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Everything posted by Seale
IF you mean temporal : - Passive absorb on top of the recovery ability - highest absorb of all sets (due to the mechanics of the set that may get extra absorb by using chronos which is his buildup) - inner -regen (which is quite nice if you run MO tf's Atom currently while has on paper great stuff, it really is kinda behind dps wise (aside beta decay mechanics the best part of atom set it's his holds both pbaoe and single)
unless they changed anything on the test server on /ninja (which doesnt appear so) you just made the mistake to check your all values affecting the damage number (and that's why you still see the bonus that get hinder on bottom of the list once your in combat for subsequent strikes) it work kinda like stealth : you will see 3.5 value defense then in combat you see 2 of them 1.75 and 1.75 (first one that you keep, 2nd one that will be not considered in the final value due to the attacked status) basically shinobi is (43.75% damage and 20% hit each 30 sec on the first hit going down to 5% hit and 6% damage in combat) to not make huge mistakes just keep tracking the value of to hit and damage both in combat and not (keep in mind ur skills will increase the damage aswell, mind what you use while testing) best of luck :)
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that 's a really nice build @HelenCarnate altho a bit over the top defense wise pre incarnate but i can see why you gone for that, i may probably just debate that 6 slot in whirlpool (kd proc is quite crap there, going for 5 slot and getting rid of the numina in health will allow him to go full 6 slot reactive defense in weave, placing the 5th lotg in vengeance instead of tactics being a non sniper build, achieving then more defense, better endurance ratio and perma hasten). nonetheless great build (unless the op will seek something with ice mastery, again it's a problem to know in advance what thematic builds want ^^'. being water a bit different playstile wise i would probably also place that gaussian in shinobi instead of the scaling (that will go in weave), and just go recharge on tidal forces (to have a easier kb on demand by charges of tidal) but guess is personal preference there 😄
need a little more details to help you ^^'... what can be changed ? - just set slots placement or we can ask you if she can give up some stuff (running a blaster without the resist or defense ability in the anc/epic pool usually lead to fast death) - she want mystic fly instead of super speed or she doesnt mind ? - your looking for a pre incarnate build ? - she want just to keep the primary/secondary/mastery choise and it's free for changes ? let us know the limitation 😉 without those info you may get the wrong help
Focused Feedback: Devices, Stealth and Misc Power changes
Seale replied to Leandro's topic in Open Beta Testing
would love that one 😄 -
i love the topic , i really do, despise how subjective and different the answer from everyone will come out, due to real strict personal PoV. BUT.... and this is where we kinda go in a shaky landing....... the current changes into the beta test server on /device will not just change totally the ranking people may come up currently, but also shift the truthfull answers due to incoming possible nerfs to new i25 sets mentioned in the justin beta patch thread. aside that, im curious to see other answers on the topic
So /ma blasters... y'all are ctrl+clicking Inner Will, right?
Seale replied to Replacement's topic in Blaster
never ever liked to have it on auto, sadly is one of the few exception where i want to have a full control on where it has to be used (isnt even on a bind of any sort for me, just on a right shortcut) -
play a /nrg based blaster for me means i run with bind otherwise i die inside : /bind w "+forward$$powexec_name Energize" /bind s "+backward$$powexec_name Power Boost" write each once and never look back on that toon, it basically just say "when my character move forward using W it use energize, when i move back by pressing s it use power boost". (avoid side bind is a good way to still use animation skip) now said so : the secondary offer some really nice stuff once you have powerboost perma, but sadly i find that stuff dead usually harm less then just stuff able to get up again, so i usually avoid to play primary nrg. any blaster can solo to a certain degree.... sure it may not be your MoTf run blaster or your 4x8 best toon with /nrg but you still can get some original builds out of that secondary
you make me feel such a good boy! since i mainly use min-max blasters im used to check peoples builds and decide how to behave accordingly, not uncommon that i just sit back and throw 1 or 2 crap just to add damage and let other have some fun (or just try to speed up shiz by going on a different side), that is with pug....(with people from sg is war! kill faster then them!) but sometimes is not even on purpose (happens a lot you just queue your snipe due to rotation and the target die fast, you swap to the next one, snipe it out of existance and you see the scrappy or the brute stop, turn 180 degree and look at you with that "wtf" face)
