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Everything posted by rizlazz

  1. I typically do solo runs until the Steel Canyon missions and if I am running a non armoured type I typically use Complete on the Chernabog mission in KR. I will do the mission itself but bail when I get to him. He hits the squishy real hard (there are exceptions but not many so far)
  2. gooner originally was the nickname for Arsenal FC (soccer, for our US cousins) fans, it has become... different. Although in some respects, i.e. performance of the team lately, maybe not so much as one might like. The image above is Arsenal winning the FA cup (I think, it's been a minute since they have done that and I'm old so my memory is kinda iffy)
  3. I have a mercs/ff mastermind who is a lot of fun. there's a lot to be said about standing in a pile of shell cases and bouncing bad guys off walls with a repulsion bolt while they get turned into chutney.
  4. July 4th? oh, you mean Thanksgiving...
  5. the Discord is all over it, apparently some internal routing issues at the host datacenter.
  6. made it just under the wire, first time in ages. Way to go Devs, you're knocking it out of the park. If I happen to meet any of you in person the First 3 rounds are on me.
  7. ignore me, just sitting here chuckling at your sig... As far as old school, a level 6 running alllll the way across The Hollows to get to the mission and hoping like hell you don't mistime a jump and end up in a ravine full of red-con igneous was always a fun time. Then you would get out of the mission and pray that a Taxi-Bot was on duty at the gate so you didn't have to do it all the way back again.
  8. Esme with a stick gives a new meaning to 'headology' lol
  9. I have been reading a post from @Ultimo recently about an AE they have been building. I've run through it a couple of times and have enjoyed it quite a bit. the ARC ID is 49460 and the title is The World at War. It has some cool maps and mechanics. found the thread - here edit: trying to work out how to tag people.
  10. Darth Nostalgia is a great name, shouldn't your saying be 'Your powers are weak and nothing like they were in the old days' 😉
  11. Krimson, you got a leveling build idea for that? dont need a build per se, just an idea of power path, what to take or skip kind of thing. Although a build would be lovely if you have the time/inclination.
  12. literally coughed beer out my nose at this, it reminded me of when Spidey became my favourite comic hero. He jumped off a ledge and kicked some poor schlep in the face and said "pardon my ahtletes foot guys" thanks dude, I have to clean my keyboard now but it was worth it.
  13. thanks for the suggestions, I truly appreciate the time you took to respond. From the feedback I have rolled up a fire/ice tank and a traps/elec defender, Time to hit the bricks.
  14. I was one of the older players in the live game and I'm no younger now. My SG is...well.. they seem to have either more time than I do or they are are a lot more 'in the milieu' so to speak. So to all the other old peeps out there I have some questions: 1. my old school shit aint cutting it, what do you do 2. I need something that allows my stupid old reflexes to not kill the team (or myself if I am solo) 3. I like doing missions. Team or Solo 4. I dont care about AT or theme, i just want to not be the old guy that wiped us Its a level build teach me
  15. y'know what? that's an excellent point I hadn't considered. Thanks @Nerva.
  16. Long time player, finally got to donate today, Happy with the status quo, My Suggestion is, make the donate link a stickie on all forums, at the top, and to do the same on the Discord at the appropriate time.
  17. I thought there was a Suppress F/X toggle somewhere in the graphic settings. I know when it came out there were some issues with it but that was 'a long time ago in a galaxy far far away' so maybe its been fixed during the snap?
  18. a mental image not for the faint hearted
  19. a good friend of mine that joined when I did allll the way back in beta had an energy/energy blaster that he played every day for at least a half hour. That guy was maybe level 25 when the game went dark, bu the had uncovered every single zone of every single map thanks to invisibility. He didnt care about leveling, or missions, or anything else other than exploring all the zones. He just wanted to wear spandex and fly about seeing what was to be seen. When the game came back he didnt know until I told him about it and he immediately (and I mean immediately, he was at work and hauled his laptop out of his bag and fired it up trusting that his friendly sysadmin, me, would make it right) and re-rolled the same toon, with the same sets and costume, and that night he and I did the lowbie stuff on repeat until he had got to about 25 and then he slotted up up invis and added the celerity IO to fly and started to do it again. If you ever saw a small scale white costume with blue dots on it just zooming along in a place where there is no way he was supposed to be, that was him. Sadly he is gone now. He passed earlier this year, the cancer got him when all the Shadow Shard eyeballs couldn't. He wanted me to take over his account and finish it but I cant bring myself to do it. Every time I log in I see his name on my Global list and can kind of persuade myself that he will be on later. edit, because its hard to get punctuation right when your eyes are dirty. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.
  20. if you can hit them as they fall do you get credit for them when they "land" ?
  21. He got better...
  22. never hit 50 since 2004
  23. I have spent.. maybe a minute or 3... and downloaded a copy of all of JJDrakken's buids to date (6/30/2021) a zip of those builds is attached. Some of them may be duplicates because, frankly, I got a bit spacey after about the 700 mark, but some of them look like duplicates because they are different types of build for the same AT/Set. Working out which are which?, well at this point, may the odds be ever in your favour. I do not plan on doing that trip again and JJ, thank you. mids builds.zip edit: there are 1144 mids builds in this file.
  24. I happened across the news when it first broke and (not really) helped with error messages and such trying to connect when it first went up. I'm not ashamed to say that when the load screen cleared in front of Atlas that first time and the music played and there were hero's coming in from all directions, I had an eyeball leak for a hot second. Welcome home Arseovrteakettl and Black Talon. May your positional defense be strong and your fists be righteous in their anger.
  25. @Hyperstrike I have been meaning to thank you for posting this build somewhere else and now I have the chance, so thank you. It's pretty and strong in all the best ways. Energizer bunny doesn't do it justice, he is about lvl 40 or so as I took a break for alt-itis reasons but all the inf i make goes to email to complete his build. of course, now I am thinking about dark so the alt train thunders on...
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