dan Garret's version of Blue Beetle, not Ted Kord's. Ted never used the scarab.
  4. Sad news. I was a fan of his work on Justice League International and Ambush Bug.
  5. マジカル・レインボー ミステリアスなプリティ・ウォリアー きらめくプリンセス aka Magical Rainbow Mysterious Pretty Warrior Sparkling Princess Tragically shortened to "Sparkling Princess" by that mean old character limit.
  6. I have no idea what you think the difference between "Healer" and "healers" is but, as a practical matter, there is none. Either way, it's insulting because it reflects the old school trinity mindset that the character's only purpose is to heal and reinforces the idea that powersets without healing, like FF and TA, are subpar. Now, maybe you just never met any of those people but I can assure you they exist. Back on live I was once kicked from a team the minute I zoned into Steel Canyon and the leader realized I was playing a Trick Arrow defender. I don't recall if they specifically said "you're not a healer" but they certainly made it clear my lack of a heal was the reason.
  7. I played CoH from around Issue 2 until sunset. The game never revolved around the "holy trinity". There were always some people who thought it did; who wouldn't move an inch until their team had a tank and a "healer" (usually meaning an Emp). But most of us just rolled with whatever and it worked just fine.
  8. We have a level one arching! Repeat, level one arching!
  9. I saw the video of a secret server that got posted to the Titan Network and had a front row seat to the ensuing firestorm. Made an account on Bree then, after it imploded, on Homecoming.
  10. I'm quite fond of the Wearing the Cape series by Marion G. Harmon. Fairly straight forward super hijinks but with thought given to how all of this would really work if it happened in the real world.
  11. Oh my goodness, picking just one was hard. Very nice work, all of you.
  12. Dear Devs, thanks for revisiting the decision to remove beanbag.
  13. Acronym and Abbreviation Glossary
  14. I'm not a fan of these two changes. There are people out there who've built characters around these powers and you're pulling the rug out from under them. Some, maybe even most, will adapt. But some won't and will instead retire those characters. A tiny few will be annoyed enough to quit altogether. And for what? No one who wasn't exited about AR before is going to rush to play the set now just because it has Aim. Let AR keep it's distinctive feel. Buff the powers if the set needs it but don't take its existing tools away.
  15. The CW took that approach with Black Lighting and I loved it.
  16. Wild Things (1998). Caught this one as part of a double feature. Based on the marketing my friend and I had assumed it was going to be some forgettable teen drama or romcom. Instead we got an excellent suspense thriller.
  17. A kick animation for Cobra Strike. My savate-using martial artist would greatly appreciate it.
  18. I think I know the one you're talking about. The gang is driving down a road and the Mystery Machine keeps breaking down in front of various spooky locations. Each time, the special guest star pulls out exactly what's needed to fix it, so they don't have to go visit the creepy place. Finally, Fred gets annoyed and just runs the van into a tree. It aired on Cartoon Network, if I'm not mistaken.
  19. Anyone who likes this sort of thing—and, really, who doesn't?—should check out: https://braveandboldlost.blogspot.com/ That said, hands down the strangest actual crossover I've ever seen was IDW's Transformers/My Little Pony.
  20. I'd love it if the destinations for base teleporters were arranged in alphabetical order.
  21. Ohhh, never thought to check out Pitch Meeting's entry on TVTropes. Whelp, there goes my evening.
  22. Bravo. My only critique is you didn't include "hey, shut up."
  23. Well, it's not like they're using it anymore.
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