Focused Feedback: Devices, Stealth and Misc Power changes
Seale replied to Leandro's topic in Open Beta Testing
basically /Ninja trade a targetting drone 18.5% to-hit buff for the same mechanics with way lower value (43.75% damage and 20% hit each 30 sec on the first hit going down to 5% hit and 6% damage in combat) looks quite weird... (also having 20% damage permanently up no matter what is a bit too close to even /martial CHANCE to get damage of 37.5 that require a proc to actually work)...... i would lower the bonus to the same value as /ninja and give such set some sort of targetting drone aswell to balance it out.... does targetting drone actually even lose the to hit bonus with this change ? -
ok let's tackle this : mostly depends if you have the money to afford stuff or not, usually by level 25 is when you start to dump stuff on AT sets, Luck of the gamble recharge on your stuff (i remake them at 50 to +5 them but since you dont really want to gimp yourself on lower level content you may want to skip the +5 part and just attune shit up), then i build the sets that are lower level then 50 and will get attuned too (kinetic combat / rectified recticle / call to arms and so on) and make the procs that wont change level wise like panacea-miracle-preventive medicine-performance shifter. only things that i usually change between xp and final build is usually the temporary IO's non set and the Lotg recharge that i like to have +5 instead of attuned on level 50 and im forced to re-do
is a 15% hit / 37.5% dmg buff , has no internal cooldown, or better is on a 10 sec cooldown same as the effect that is easy to keep up against AV (is a buff for spamming builds that keep it up almost always up, at least i do with fire primary). you cant enhance it but it doesnt require a target to be hit to proc (is affected by the skill going off, you can triple "burst of speed" and almost guarantee a proc before a fight)
really tough to help you there man..... it's a thin layer of ice what separate trying to be helpful to appear ducey in point you some decision you may have taken for your own personal playstile. With that in mind, and trying to limit as much as possible the answer to the precise stuff you asked : sort of correct, the recharge is based on the base value of the skill reduced by the total of your recharge and skill recharge slots, usually you just aim to reach a perma hasten and check the cd for stuff you really want to improve (by that example your panacea should go in health, being health regen based off your max hp and not really a good way to increase survivability (aside for /mental that boost it to 1700% in farming), this way you should gain 7.5 recharge global from another luck of the gamble in vengeance and you will be able to change some other slots while i still see the resistance really low, till you dont feel restrained it's all good while the stealth effect radius of a slot bonus stack with super speed stealth effect radius and with a single toggle primary stealth power, the benefit to go from 70 to 100 stealth radius is really not that much needed, totally your choise but not a waste by itself. gave you an answer to that before, to go more in deep what you gain is 15% regen out of currently 500 (again not worth it) on a non hp build blaster, if you wanna use the slots in health/field operative for healing based ios, place panacea / miracle proc in either of those for the stamina regen, another really good proc is actually the one from preventive medicine absorb proc (lifesaver on a blaster)
doest it work ? yes, or better, sort of..... while /atom is actually a really nice secondary you need to understand the pro and cons of the build : - Rad suffer of 2 main issue : rad is along sonic and beam (and in some degree dual pistol) a "debuffing" set, and as such while you get a bit more damage as a blaster with it, the debuff you inflict with any of those set both defense wise and resistance wise is MUCH lower then their counterpart as corruptor/defender) Neutron bomb (your fireball/lightning ball attack like) has a HORRIBLE animation (and it doesnt have an alternative choise) so you will either have to skip an aoe on target skill or suffer a 1.8 animation (in reality more like 3 seconds) for no real reason - /Atom is a good secondary BUT you have to keep in mind that while the "taunt" in beta decay is not actually a taunt but just a heavy debuff effect that will lure attention of mob not aggroed by other people in your team, still is a set that is quite squishy with really low to no defensive ability (you rely on beta decay debuff hit and on one of the best skill of this set, Radioactive cloud which is a pbaoe hold with really short animation. with this in mind, if you are set to play /atom you put yourself in the idea to play an aggressive short range / close combat blaster (so you may need to set your build accordingly)
too bad you asked for a space marine for theme, otherwise i would've gone original and suggested a commando/predator kind of style and said AR/Ninja. Why? /Ninja is sort of a /Device secondary (you get 20 hit and 45 damage each 30 sec as a first hit, then you drop to perma 5% hit 6.25 damage, which still is not too bad for AR, binding powder and choking powder are actually nice cc abilities, the only real loss is gun drone and maybe caltrops compared to /device but with way better slot savings) otherwise /energy is an obvious power-game choise (if you bind stuff otherwise you will go insane)
if instead of good you mean thematic to look like Christian Bale in Equilibrium : sure otherwise being dp already a not so amazing primary (lack of snipe, damage based on lethal, lack of aim) i guess it doesnt change much what you pick on secondary for a casual build edit to add : if i were forced to play dp on a blaster (which i would ask then, why not corrupt or defender instead?) i would probably going for ice rather then martial, difference isnt huge but since you are stuck for a crapload of time in hail of bullet animation without chance to move and on blaster the defense bonus you get isnt even that great, at least ice frigid protection would lower the damage of enemies which the martial counterpart actually lack into reaction time)
- if you love to play with bind, go energy to solve the huge problem of water (lack of snipe, so lack of +range it's kinda a disadvantage for some encounter), again i wouldnt touch energy secondary with a stick if i wouldnt bind energize/boost - if you are afraid to be squishy you can consider temporal or plant (i would stay away from martial since water tidal forces is a lower effect aim and you gonna lack a proper buildup, and ice manipulation aura is more around a closeup playstile) - if you want just some passive boost you may consider tactical arrow, since the usefull stuff hardly pull off the bow anyway
to see the damage of the skill itself (not by use) right click the skill in game and go on info (luckly for you it doesnt miss tooltip as a skill) to see the damage of it in the combat log you need to have -pet damage inflicted- in the combat log (right click combat log, add pet damage inflicted, press ok) have fun
have 7 full set/incarnate blaster 50 and did 6 other in the 40-44 range in homecoming, so i can kinda give you an objective PoV for /martial (keep in mind, i wont touch pvp subject, not the right forum for it) : Martial set is 1 of the 4 secondary set of blaster that will give you absorb shield in his sustained power (other are temporal / plant / ice ) , it lacks hold, immobilization and buildup (has a variance of the last one), and offer some blapping not so useful skill in his set. now, this "not so flattering" description may make it sound crap so let's go a little more in deep in the set presentation : what makes this set special ? - Ki push : this sort of blapping skill, replace your usual immobilize first skill, is a punch that will repel a single opponent with a fast animation, it is not too bad as a tradeoff (due to repel mechanics), on a decent build you end up having it at 1.5 second cooldown with 1 second of animation. - as mentioned before, the absorb sustained toggle (Reaction Time) : this work quite like ice manipulation shield frigid protection (without the damage debuff and affecting 1 target less, only offer slow and recharge debuff passive, they also share the same value for them even if the game loves to write wrong value of the martial effect while giving you the same result ) in a 30 feet radius (quite huge) with a small higher animation cast time to toggle it on (this to prevent possible exploits with the effect once you turn it off, since it give you a speed and recharge boost for 10 seconds ONCE the power is deactivated, worry not, it's 90% useless this part), note n1 : same as temporal manipulation, it get benefit from incarnate clarion special effect boost, in fact increasing the amount of absorb of each tick under his effect note n2 : in group or in stealth, non aggroed mob in range with your aura WILL get aggro by the debuff, so this set require you to deactivate the absorb if you plan to stealth - Burst of speed : now this is a teleport with good range (200 base affected by range modification), with a pbaoe on destination (aoe on target but you basically go INTO that target) on a small radius, the nice part is you can actually use it 3 times with a really small delay in between before it goes into cooldown (it will actually go in cooldown for 1 second each time you use it just to reset till you used it 3 times), still it offer a lot of potential fun combo (especially if you slot a chance of kd in it), each use give you a negligeable boost of damage (2.6% for each) - Reach for the Limit : you gave up build up for this always active power, basically instead of a boost of 20% hit / 100% dmg of a buildup you will get a chance to trigger a 15% hit / 37.5% dmg buff. now the tradeoff looks terrible, but is not so dire if you consider that, it proc on damaging skill use (your burst of speed can trigger it even if you tp without hit anything same as gtaoe's, ground target aoe like rains) and seems to lack an internal cooldown since it kinda loves to refresh itself on a proper spamming build. - last but not least, Inner Will : this skill is a status cleanse with a heal, that offer a status boost and status resistance buff on use : sadly it can be used only if either your health or your stamina is under 50%, or if you are under a status effect. While you wont really abuse it before incarnate, it will quite shine once you reach endgame (you will get used to his weird activation time, it's a fast animation but require no skill spam to trigger), only downside, you wont be able to have it perma up (you will end up having 10 second cooldown between uses) final verdict : who should go for /martial ? is a solid secondary for blaster, that will love to give you wrong value when you power analize mob (-340 movement!), good if you wanna build it in special builds (soul mastery kinda shine with inner will), or you want to save a clarion spot and still be able to solo stuff thanks to a good abs, downside is the lack of recharge (and it require a good spamming primary set and build for it to shine), some mechanics that wont really be blaster friendly in their use before 50, and the lack of a hold built into the secondary itself. p.s. : i skip the description of the melee blapping skill like storm kick, dragon's tail(small pbaoe), throw sand(cone stun), eagle claw (bad animation high damage blap) aside for the fact i dont really like blapping, i find out of all 4 of those the only viable without actually lose dps, would be storm kick but you will have better option most of the time. hope that helps
so...... it's a lil OVERstacked defense wise and lacks recharge quite a bit, even by placing more gamble into hover and maneuvers that you miss currently. also since you gone for the fire mastery direction, char is absolutelly superior compared to timestop in every single way (i may debate the choise of the slotting into the hold like that but it's really up to you). Fire breath is also kinda a wasted slot (animation way too long for his effect) but it's really everything going back to the root of the problem being a build mainly defensive and lacking recharge that probably made you do that choise. Time shift is kinda a wasted slot too but you may have taken it for mule slotting so it's kinda tough to judge the choise there ps. you currently dont even perma hasten, that's how much you currently lack recharge, a blaster has to do damage, doesnt matter if you group or if you solo, if you wanna just cc stuff and kill slowly there are better AT's then blaster, this current blaster is probably 20%-25% less efficient then a usual properly built one (dont get my post in the wrong way btw 😉 is just my 2 cent on this build you posted and you asked opinion about ) Best of luck :)
well there are indeed some "paper theory" description of powers in that post, the recharge from it comes ONLY when you deactivate (or lose) the toggle for 10 seconds.... since the animation from it lack an alternative faster option, you are either bound to deactivate the power, cast it again (and stay in a 2 seconds animation rooting you on the ground) for the recovery/abs value, or just more normally ignore the recharge speed value. All Absorb value from - Martial - Ice - Time - Plant are all the same (but dont work on the same way, for example you cant benefit from a clarion special effect with plant abs compared to the time one that it IS affected, both normal and the proc from chronos)
the taunt of beta decay in /atom is a non-issue (is not really a taunt as you can see in his details of the skill), but it's true that you will end up playing that blaster more like a corruptor /time then anything else. /Time Benefit better survivability (abs is stupidly strong) better average recharge (20% fixxed by timelord + 30% for 10 sec by chronos) slightly better secondary pbaoe due to animation faster /Atom Benefit best achievable recharge amount vs multiple enemy due to possible (20% fixxed by metabolic accelleration + 0/100% by beta decay) better hold (longer duration, faster animation) slightly better buildup (ionize offer 100% damage compared to the 81.25 of chronos) passive -hit/defense on 15 radius from beta decay so really endup in your playstile : if you want consistency and better survivability go for /time, if you dont mind to toggle on and off beta decay while you travel and can survive without abs, go for atom. small edit : just saw you mentioned ice as primary, would probably dont go for either one of those and pick tactical arrow for that
level 35 ability : Call hawk - Wrongly have the Dominator archetype sets allowed in slotting in his enhancement description level 38 ability : Feral Charge Wrongly have the Dominator archetype sets allowed in slotting in his enhancement description Has a description of a Ranged attack, while being a melee single hit teleport on a target (differently on Pine's is actually a pbaoe on dominator) Lack damage value in his description